April 18, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 821 GOITRAGTS OPE1 FOR GOAL ARD COKE. for Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late fot inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last Whitj pages. Birkenhead, April 24.—The Corporation of Birkenhead are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of screened coal, through-and-through, and coal nuts, for gas-making purposes, for a period of 12 months commencing from July 1, 1913. Forms of tender, together with any further information, may be obtained from Mr. T. O. Paterson, M.Inst.C.E., gas engineer, Gasworks, Birkenhead. Tenders (accompanied by copy of recent analysis), stating the price per ton delivered to the gasworks railway siding, must be sent in to me, sealed and endorsed " Tender for Gasworks Coal,” not later than 5 o’clock in the afternoon of Thursday, April 24, 1913. All deliveries to be made from time to time according to the requirements of the engineer. The person or firm whose tender may be accepted will be required to enter into a contract containing a clause as to the payment of the rate of wages, and the observance of the hours of labour recognised and agreed upon between the trades unions and the employers in Birkenhead or in the locality in which the work for carrying out the contract is executed, as the case may be. The Corporation do not bind them- selves to accept the lowest or any tender. James Fearnley, town clerk, Town Hall, Birkenhead. London, May 6.—The London County Council invites tenders for the supply and delivery, from July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1914, (a) of coal of various descriptions for the pumping stations, sludge vessels, ferry boats, &c., in the Chief Engineer’s Department (Schedule No. 87), and (6) of coal of various descriptions and coke for the several offices, schools, fire stations, tramway depots, parks, &c. (Schedule No. 88); the deliveries to be made at intervals during the continuance of the contracts. Full particulars as to the conditions of contract, &c., appear on the official forms of tender, which may be obtained on personal application or by sending a stamped addressed foolscap envelope to the Clerk of the Council, County Hall, Spring Gardens, S.W. No tender received after 11 a.m. on Tuesday, May 6, 1913, will be considered. Applicants are requested to state the number of the schedule which they require. Lawrence Gomme, Clerk of the London County Council, County Hall, Spring- gardens, S.W. London, May 14.—Sealed tenders for military services, during 12 months, from July 1, 1913, will be received until 12 o’clock noon on Wednesday, May 14, 1913, by the general officers commanding the undermentioned districts ;—Aider- shot command : Aidershot. Eastern command : Dover district, Dover; Colchester district, Colchester; eastern coast defences, Chatham; Woolwich district, Woolwich. Irish command: CurrRgh district, Curragh; Cork district, Cork; Belfast district, Belfast; Dublin district, Dublin. London district: Horse Guards, Whitehall, S.W. Northern command: York. Scottish command: Edinburgh. Southern command: Salisbury Plain district, Bulford; southern coast defences, Portsmouth; south-western coast defences, Devonport. Western command: Chester. Guernsey and Alderney district: Guernsey. Jersey district: Jersey. Forms of tender and conditions of contract (showing approximate quantities) may be obtained on application at the above- named headquarter offices, by letter addressed to the Officer Commanding, Army Service Corps, or in person between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. The tenders must be properly filled up, signed and dated, and no tender will be noticed unless delivered upon the proper form, in time, at the above-named headquarter offices, under sealed envelope marked “tender” on the outside. War Office, Whitehall,S.W. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Airdrie, April 22.—For supplying and putting into the coal cellars at the schools and schoolhouses for the period from Whitsunday, 1913, to Whitsunday, 1914, what coal may be required for the schools under the Monkland School Board’s charge. Blackpool, April 28.—For the supply of gas coals and nuts for one year, for the Corporation. Caerphilly, April 22.—For supply of 100 tons or more of good house coal, delivered in 10-ton lots as required during the period ending March 31,1914, for the Caerphilly Urban District Council. Coseley, April 21.—For supply and delivery of coke and best quality thick coal to the various schools in this district during six months ending October 31, 1913. Denbigh, April 23.—For supply of 1,700 tons of gas coal, to be delivered at Denbigh Station (London and North- Western Railway) as required from June 30, for the Denbigh Gas and Coke Company Limited. Dover, May 5.—For supply and delivery of 4,000 tons small steam coal of the north-country or Midland descrip- tion for use at their electricity works, for the Electricity Committee. Dunbar, April 26.—For the supplying of 1,600 tons of cannel, splint and gas coal, delivered at Dunbar railway station during period to May 15, 1914, for the Gas Com- missioners. Edinburgh, April 24.