April"18, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 827 $ “ FIRE KING ” tRADg Efficiency Proved by Large Number of Repeat Orders arriving. SPRINKLING SHOVEL SPREADS the fuel and ensures even temperature, minimum smoke, maxi- mum efficiency and great saving in fuel. Its popularity amongst masters and men is still increasing. Less raking and higher evaporation. Write the Patentee— C. A. FELL, Fuel Economy, DRONFIELD, near SHEFFIELD. ............ RAKERS F. REDD AWAY & f? PENDLETON. London office 5o/l LIME ST., E .C. A NEW SPECIAL RULES FOR THE Installation and use of Electricity in Mines. WORKMEN’S NOTICES in connection with the above, under Rule 4, &c., on THEEDAM’S ELASTIC 1 ENAMELLED PLATES (Not Varnished Paper on Plates). on application— EL C. THEEDAM LTD., DUDLEY. Save Money - Save Coal - Save Steam By adopting FORREST’S PATENT AUTOMATIC CyUnder DRAIN COCKS on your Compound, Winding, Hauling, and all your Stationary Engines, Steam Winches, &c. (Thousands in use), now fixed on most new Engines turned out by leading Engineers. The Safest Automatic Drain Cock ever fixed on Com- pound Condensing Engines, most positive in action. Makers of High-class Gunmetal Gland Taps, Wheel Valves, &c. For Prices, Particulars and Testimonials, apply Sole Makers, APPLETON & HOWARD, BMSSE£‘rB ST. HELENS, LANCS Contractors to the War Office. Class B PATENT The Standard Engineering Co. Ltd., LEICESTER, FOR Up <& Down. Draught FORGES, Mine Ventilating and Sinking Fans, DUST COLLECTION, &c., &c. THE NORTHERN RUBBER CO., “a" the wicker, Sheffield. “S.™- Works- RETFORD, NOTTS. On Admiralty I^ist. Manufacturers of— INDIA RUBBER Sheets. Valves, Washers, Insertion, Tubing, Hose, &c., Air and Waterproof Goods. ASBESTOS Packing, Sheeting, Millboard Joints, &c. GUTTA PERCHA Sheets, Buckets, Strips, Washers, &c. PACKINGS: Cotton, Canvas, Hemp, Hydraulic, Soapstone, &c. BELTING : India Rubber, Leather, Hair, Cotton, &c.. Balater and Canvas. PATENT COMBINATION METALLIC JOINTS for H.P. Steam. “NORTHERN” SPIRAL LUBRICATIVE PACKING. “ NORTHERN ” H.P. HYDRAULIC and STEAM HAM- MER PACKING. Makers <»f- COAL-CUTTER HOSE Sole Makers of the Original Quality Blue-Line India Rubber Ring. Sole Makers of LEATHERITE For H.P. Steam, Acids, Alkalis, Oils, &c. Write for Illus- trated Price List. Specialities: LATHES & SAW BENCHES. First class at competitive prices. ROWLAND C. FOOT & Co. 11, Queen Victoria St., London, E.C. ELECTRIC BLASTING. You can depend on Fuses made by the Pioneer Manufacturers, roe ELECTRIC BLASTIHG APPARATUS Co. Ld. Cinderford, GLOS. Cotton-waste, Rope, Jpunyarn, ■ Chop baos, Motty-band, ; WkterproofCovers,«®. 560. Sheffield. Telegrams—“ Original, Manchester.” I9O8 Code—5th Edition ABC. DIPLOMA of FRANCO-BRITISH &>.ljj HONOUR, EXHIBITION, 1908. National Telephone No. 2002. SINGLE RAM PUMP. DOUBLE RAM PIT PUMP. D0UBLE3RAMHPUMP. T/lTIiar f1 K MfDAM T Oldfield Road Iron Works, cJUaIJM Vj/LJXLJljaaLJJM IjTD., SALFORD, Manchester