May 9, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 975 King’s Lynn, May 30.—For supply of best Portland hards or other good engine coal, at per ton of 20 cwt., to be delivered at the new Wiggenhall goods siding, Great Eastern Railway, for the Magdalen Drainage Com- missioners. Lincoln, May 17.— For supply of 30,000 tons of screened or unscreened gas coal and nuts, for the Gas Committee. Littleport, May 14. — For supplying to Littleport Station, Great Eastern Railway, 350 tons of gas coal during the twelve months ending June 30, 1914, for the directors of the Littleport Gas Company. London, May 14.—Sealed tenders for military services, during 12 months, from July 1, 1913, will be received until 12 o’clock noon on Wednesday, May 14, 1913, by the general officers commanding the various districts. Officer Com- manding, Army Service Corps. London, May 15.—For the supply of coals and coke to their various establishments in the borough (excluding special coal to the electric lighting station and public baths) for twelve months from June 1, for the Hamptead Borough Council. London, May 17.—For supply of steam and house coal to St. Thomas’s Hospital during 12 months commencing June 1. London, May 19.—The Council of the Metropolitan Borough of St. Marylebone invite tenders for the supply of coal and best gas coke for the period commencing July 1, 1913, and ending June 30, 1914. Printed form to be obtained, with further particulars, upon application at the Town Hall, Marylebone-lane, Oxford-street, W. London, May 29.—For the supply of coal to the various establishments, as well as coal (out-relief), for the ensuing 12 months, for the Southwark Guardians. Mansfield, May 21.—For 1,000 tons of cannel and 14,000 tons of best screened gas coal, delivered at Mansfield Station for one year from July 1, 19|3, to June 30, 1914, for the Corporation. Mitchelstown (Ireland), May 22.—For a supply of 120 tons of best coal, for the Guardians. Naas (Ireland), May 14.—For the supply of 150 tons of best Whitehaven coal, for the Guardians. Portsmouth, May 14.—For supply of about 1,300 tons of Welsh steam coal, including delivery, for the Guardians. Ramsgate, May 12.—For the supply of 22,000, 44,000 and 66,000 tons (one, two and three years’ supply respectively) of best quality soft caking and gas-producing screened Durham or other coal, for the Corporation, delivered free into carts on the quay at Ramsgate Harbour, or free into the stores at the gasworks. Rochester, May 21.—For the supply of 34,000 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Rochester, Chatham and Gillingham Gas Company. Royston (Herts).—For the supply of 240 tons steam coal to Water Company at Royston, Herts, for the directors. Wick, May 12.—For supply of about 2,000 tons best screened gas coking coal f.o.b. to be delivered as required during ensuing year, for the Wick and Pulteneytawn Gas- light Company. Wishaw (Scotland), May 17.—For the supply of 8,000 tons of cannel coal, screened splint gas coal, and coking coal, also washed coking nuts (doubles and trebles), for the Corporation. date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received CONTRACTS OPEH FOR EHGIHEER1HG. IROB ARD STEEL WORK. Ac. Abbeyleix (Ireland), May 13.—Well Sinking.—For (1) sinking a well and erecting a pump at Ballytarsna, Castletown E D.; (2) sinking a well and erecting a pump at Windsor, Caher Electoral Division, for the Rural District Council. Ashington, May 19.—Stone Drift Driving.