April 11, 1913 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 765 EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AHO MAHUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UHITED KIHGDOM During March and the first three months of 1911, 1912 and 1913. March, 1913. March. To Coal—Small. , Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1911. 1912. 1913. 1911. 1912. 1913. Russia 8,448 5,585 8,613 5,597 94,277 68,655 43,997 6,088 111,338 22,240 4,310 79,837 Sweden 40,197 23,407 8,803 5,117 232,468 156,884 227,958 71,197 281,468 117,212 43,974 185,408 Norway 55,889 29,306 8,878 5,419 136,643 92,038 195,261 62,383 201,410 90,110 37,043 126,763 Denmark 63,566 37,557 59,512 38,757 129,827 87,938 244,662 58,548 252,905 123,788 33,969 164,252 Germany 220,165 121,095 181,195 100,896 213,648 139,180 745,691 143,327 615,008 347,605 83,911 361,171 Netherlands 74,721 42,496 46,961 29,942 44,757 29,784 191,938 37,293 166,439 92,292 20,845 102,222 Belgium 126,288 69,552 35,365 20,327 59,034 37,430 162,319 41,719 220,687 69,117 20,359 127,309 France 443,489 252,383 291,498 168,994 337,313 248,452 936,761 251,214 1,072,300 497,502 155,097 669,829 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 23,323 14,145 11,356 6,624 61,457 49,552 99,604 39,698 i 96,136 59,982 31,289 70,321 Spain and Canaries 43,013 27,236 109,201 70,476 169,600 133,057 311,272 113,477 * 321,814 188,966 83,274 230,769 Italy 118,496 66,088 194,774 122,267 528,696 421,489 771,105 291,437 841,966 456,212 203,995 609,844 Austria-Hungary 19,515 10,886 12,684 7,889 86,299 65,674 67,129 13,584 118,498 33,683 6,224 84,449 Greece . 3,594 2,269 14,776 7,888 31,228 23,354 82,352 10,550 49,598 45,675 5,782 33,511 Turkey — — 3,758 2,542 3,960 3,267 63,010 17,624 7,718 35,941 14,988 5,809 Egypt 16,794 9,482 35,384 19,667 130,822 100,767 278,481 94,213 183,000 185,971 73,993 129,916 Algeria 24,068 14,083 33,448 21,483 55,401 43,473 81,406 29,413 112,917 45,656 18,383 79,039 United States of America 8 11 —• 1 — 96 112 1,628 540 104 876 330 123 Chile 911 1,074 — — 47,165 37,976 65,467 4,498 48,076 43,258 3,867 39,050 Brazil 2,666 2,068 5,314 | 3,252 198,180 173,878 149,073 39,269 206,160 112,393 32,725 1,79,198 Uruguay 5,343 3,716 — 1 — 48,183 37,704 80,915 11,082 53,526 61,674 8,744 41,450 Argentine Republic 4,032 4,825 2,945 i 2,288 283,482 232,086 311,589 51,472 290,459 227,458 38,460 239,199 Gibraltar 7,603 5,468 6,216 ! 3,899 28,765 22,506 31,040 38,529 42,584 18,542 34,924 31,873 Malta 10,792 6,148 17,231 i 11,748 65,982 53,295 41,381 18,342 i 94,005 27,023 11,288 71,191 British South Africa 527 420 — i — 3,604 2,943 5,732 • 5,178 ! 4,131 4,070 4,000 3,363 ,, India 1,447 1,152 — i — 32,881 24,980 19,642 5,656 34,328 *14,050 5,467 26,132 Straits Settlements 459 716 — — 392 684 ! 