May 9, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 943 STONE DUST For Prevention of Coal Dust Explosions. SPECIAL PLANT For "tlxe Production of Correct Fineness of Dust. ROBEY & CO. LIMITED, Globe Works, LINCOLN. THE AVONSIDE ENGINE CO. LTD. Best Materials. Finest Workmanship. IN STOCK, for Collie>?ios9 Steel Works, THE SOUTH WALES COALFIELD. PART II. By Henry K. Jordan, F.G.S. (Past President and first Gold Medallist of the South Wales Institute of Engineers). This Paper, which deals with the western part of the Coalfield, has just been published by the South Wales Institute of Engineers. It consists of 31 pages of printed matter with Sections and Diagrams. The large drawings *re issued separately and comprise 1. A Horizontal Section across the anthracite region of Llandybie and Pant-y-ffynnon, and via the Dulais Valley to the sea at Swansea. It is drawn to a scale of six inches to one mile, is 8 ft. in length, mounted on linen, and geologically coloured. 2. Comparative Sections of the Lower Measures in the following areas — (A) Neath Valley. (E) Ammanford. (B) Swansea Valley. (F) Loughor Valley. (C) Brynamman District. (G) Gwendraeth District. (D) Amman Valley. (H) Gwendraeth District. These are drawn on one sheet, about 35 by 30 in., mounted on linen, to a scale of 200 ft. to 1 in. 3. A Map of Swansea District, on a scale of 6 in. to one mile, showing the outcrops of the coal seams. A limited number of the above are for sale, and may be obtained from The Secretary, The South Wales Institute of Engineers, CARDIFF. Price Is., Postage Extra. ** The South Wales Coalfield,” Part I., by Mr. H. K. Jordan, published in 1908, price £2.2s ..dealt with the eastern half of the Coldfield, ana may be btained from the Secretary. AULD’S PATENT STEAM REDUCING VALVES THE NORTHERN RUBBER CO., " the WICKER, SHEFFIELD. W?i,VD' Works-RETFORD, KOTTS. On Admiralty K,ist. Manufacturers of— INDIA RUBBER Sheets, Valves, Washers, Insertion, Tubing, Hose, &c., Air and Waterproof Goods. ASBESTOS Packing, Sheeting, Millboard Joints, &c. GUTTA PERCHA Sheets, Buckets, Strips, Washers, &c. PACKINGS : Cotton, Canvas, Hemp, Hydraulic, Soapstone, &c. BELTING: India Rubber, Leather, Hair, Cotton, &c., ’ Balater and Canvas. PATENT ‘COMBINATION METALLIC JOINTS for H.P. Steam. “NORTHERN” SPIRAL LUBRICATIVE PACKING. “NORTHERN” H.P. HYDRAULIC and STEAM HAM- MER PACKING. Makers of COAL-GUTTER HOSE Sole Makers of the Original Quality Blue-Line India Rubber Ring. Sole Makers of LEATHERITE For H.P. Steam, Acids, Alkalis, Oils, &c. Also Makers cf Special FULL BORE Patent Steam Reducing Valves for Blowing, Winding, Pumping and other Engines, and for supplying Surplus or other steam from high to low pressure boilers, &c. DAVID AULD & SONS, Patentees JfaJfcere, ltd. Whitevale Foundry, GLASGOW. WALKER’S PATENT DETACHING HOOK For the Prevention of Overwinding. For particulars, apply to— THOS. WALKER A SOK LTD., 58, Oxford Bt., BIRMIJWGH “BRITISH PERMITTED i EXPLOSIVES Telephone—No. 86 Morley. Telegraphic Address—“Lamps, Morley." Codes used—A B C 5th Edition, Lieber’s and Private. ACKROYD & BEST LTD., The World’s Safety Lamp Experts, MORLEY, nr. LEEDS. Makers of all kinds of SAFETY LAMPS & LAMPROOM EQUIPMENT. Hailwood’s Patent Underground Re-lighting Apparatus for safely re-lighting Miners' Safety Lamps in the mine. The lamp must be com- pletely enclosed before the electric current can be switched through the lamp. : Fracturite : Pitsea Powder : Britonite : Strong, simple and compact. Constructed of accurately machined iron and steel, and made with the precision THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE Ld. 124, ST. VINCENT STREET GLASGOW of an Admiralty gun. All joints are constructed so that it is impossible for the joints to be other than flame-proof. Saves possible claims under the Minimum Wage Act, as it defeats excuse for quitting work on account of extinguished light. Does away with expensive old-type Underground Lamp Stations and the use of spare lamps to replace lost lights. Management retain complete control of Re-lighting of the lamps, the key being held by some appointed person working near the Re-lighting Machine. Send us your enquiries and orders, which shall have our best attention.