May 2, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 893 HAULAGES AND THREE-THROW PUMPS TO DRIVE BY Air, Steam or Electricity. BRIQUETTE MACHINERY. IRON « STEEL FORCINGS. HAMMERED SHAFTS IN STOCK up to 16 in. diameter. THE USKSIDE ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Newport, Mon. Profits loss IT’S more easy to waste than to save. That is why many manufacturing concerns to- day are working on a narrow profit margin. Perhaps the biggest and most costly waste which goes on in most con- cerns is that of exhaust steam. When one considers the thousands and thousands of pounds paid away annually by steam users for coal to raise steam, it seems almost criminal for them to let their exhaust steam puff away into the atmosphere to waste. It’s valuable stuff; don’t waste it. Let the “ Exol ” System save it for you and make profits for you, where loss was before. This system operates under proved and thoroughly rational methods and it will surely save you money. Our little book “ L-S.D. and Exhaust Steam,” will tell you a great many plant facts ; such facts every engineer should be fully acquainted with. Would you like a copy post free ? Ask, NOW, for it, from the EXOL COMPANY, 66, Fenchurch St., London, E.C. MINERS SAFETY LAMPS. FLAME AND ELECTRIC. All LAMPS and GLASSES supplied by us comply with the COAL MINES ACT, ign. I GRAYS PATENT DAVIS DEPUTY LAMP. GRAY-SUSSMANN ELECTRIC LAMP. Quotations given for complete Lamp Cabin outfits. SE/VD FO/? L/ST 4/ D.L. JOHN DAVIS & SON (Derby) LTD., ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY; & 17, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. PtC L£A~ >IOW LONG DOES THE LEAD IN PACKING LAST UNDER MODERN STEAM PRESSURES I^^IERE IS A^^| PACKING THAT GIVES' LONG SERVICE / BECAUSE IT IS Z ALL HEAT S \ RESISTING / JL WHY’ ’BUY LEAD AT THE feftlCg OF PACKING? Try| a Free Working Sample. PALMETTO’ is the packing for true economy, because it does not weigh heavily, and its own lubricant makes it last and give long service. GREENE, TWEED & Co • 9 Sole Manufacturers, Queen Anne s Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W. TURBON. The. LATEST^ THING in FANS. Equally suitable for Mine Ventilation, forced and induced draught, or any other purpose. Great strength, simplicity and silence. Highest efficiency. Perfect balance at all speeds. Suitable for all pressures. Resists high temperatures without distortion. No rivets in blades. Manufactured by THE WADDLE PATENT FAN CO. LTD., ------------- FOR THE - TURBON PATENT FAN CO. LTD., LLANELLY.