459 588 1,105 716 Ceylon — — — ! — 23,067 18,694 4,463 6,255 23,067 3,155 4,204 18,694 Other countries 14,975 10,867 5,113 3,708 128,585 102,521 144,440 73,613 148,673 101,305 58.183 117,096 " Anthracite 95,293 63,054 — — 120,858 106,191 166,987 110,805 216,151 119,586 91,915 169,245 Steam 1,011,117 567,916 289,175 181,010 2,844,469 2,162,120 3,928,528 1,104,644 4,144,761 2,289,192 763,734 2,911,046 Totals Gas 78,255 43,067 655,539 388,132 99,753 66,321 893,408 208,527 833,547 437,044 119,700 497,520 Household 38,246 22,186 519 388 103,102 68,044 120,736 34,331 141,867 64,765 22,263 90,618 L Other sorts 107,418 65,842 147,792 89,250 7,238 5,013 249,049 78,606 262,448 115,757 43,121 160,105 Total 1,330,329 762,065 11,093,025 658,780 3,175,420 2,407,689 5,358,708 1,536,913 5,598,774 3,026,344 1,040,733 3,828,534 Total (March 1912) 345,764 188,794 290,286 164,611 900,863 687,328 — — — — — — Total (March 1911) ... 1,168,342 500,837 1,123,162 536,458 3,067,204 1,989,049 — — — — — Coke — — — — — — 81,798 55,083 76,340 62,145 42,019 74,208 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 140,362 63,149 156,210 97,202 49,240 126,882 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — — 5,580,868 1,655,145 5,831,324 3,185,691 1,131,992 4,029,624 First three months of 1913. First three months. f Anthracite 313,417 216,891 — — 388,099 345,362 597,551 558,004 701,516 449,358 443,912 562,253 | Steam 3,030,177 1,643,804 924,881 570,924 8,654,010 6,537,792 11,054,747 9,046,223 12,609,068 6,483,216 5,739,136 8,752,520 TotalGas 208,552 112,309 2,124,855 1,228,953 276,839 191,992 2,442,009 1,938,998 2,610,246 1,205,281 1,000,630 1,533,254 1 Household 122,072* 71,573 954 683 312,428 205,237 368,444 299.234 435,454 196,045 173,112 ► 277,493 X. Other sorts 362,159 222,227 475,269 290,156 45,297 32,047 738,601 630,613 882,725 352,461 329,253 544,430 Total 4,036,377 2,266,804 3,525,959 2,090,716 9,676,673 7,312,430 15,201,352 12,473,072 17,239,009 8,686,361 7,686,043 11,669,950 Total for three months of 1912 ... 2,816,925 1,334,275 2,585,831 1,347,890 7,070,316 5,003,878 — — — — — — Total for three months of 1911 ... 3,358,155 1,476,586 3,040,949 1,474,395 8,802,248 5,735,380 — — — — — — ‘Coke :.... — — — — — 251,671 277,123 282,190 186,687 206,313 263,865 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 425,246 373,332 507,202 293,092 277,434 417,224 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — — 15,878,269 . 13,123,527 18,028,401 9,166,140 8,169,790 12,356,039 THE FREIGHT MARKET. The north-east coast outward freight market has been very quiet this week, especially for Tyne loading. This is mainly due to the congestion of loading turns in the river. •Rates are based on very low estimates, the supply of tonnage being considerably in excess of requirements. Typical quotations are as follow :—London, 3s. l|d. to 3s. 3d.; Hamburg, 3s. 6d. ; Havre, 4a. to 4s. 3d.; Cronstadt, 5s. 6d. ; Stockholm, 4s. 6d. ; Lisbon, 7s. 3d.; and Genoa, 9s. l|d. At South Wales the market has been normally busy, although here, too, transactions are hampered by congested loading turns. Tonnage, however, is not so plentiful, and rates are fairly well maintained. At the Clyde, a fair business at about late rates is reported. The Humber is quiet. Homewards, a good average number of ► charters is recorded. New York advices state business as dull and rates