Mat 9, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 963 Prices at pit (except where otherwise stated). Current Last week’s House coal:— prices. prices. Best ... 16/3 16/3 Do. (f.o.b. Garston, net) 16/9 to 17/ 16/9 to 17/ Medium 14/6 14/6 Do. (f.o.b. Garston, net) 15/3 to 15/6 15/3 to 15/6 Kitchen 12/3 12/3 •Common (f.o.b. Garston, net) 13/9 to 14/6 13/9 to 14/6 Screened forge coal Seat screened steam coal 12/6 to 13/ 12/6 to 13/ (f.o.b.) 14/ to 14/6 13/9 to 14/6 Best slack 10/6 10/6 Secondary slack 9/9 9/9 Oommon do 9/3 9/3 South Lansashlro and Cheshire. COAL. The Manchester Coal Exchange was well attended on Tuesday. The approaching Whitsuntide holidays are causing a little extra buying of house coal in anticipation, but the actual consumption is as it was. There has been no change in prices on May 1. Furnace coal has still a -cheerful appearance, but there is only a moderate enquiry for shipping coal. Slack is still brisk. There is a little disturbing influence in the Oldham district owing to the packers" dispute, which has caused a partial stoppage, and which may possibly extend. Prices generally are as shown. Gas fuel contracts are now being placed at Is. to Is. 6d. advance on last year. Prices at pit (except where otherwise stated). House coal:— Best .................. Medium .............. Common .............. Furnace coal .......... Bunker (f.o.b. Partington) Best slack............. Common slack........... Current prices. 16/6 to 17/ 15/3 to 16/ 12/6 to 13/ 12/6 14/ 10/ to 10/6 9/ to 9/6 Last week's prices. 16/6 to 17/ 15/3 to 16/ 12/6 to 13/ 12/6 14/ 10/ to 10/6 9/ to 9/6 IRON Good foundry iron can now be bought in Manchester at 703. 6d. to 71s., forge iron in the neighbourhood of 69d. at Warrington, but there are no buyers to test these prices. Any purchases that are made are from hand-to-mouth character. This applies to all our trade in this district. The forges are moderately busy, and talk about going on short time if specifications do not come forward better. Their prices are without alteration, viz., .£8 15s. for Crown bars, £8 5s. second quality, .£8 17s. 6d. hoops, £9 5s. to £9 7s. 6d. for sheets. Steelworks are busy on bars at £8 5s., and billets £5 17s. 6d. There is a good quantity of soft steel billets being offered from abroad at low prices Engineers busy both in foundries and shops. Wagon works keep fairly well off for work. Yorkshire and Derbyshire* Leeds. COAL. The market on Tuesday well attended, and was charac- terised by great firmness all round. Any prompt parcels of steam or manufacturing fuel on offer were readily sold,