—For driving of a stone drift about 550 yards long, 12 ft. by 7 ft., rising 6 in. to the yard. Birmingham, May 15.—Well and Borehole.—For the construction of a cast iron lined well, and also for sinking a borehole below the bottom of same, for the Corporation. Bury, May 13.— Weighbridge.—For the supply of a 30- ton railway weighbridge, for the Corporation. Clydach Vale.—Pit Re-sinking.—For the re-sinking of a pit 14 ft. in the clear, 9 in. walling, from the 6 ft. seam to the Red Vein, a distance of 25 yards approximately; also for the sinking of a pit 12 ft. diameter from the Red Vein to the upper 5 ft., a distance of 50 yards approximately, for the Cambrian Collieries Limited, Clydach Vale. Douglas (Lanark).—Shaft Sinking.—For sinking the shafts at Glespin Colliery to a further depth of 14 fathoms. Dundee, May 12 —Cast Iron Pipes.—For a quantity of 2 in., 3 in., 4 in., and 6 in. cast iron pipes, to be delivered at Maryfield Station, Dundee, for the Water Commissioners. Grimsby.—Electrical Plant Extension.—For the following, for the Corporation:—(No. 102) Extension of main switch- board ; (No. 103) additional steam, exhaust, and other pipe- work ; (No. 104) extension of existing Klein cooling towers; (No. 1U5) conduits for laying underground for electric cables; (No. 106) seven-way d.p. distribution board for 100 ampere circuits ; (No. 107) motor-driven rotary air and water extraction pumps and circulating pump for con- densing plant, for the Corporation. Harpenden, May 23.—Pumping Machinery.—For the provision and erection of pumping machinery, comprising oil or other suitable engines, dynamos, pumps, and motors, and other incidental works, at the new sewage disposal works, for the Urban District Council (Contract No. 6). Keighley, May 12.—Geared Runways.—For 10-ton and 5-ton traversing geared runways, together with girders— viz., one straight length, suitable for 20 tons, 29 ft. long ; one curved length, suitable for 10 tons, 23 ft. long. Leeds, May 19.—Iron Flooring.—For the extension of engine-room flooring, comprising girders and iron plates, at the generating station, 1, Whitehall-road, Leeds, for the Corporation. London, May 14.—Metals, tyc.—For the supply and delivery of the following, for the directors of the East India Railway Company :—(1) Metals ; (2) spring steel; (3) steel boiler tubes; (4) rails and fishplates; as per specifications, to be seen at the company’s offices. London, May 14.—Rails and Fishplates.— For 922 tons of flat-footed rails (N.S.), 75 lb. per yard; 3,336 pairs of fishplates, for the Madras Port Trust. London, May 16.—Steel Rails, fyc.—The Crown Agents for the Colonies, acting on behalf of the Federated Malay States Government, invite tenders for the supply of about 6,100 tons of Bessemer acid steel rails weighing 60 lb. and 80 lb. per yard, together with angle fishplates. Mardy, May 26.—Pit Sinking.—For sinking a pit at Mardy, in the Rhondda Fach Valley, estimated depth 385 yards, for Locket’s Merthyr Collieries Limited. Melbourne (Australia), May 16.—Overhead Travelling Crane.—For the supply of one. 15-ton overhead travelling crane, for the Corporation. Melbourne (Australia), June 2.—Suburban Railways Elctrification.—For 20,000 volt high-tension switchgear, low- tension switchgear, and accessories, for the power station and sub-stations to be constructed in connection with the electrification of the Melbourne Suburban Railways now being carried out, for the Agent-General for Victoria. Rathmines (Dublin), May 19.