as rather easier. May tonnage is offering freely, and charterers are inclined to hold off. At the Bi ver Plate there is a better enquiry and an improved tone. The Danube is firmer, although the supply of tonnage is ample. The Black Sea and district is unchanged. Eastern • markets are quiet and steady. The Mediterranean and ore trades are firm, as is also the Baltic. Tyne to Ancona, 3,400, Ils. 3d.; Barcelona, 7,000, 8s. 9d. coal, 10s. 9d. coke; Cronstadt, 4,200, 5s. 6d.; Civita Vecchia, 3,200, 10s. ; Genoa, 4,000, 9s. l|d. ; 1,300, 10s., d.w. ; Hamburg, 2,000, 3s. 6d. ; Havre, 2,100, 4s., from Dunston, 1,000, 4s. 3d.; Kiel, Canal. 1,300, 4s. 6d.; Leghorn, 3,300, 9s., 800; London, 2,100, 3s. 3d.; 2,500, 3s. l£d. ; Las Palmas, 3,300, 8s. 9d.; Lisbon, 2,200, 7s. 3d. ; Memel, 2,100, 4s. 3d , 800; Marseilles, 3,600, 8s. 7|d., 600, from Dunston; Norr- koping, 1,800, 5s.; Naples, 3,900, 9s., 700, from Dunston ; Port Said, 4,500, 10s. 3d.; 6,600, 9s. 6d.; Pillau, 2,000, 4s. 6d., 700 ; Palma, 1,100, 10s., from Dunston ; Salerno, 4,100, 9s. ; Stockholm, 1,600, 4s. 6d. ; Woolwich, 1,500, 3s. 4^d. ; Zeebrugge, 2,400, 2s. 10d., from Dunston. Cardiff to Arzew, 1,400,10'374 fr.; Barcelona, 1,600,9s. 6d.; Bjorko, 1,800, 6s. 3d., April 23; Bombay, 6,000, 12s. 6d., April; Cork, 400, 4s. 6d.; Campana, 5.000,16s., April; Caen, 850, 5s.; Cape Verds, 4,800, 9s. 6d., April; Cronstadt, 2,000, 6s. 6d.; Catania, 3,800-4,000, 9s., 400; Dakar, 4,800, 10s. 6d., April; 4,400, 10s.; Genoa, 1,800, 9s. 6d.; 4,000, 8s. 9d., April; 4,700, 8s. 9d., April 14; 4,500, 8s. 9d.; 3,400, 8s. 9d.; 3,800, 8s. 10|d.; Gibraltar, 1,800, 8s.; Havre, 2,900, 4s.; 2.200, 3s. 10|d.; Honfleur, 720, 5s., ppt.; 720, 5s., April 17 ; 2,400, 4s.; Harwich, 1,900, 2s. 9d.; Islands, 5,500, 8s. 6d.; Las Palmas, 5,500, 8s. 6d.; Lappvik, 1,600, 6s. 9d., April 20; La Pallice, 3,300, 4| fr.; London, 3,200, 3s. 4|d.; Leghorn, 3.200, 8s. 9d.; Lisbon, 3,100, 6s., 350; 2,700, 6s. 3d.; Libau, 2,600, 6s. 3d.; Marseilles, 2,900, 10|fr.; 3,200, lOf and 11| francs ; 3,200, 10| and Ilf francs, April 19; 4,400, 10| fr.; Malta, 6,300, 8s.; Monte Video, 5,500, 14s. 6d.; Nantes, 1.500, 5| fr.; Naples, 4,800, 8s. 3d.; Port Said, 5,600,9s. 6d., April 14; 4,400, 9s. 6d., April 21; Piraeus, 3,300,10s. 6d., 500, April 15; Perim, 12s. 3d., April, reported; Port Nolloth, sail, 30s. 6d., coke, June ; River Plate, 5,000, 15s. 6d., April 23; 15s. 3d., April; 4,200,15s. 10jd., April 14; 15s. 9d.; 4.500, 15s. 6d., Is. discharge, April 15; 5,100, 15s. 6d.; Rosario, 5,000, 16s. 6d., April; Rio de Janeiro, 5,200, 15s. 9d.; 16s.; 5,500, 15s. 9d., April 21 ; Savona, 3,200, 8s. 9d.; Stockholm, 1,400, 5s. 6d., ppt.; Sables, 1,200, 6 fr.; Tarragona, 3,300, 8s. 9d.; Valencia, 1,300, 9s. 9d.; Villa Constitution, 5,000, 16s., April; Venice, 5,800, 10s. 6d., April 22. Manchester Canal to Buenos Ayres, pipes, p.t. Glasgow to Genoa, 9s.; Savona, 9s.; Leghorn, 9s. Blyth to Port Said, 4,500, 10s. 3d.; Riga, 1,100, 5s. 3d.; Malmo, 1,700, 4s. 9d.; Stockholm, 2,500, 4s. 9d.; Pillau, 1.500, 4s. 6d.; Naples, 4,000, 9s. Hull to Genoa, 9s.; 4,000, 