April 25, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 887 —i“TREFORi—| BORING and MINING Go. Ltd. (Societe Anonyme de Forage et Entreprises Minieres), 41, RUE ROYALE, BRUXELLES. CONTRACTORS FOR DEEP BORINGS. Wells drilled for petroleum in all parts of the world. Special outfit for coal borings to any depth and of any diameter (Vogt’s Patents). BREJCHA’S PATENTS. Boring to any depth without casings and without reduction of diameter. Speed record in England: Boring Heswall (Cheshire), 3,400 feet in eight months. Shafts sunk by freezing method. Shafts sunk by cementing the watery grounds (cementing and sinking simultaneously). HEYWOOD & M I 1 & ■W V ’ -i® DAYID Haulage BRIDGE’S PATENT Friction Clutches & Haulage Installations for Collieries, Mines, Quarries, &c. Specially designed to meet working conditions. Our 20 years’ experience is at your service. Our Clutches may be applied to existing pulleys or wheels without removal from pit. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE—FREE. BRIDGE & CO. DTD., Works, CASTLETON, MANCHESTER. -_________________________ A Automatic Detachment, The 1911 lever has large lateral stops and » wedge-shaped head. Drop-forged shells (two sizes), levers (four sizes), catches and couplings. SMALLMAN HAULAGE CLIPS. New Mode!; Nine Sizes° Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. illustrated Catalogue. Clips can be had without catches. Patentee and Sole Manufacturer:— JAMES W. SMALLMAN. NUNEATON, England. NO MORE PIT CAGE ACCIDENTS I Ascending and Descending Cages Safeguarded, No Interference with Winding. Starting in the Wrong Direction Prevented. IW J Safety assured with ‘THE VISOR.’ The most Effective Machine on the Market. Over 200 at work. Write for parlicuhira to JOHN WOOD & SONS Ltd., Telephone : 55 Wigan. Engineers, WIGAN. Telegrams: “Haulage, Wigan.”