—For supply of coal and dross to Craiglockhart and Craigleith Poorhouses, and to offices, Castle-terrace, for 12 months from May 16, for the Edin- burgh Parish Council. Hunstanton, April 24.—For supply of 1,800 tons of gas coal, to be delivered free on rail at Hunstanton, for the New Hunstanton Urban District Council. Inverness, April 28.—For the supply of cannel, gas, and splint coals, to be quoted f.o.r. at pits and f.o.b. at ports on the Firth of Forth; also for freight and insurance of coals from Firth of Forth to Upper Harbour, Inverness, in steamers carrying about 300 tons; also for the discharge of seaborne coals and trimming of same at gasworks when required, for the Gas Commissioners. London, S.W., April 23.—For supply of coal and coke at the police offices, police courts, police stations and section houses in the metropolitan police district, and for the metropolitan police steam launches, for one year from June 1, for the Receiver for the Metropolitan Police District. London, W.C., April 29.—For supply of coal and coke to the various stations of the Board during period from July 1,1913, to June 30,1914, for the Metropolitan Water Board. Manchester, April 21.—For supply of screened steam bunker coal for the sludge steamer “ Joseph Thompson ” (about 2,200 tons), for the Rivers Committee. Montrose, April 28.—For supply of about 3,000 tons of best quality screened gas coal and washed nuts, delivered f.o.r. (or f.o.b. Firth of Forth ports) in such quantities as may be required till May 31,1914, for the Montrose Gaslight Company. Thornton, April 30.—For supply of about 1,500 tons gas coal, nuts and slack, 300 tons steam coal, 50 tons office coal, for year ending June 30, 1914, for the Thornton Urban District Council. Tonbridge (Kent), April 29.—For supply of 8,000 tons of gas coal during period from June 1 to March 31,1914, for the Tonbridge Gas Company. Yeadon.—For the supply of house coal to the Yeadon Trades Hall Coal Club. Pit-head prices free to Yeadon Station. Tenders to Mr. Fred. Jackson, secretary. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received CONTRACTS OPEH FOR EHGIHEERIHG. IRON AHO STEEL WORK. Ac. Bridgwater, April 22.—Boilers—For the construction, supplying, fixing (including all necessary brick and other work), and maintaining for a period of three months after the trial run, at their pumping station at Moorland, about 4| miles from Bridgwater, of two wrought iron Lancashire boilers, each 20 ft. long by 6 ft. in diameter, for the Northmoor District Drainage Board. Burry Port, April 31.—Pipes, dfc.—For supply and delivery of approximately 92 tons of cast iron pipes and specials, 15 in. diameter, delivered in Burry Port, for the Burry Port Urban District Council. Christiania, April 29.—Condensing Plant.—H.M. Consul at Christiania reports that tenders are invited for the supply to the Christiania electric works of condensing plant for two 6,000-kw. steam turbines. Dombaas (Norway), April 26.—Material.—H.M. Consul at Christiania reports that tenders are invited by the Norwegian State Railway Authorities for the supply of “ Decauville ” material for the southern section of the Dovre Railway and for the Rauma Railway.* Dublin, April 24—Switchgear, fyc.—For supply and installation at their Pigeon House generating station of high-tension and low-tension switch gear, cables, and accessories, for the Electricity Supply Committee of the Corporation. Dublin, May 1.—Switchboard fyc.—For the supply of one e.h.p. sub-station switchboard and accessories, and altera- tion to existing e.h.p. switchboard, for the Electricity Supply Committee. Glasgow, April 21.—Locomotive.—For the supply of a new 12 in. cylinder tank locomotive, 20 in. stroke, wheel base 5 ft. 6 in., and usual railway gauge, for the Corporation. Johannesburg, June 13.—Gas Retorts, tyc.—For supply of (specification No. 81) gas retorts (horizontal, vertical, or other type), steelwork, &c., without delay, delivered in Johannesburg, or for the complete erection. London, April 22.—Spikes.—For the supply of cup-headed spikes, for the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway. London, April 23.—Plant Extension.—For supply and erection of the following plant for their electric light station at Penrose-street, Wai worth-road, S.E., for the Southwark Borough Council—viz.: two boilers, including fan, economiser, and conveyors, two 1,500-kw. generators and four converters and switchboard barometric condenser, cooling tower, and steel structure. Ludlow, April 28.— Columns, fyc.—For supply of columns, girders, galvanised sheets and other materials necessary for the construction of a French barn to be erected at Burway, for the Corporation. Marton, April 29.—Water Supply Works.—For (1) the supply of about 3,650 yards of 2 in. cast iron pipes and specials, (2) the excavating of the trenches, carting, laying and jointing the pipes, supply and fixing of hydrants, valves and standposts, together with the construction of storage tank and filters in concrete, for the Chirbury Rural District Council. Manchester, April 23.—Switchgear, fyc.—For the supply, delivery, and erection at their Stuart-street generating station of the following, for the Electricity Committee— viz.: (a) Extra high-tension switchgear; (d) low-pressure steam and water pipes, hotwell, valves, &c.; (c) two 50-horse power three-phase motors for cooling towers. Napier (N.Z.), June 16.