—Condensing Plant.—For an electrically-driven jet-condensing plant, for the Rath- mines and Rathgar Urban District Council. Rochdale, May 21.—Boiler-feed Pumps —For the supply, delivery, and erection at the electric power station, Dane- street, Rochdale, of boiler-feed pumps, for the Corporation (Contract A74). Skegness, May 15 —Pumps.—For the supply and erec- tion complete in the existing pumping station at Skegness of a set of three-throw ram pumps for sewage, capacity 25,000 gallons hourly, belt-driven from exhausting engine, for the Urban District Council. Sofia (Bulgaria), May 29.—Steam Engines, tyc.—H.M. Minister at Sofia reports that tenders are invited for the supply of two locomotive boilers, two steam engines, three dynamos and one electric motor, with accessories, required for the “ Pernik ” State coalmine.* Trondhjem (Norway), May 14—Bar Iron, fa.—H.M. Consul at Christiania (Mr. E. F. Gray) reports that tenders are invited by the Norwegian State Railways Authorities for the supply of bar iron, iron plates, and angle iron required in the Trondhjem District.* Walthamstow, May 28.—Cooling Tower.—For the supply, delivery, and erection of a natural draught cooling tower at the Electricity Works, Priory-avenue, Waltham- stow, for the Urban District Council (contract U.). * Specifications, particulars, &c., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. THE FREIGHT MARKET. The outward freight market on the north-east coast has been rather less than normally active, at rates which show little improvement on those of the previous week. Coasting business is based on from 3s. to 3s. 3d. to London from the Tyne, and from 3s. 3d. to 3s. 6d. to Hamburg. The Baltic ranges from 5s. to 5s. 9d. to Cronstadt, with a tendency towards the lower rate at the time of writing. The Bay is rather firmer, at 5s. 6d. to Bordeaux. The Mediterranean is steady, at 9s. 6d. to Genoa. At South Wales chartering has been moderately active, but is now very slow, in view of the approaching holidays. Rates all round are about steady. Transactions are restricted, owing to stemming difficulties. At the Clyde business is dull and featureless. At the Humber the market is quiet, and chartering retarded until after the Whitsun holidays. Homewards, Odessa advices report a fairly good forward enquiry for tonnage at steady rates. Prompt rates are fairly well maintained. The Azof and Danube are unaltered. Eastern chartering is slow, but rates are very firm, owing to shortage of tonnage. The Mediterranean and ore trades are quietly steady. The Baltic is active and unaltered. America is unchanged. The River Plate is dull and weak. Tyne to Archangel, 1,700, 5s.4jd.; Antwerp, 1,250, 4s. 3d.; Algiers, 3,200, 8s. 3d., from Dunston ; Bordeaux, 2,400, 5s. 6d., 400 ; Barcelona, 5,800, 9s. 3d. ; Calais, 2,500, 4s. ; 2.200, 3s. 9d. ; Cronstadt, 2,200, 5s. 9d. ; 4,700, 5s. 4|d. ; 4,700, 5s. ; Genoa, 4,800, 9s. 6d. ; 5,800, 9s. 6d. ; Gibraltar, 2,100, 8s. ; Guernsey, 800, 5s. 4|d.; Hamburg, 2,500, 3s. 3d.; 2 000, 3s. 6d. ; 1,700, 3s. 6d. ; 2,000, 3s 6d., from Dunston ; Harburg, 2,500, 3s. 6d. ; Kustendje, 3,200, 16s., coke ; Las Palmas, 1,500, 9s. 3d. ; 5,000, 9s. ; Lisbon, 2,600, 7s. 3d., 300; London, 1,200, 3s. 3d. ; Marseilles, 4.300, 9s. 3d., 600, from Dunston ; Malta, 750, part cargo, 9s. ; Memel, 1,600,4s. 6d.; Manager, 1,700, 4s. 10|d. ; Naples, 4,700, 9s. 4|d., 700; Port Said, 6,700, 9s. 6d. ; Pillau, 2,100, 4s. 7£d. ; Palma, 