9s. l|d.; Aguilas, 1,000, 10s. 6d.; Brunsbuttel, 1,400, 5s.; Kiel, 1,200, 5s. 3d.; Cronstadt, 2,900, 5s. 6d., f.o.w.; 3,500, 5s. 3d.; 2,500,5s. 6d.; Santos, sail, 22s., ppt.; Pernau, 1,800, 5s. 3d.; Libau, 1,500, 5s. 3d.; Calais, 1,000, 3s. 9d. Seaham to Hamburg, 2,000, 3s. 6d. West Hartlepool to Piraeus-Alexandria, 10s., 400. Hartlepool to St. Nazaire, 2,900, 5s. 3d., Trignac terms. Wales to Mollendo, sail, 21s., coals and fuel; direct nitrate port, sail, 16s. 6d.; 17s. 6d.; 17s., May; Iquique, sail, 16s. 6d. coal, 17s. fuel, May ; Mexillones, sail, 17s., July. Partington to Buenos Ayres, 5,000, 15s. 6d., 250, 15s. 9d., 200, May. Fife port to St. Malo, 1,500, 5s. Burryport to Rouen, 1,000, 5s. 6d. North France to Buenos Ayres, 23s., pipes. Wear to St. Nazaire, 1,700, 5s. 3d.; Wisby, 1,000, 6s. coal, 9s. coke. Swansea to Torre Annunziata, 2,500, 9s. 3d.; Barletta, 3.100, Ils. 3d.; Genoa, 3,500, 9s. 3d.; Savona, 3,500, 9s. 3d.; Spezzia, 3,500, 9s. 3d.; Alicante, 1,200, 10s.; St. Nazaire, 4,300, 4| fr.; La Pallice, 1,700, 6 fr.; Stugsund, 1,600, 6s. 6d.; Cronstadt, 1,500, 7s. 3d.; Huelva, 1,800, 6s. 9d.; 1,850, 6s. 9d., April 17 ; Barcelona, 2,900, 9s. 6d. coal, 10s. 3d’ fuel, ppt.; Brest, 1,300, 4s. 3d.; Fecamp, 700, 5s. lid.; Boulogne, 1,200, 4s. 9d.; 1,600, 4s. 6d.; Calais, 1.200,4s. 9d.; 1,600, 4s. 6d.; Bremerhaven, 1,250, 4s. 9d.; Wisby, 1,300, 7s. 6d., June-August, three voyages; St. Petersburg, 1,700, 7s. 3d.; Cagliari, 2,000, 9s. 9d. coal, 10s. 6d. fuel, April 14; Oran, 2,100, 10j fr. coal, 11| fr. fuel; Pnilippeville, 1,300, 12i fr.; Nantes, 2,200, 6 fr. ; Uddevalla, 1,200, 6s. 3d.; Amsterdam, 800, 5s. Goole to Ghent, 1,000, 5s. Rotterdam and Tyne to Portland (Or.) and back to United Kingdom-Continent, 2,303 n.r., 57s. 6d. Norway to Melbourne or Geelong, sail, 66s. 3d. one port, 67s. 6d. both ports. Forth to St. Servan, 1,400, 5s. 6d. Methil to Holtenau and Kiel, 2,200, 5s. Port Talbott to Genoa, 1,850,9s. 6d.; Li Pallice, 2,200,5 fr. Burntisland to Riga, 2,300, 5s. 4|d.; Genoa, 9s. 7|d.; Savona, 9s. 7|d.; Porto Vecchio, 10s. 3|d.; Buenos Ayres, 15s. 9d„ 200, April. Newport to Naples, 4,400, 8s. 3d.; Huelva, 1,700, 6s. 9d.; 1,700, 6s. 6d., April 14; Rouen, 2,200, 4s. 10|d.; Bordeaux, 1.100, 5ifr.; 3,300, 4ffr.; 1,900, 5ffr.; Dakar, 4,600, 10s., April 14; Arzew, 1,400, 10'374 fr.; St. Malo, 1,300,4s. 3d.; Oran, 2,600, 9|fr.; River Plate, 5,000, 15s. 6d., April. London and Swansea to Victoria, Rio de Janeiro, Santos and Rio Grande do Sul, 18s. 9d. net, April. United Kingdom to West Australia, 25s.; three ports to two, April. Marseilles to Fremantle-Adelaide, sail, 32s., tiles. Newport River to River Plate, 15s. 6d., April. Antwerp to San Francisco, sail, 18s. Hamburg to Santos, sail, 22s. 6d.; Pernambuco, sail, .£2,250, general cargo, April; Bristol, 1,400, 7s. 3d., d.w. Grangemouth to Alexandria, 9s. 6d.; Cronstadt, 2,000, 5s. 9d.; Gefle, 1,800, 7s. 6d. Rotterdam to St. Nazaire, 4,100, 5s., Trignac terms; 3,000, 5s. coal, 5s. 9d. fuel; Chantenay, 2,600, 5s. lid., 600, 4s. 10|d., 900; Marseilles, 4,700, lOf fr., 600, 104 fr., 900,