—Rails, fyc.—H.M. Trade Com- missioner for New Zealand reports that the Napier Harbour Board invite tenders for the supply of 16 tons of 401b. steel rails, six sets of points and crossings, &c., and fishplates, fishbolts, and dog spikes. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, April 23 —Electric Cables.—The Tramways Committee invite tenders for (section a) supply, delivery, and drawing into existing ducts of extra high- tension three-phase lead-covered paper cable; (section b) supply and delivery of single-conductor low-tension lead- covered paper cable. Newport (Mon.), April 26.—Electric Plant Extension.— For extension of plant, for the Corporation—viz.: (Section 1) 2,000 - 2,500 kw. steam turbo-alternator ; (2) surface- condensing plant; (3) 600-k.w. direct-current generator; (4) extra high-tension and low-tension switchgear. Wanganui (N.Z ), April 19.—Gasholder, tyc.—H.M. Trade Commissioner for New Zealand reports that tenders are invited by the Wanganui Borough Council for the manufacture, supply and delivery c.i.f. Wellington, N.Z., also for erection at Wanganui of a telescopic gasholder and steel tank * Winnipeg, May 15.—Generators.—Tenders are invited by the Light and Power Department of the city of Winnipeg for the supply and erection of two three-phase generators of 5,000-kw. capacity required for direct connection to water turbines of 6,800-horse power; also spare parts.* York, April 26.—Iron and Steel.—For supply of iron and steelware required during year ending March 31, 1914, for the Corporation. * Specifications, particulars, &c., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, *73, Basinghall-street, E.C. ABSTRACTS OF PATEHT SPECIFICATIONS RECEHTLY ACCEPTED. 6738 (1912). Improvements in or Relating to the Preven- tion of Back-lighting in Combustible Gaseous Mixtures. W. A. Bone, of the University of Leeds, Yorkshire, and C. D. McCourt, of 45, Braxted-park, Streatham Common, London. —This invention has relation to the combustion of gaseous explosive mixtures, and has reference more particularly, but not exclusively, to the process of combustion known as surface combustion wherein use is made of the accelerating influence which an incandescent surface exercises on gaseous combustion and in which an explosive mixture consisting of combustible gas and air substantially in the proportions theoretically required for full and complete combustion is supplied at a speed greater than the speed of back ignition of the mixture to a bed of refractory material in fragmentary or granular condition in which the combustion takes place. Such a process of combustion is described in the Specifica- tion of Letters Patent No. 29430, dated December 16, 1909. The invention has for object to prevent or hinder the propagation of combustion of the gaseous explosive mixture backwards, in the supply main or pipe, beyond a certain point. Further, the invention provides means whereby the supply of gas, or of gaseous mixture, is automatically cut off and/or an alarm is given in the event of combustion of the gaseous mixture being propagated backwards in the supply pipe or main to the point mentioned. In accordance with the invention, the main or pipe through which the- gaseous explosive mixture is supplied to the bed of' refractory material, and at a point as near as may be practical to said bed, is provided, with a diaphragm of porous, permeable refractory material constructed in the manner set forth in the specification of Letters Patent No. 25808, dated November 9, 1909. The diaphragm which will allow the passage of the gaseous mixture there- through, is or may be contained within an airtight casing, such casing forming a part of the thoroughfare for the gaseous mixture. Further, the supply main or pipe, on the supply side of the airtight casing, is provided with a valve which has a tendency to assume its closed attitude, and is normally held open by a fusible wire connected with the airtight casing or the supply main or pipe, the arrange- ment being such that when the casing or the supply main or pipe becomes heated owing to the combustion taking place therein, the fusible wire is melted and no longer opposes the tendency of the valve to assume its closed attitude, which accordingly cuts off the supply of gas or of gaseous mixture. The accompanying drawing illustrates somewhat diagrammatically and by way of example only, an arrangement of apparatus in accordance with the invention. When the present invention is applied to steam generators fired in the manner set forth in the Specification of Letters Patent No. 4362, dated February 22, 1910, a diaphragm may be fitted into the end of each of the boiler tubes containing the fireclay ping or its equivalent, and on the outer side of such fireclay plug. (Six claims.) 7750 (1912). Improvements in Haulage Clips. W. Tagg, jun., of Ashfield Engineering Works, Sutton-street, New- castle-under-Lyme, and G. Tapley, of Lawrence Villa, Signal End, both in Staffordshire.—This invention relates to improvements in haulage clips more particularly intended for endless rope haulages, and has particular reference to that type of haulage clip consisting of two jaws, one formed in a main casting open at one side to allow the clip to be-