2,000, 10a. 6d. ; Rouen, 1,700, 5s. ; Rochefort, 1,700, 5s. 9d. ; Savona, 4.800, 9s. 6d. ; St. Petersburg, 5,200, 5s. l$d. ; St. Nazaire, 3,400, 5s. l|d. ; Sundsvall, 1,400, 5s. 9d. ; Tunis, 2,400, Ils. 9d., 300 ; Venice, 4,800, 10s. 10|d. Cardiff to Arzew, 2,700, 8s. 9d., May ; Almeria, 2,700,10s.; Alexandria, 5,000, 9s. 6d., May 15; Algiers, 2,900, lift.; 3.200, 11 fr., May 15; 3,700, 11 fr., May 19; Bizerta, 3,800, 11| fr.; Barcelona, 3,300, 10s. 6d. ; Brest, 1,800, 4s. 6d.; Bilbao, 2,100, 6s. 6d.; Bombay, 6,000, 13s ; Cork, 500, 4s. 6d.; Cromarty, 2,200, 3s. 9d., Admiralty; Dieppe, 1,900, 4s. 3d.; Genoa, 6,200, 9s. 6d.; 5,000, 9s. 6d.. May; 2 800, 9s. 9d., May 16; Gibraltar, 2,100, 8s. 7£d.; Havre, 1,900, 4s. 3d.; Islands, 3,800, 9s., May 14; Las Palmas, 3.800, 9s.; Lisbon, 1,400, 7s. 3d , 400 ; 2,200, 7s., 350; 2,600, 7s., 500, May 14; Malta, 3 500, 7s. 4|d., Admiralty; 3,400, 8s. 6d., May 19; Port Said, 5 000, 9s. 6d, May 15; 6 000, 9s. 6d., May 12; Palermo, 2,200, 10s. 9d.; Para, 2,500, 16s , May 19; Piraeus, 4,500, 10s. 6d.,450 ; River Plate, 18s.; 18s. 3d., May ; 5,000, 18s. 6d , May 15; Rio de Janeiro, 5,500, 18s. 3d.; 5.500, 17s.; 17s., 500, or 17s. 6d,300; Reval, 2,200, 4s. 3d„ 350; Riga, 2,200, 4s. 3d., 350; Savona, 6,200, 9s. 6d.; 5 000, 9s. 6d., May; 2,800, 9s. 9d., May 16; Spezzia, 6,200, 9s. 6d.; 5,000, 9s. 6d., May; St. Nazaire, 2,400, 6| fr.; 3,300 6| fr.; May 20; Venice. 5,000, Ils.; 6,800, Ils.; 500, May ; Valencia, 1500, 10s. 6d.; Wei-hai-wai, 5,000, 18s. 3d. coal, 19s. fuel; May 15, Admiralty. Blyth to St. Petersburg, 2,000, 5s. 9d.; Cronstadt, 2,600, 5s. 9d.; Memel, 1,400, 4s. 9d. Swansea to Cantania, 10s., 700, May ; 2,900, 10s. 3d. coal, Ils. fuel; Torre Annunziata, 2,500, 10s. 6d., 800; Naples, 2.500, 10s. 6d., 800; Algiers, 4,000, 11| fr. and 12| fr.; St. Malo, 1,300,5s.; La Rochelle, 1,800, 6| fr.; Taranto, 2,800, Ils. 6d. coal, 12s. 3d. fuel; Caen, 950, 5s. 3d.; 900, 5s. 7id.; Cherbourg, 750, 5s. 9d. and 6s. 3d.; Venice, 5,800, Ils. 3d., May 10; Oran, 4,000, 13| and 14| fr., May 15; Bayonne, 2.200, 7| and 8 fr.; Stockholm, 1,700, 6s.; Corcubion, 9s.; Bordeaux, 2,300, 7 fr.; Rouen, 2,900, 5s. 3d.; Stettin, 1,200, 5s. 3d.; Calais, 1,300, 4s. 9d.; Chantenay, 3,300, 6’37| fr.; Brest, 950, 9s. 10|d.; Fecamp. 550, 6s. Glasgow to Alexandria, 10s. 6d., 300-500 tons general, May ; 6,500, 9s. 10|d.; Buenos Ayres, 17s. 6d.; Genoa, 3,600, 9s.; Rio de Janeiro, 17s. 6d., May ; Barcelona, 9s. 4|d. Neath Abbey to Dieppe, 700, 5s. 7|d. Hamburg to Honolulu, sail, 20s.; Charleston and Jackson- ville, 10s. 9d., May. Antwerp to Buenos Ayres, sail, 22s. 6d., cement. Wales to Antofagasta or Mejillones, sail, 16s., fuel. Immingham to Riga, 2,400, 5s. 4|d.; Genoa, 2,700, 10s.; Savona, 2,700, 10s. Bo’ness to Hamburg, 2,100, 4s. Wear to St. Nazaire, 2,700, 5s. lid.; Cronstadt, 2,200, 5s. 6d.; Bordeaux, 4,000, 5s. 4^d.; 3,000, 5s. 4|d. Methil to Genoa, 9s. 71d.; Leghorn, 9s. 7|d.; Spezzia, 9s. 7|d. Hull to Cronstadt, 2.800, 5s.; 4,000, 5s.; 2,700, 5s. 3d. ; Kiel, 1,200, 5s. lid.; Pernau, 1,600, 5s. 6d.; Riga, 1,750, 5s. 6d.; Rotterdam, 1,350,3s. l|d. Goole to Rouen, 1,200, 5s. 3d. Fife port to Cronstadt, 4,300, 5s. 3d.; 4.500, 5s. 6d.; Bruges, 650, 4s. 9d.; Abo, 1,500, 5s. 6d.; Swinemunde, 2,000, 4s. 9d. Amble to Cronstadt, 1,600, 6s. Port Talbot to Bordeaux, 2,500, 6j fr., May 13; Nantes, 1,500, 7 fr.; Alexandria, 4,600, 9-*. 6d, 700, May; Genoa, 3.200, 9s. 6d.; Lisbon, 2,600, 7s , 500, May 17. Havre to United States p