764 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 11, 1913. and extensions of works at Manchester and in Italy, and in order to meet any further developments that may appear advantageous, it is proposed to create £2 000,000 5 per cent, second preference shares to be issued as and when the board may decide. Special meetings of the shareholders will be convened at an early date to give effect to the board’s recommendation both as to the ordinary and preference capital. Beardmore (Wm.) and Co. Limited.—The eleventh annual general meeting was held on the 3rd inst. in the company’s offices, Parkhead, Glasgow, Mr. Wm. Beard- more, ohairman of the company, presiding. The report stated that the profits for the year to December 31, 1912, after providing for depreciation, debenture interest, and all expenses, were .£201,582 12s. 8d, making, with the sum of .£101,419 14'. 5d. brougnt forward from the previous year, a total of .£303,002 7s. Id. The directors recommended pay- ment of the dividend on the 5 per cent, preference shares (less income tax), absorbing .£23 54113s. 4d., and 5 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares (free of income tax), absorbing .£75 000, leaving a balance to carryforward of .£204,460 13s. 9d. The report was adopted, and subsequently the appointment of Col J. Smith Park, M.V O., as a director, in room of Col. O. C. Armstrong, D.S.O., resigned, was confirmed, and the Marquis of Graham was re-elected a director. Chalmers Limited.—This private company has been regis- tered in Edinburgh, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of electrical engineers and manu- facturers. First directors, E; H. A. Bostock and A. Campbell. Registered office, 113, West Regent-street, Glasgow. Duffryn Rhondda Colliery Company Limited.—The tenth annual balance-sneet and profic-and-loss account for the year ended December 31, 1912, shows a loss of .£12,964 0s. Id. at the Steam Coal pit and a profit of .£3,689 2s. 3d. at the Old Colliery—a net loss of .£9,274 17s. lOd. To this has to be added loss occasioned by the national strike, .£5,540 16s. 8d., income tax, directors’ fees, rents, Coal- owners’ Association, interest and bank charges and bad debts, £8,778 10s. lid., and debenture interest, .£2,500, less transfer fees, £9 17s 6d., making a total loss for the year of .£26,084 7s. lid. With the balance brought forward from 1911 of .£31,107 14s. 4d., the debit to profit-and-loss account stands at £57,192 2s. 3d. This unfortunate result is mainly due to the serious fault encountered on the east side of the pits, and which was fully dealt with in Mr. Leonard Llewellyn’s report issued in December last. Proposals for raising further capital in order to sink the steam coal pits to the six-feet seam and for other purposes will be submitted to an extraordinary meeting of the shareholders, to be held immediately after the general meeting at the Hotel Cameron, Swansea, on April 17. A circular from the secretary states the appeal to the shareholders to sub- scribe to a third debenture issue has not been sufficiently responded to, although the last subscription was very considerably in excess of the first. Because the board have undiminished confidence in the value of the undertaking and in its ultimate success, they are reluctant to abandon it, notwithstanding the apathy of the shareholders. They have consequently devised an alternative scheme for pro- viding the necessary funds. Shortly, the proposal is to reduce the capital by writing off 10s. per share from the 150,000 issued ordinary shares, for the purpose of extin- guishing the balance standing to the debit of the profit- and-loss account, and, with the consent of the preference shareholders, to issue 70,000 £10 per cent, pre-preference shares of £1 each, to be cumulative, and to rank both as to dividend (and capital in the event of a winding-up) in priority to the dividends on all other shares forming part of the capital for the time being of the company. This scheme will be laid before extraordinary general meetings of the preference shareholders. Isca Foundry Company Limited.—This private company has b> en registered, with a capital of £50,000 in £10 shares, to acquire the business carried on at Newport (Mon.) as the Isca Foundry Company, and to adopt an agreement with A. H. Laybourne and B. C. T. Laybourne. First directors, A. H. Laybourne (managing director) and R. C. T. Laybourne (both permanent). Rees Roturbo Manufacturing Company Limited.—The accounts for 1912, after providing for administration expenses and interest on loans, show a net profit of £2,031, thus converting the debit balance of £1,544 brought forward into a credit of £487, which the directors propose to carry forward. Tredwood Syndicate Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,200 in £10 shares, to carry on the business of a mining, smelting and metal- lurgical company in all its branches. First directors : C. B. Tredwen, H. C. Wood, and S. F. St. J. Steadman. Mortgages and Charges.—The following have been registered in pursuance of the Companies Acts, 1907:— Clay Cross Company Limited (particulars of £150,000 debentures created February 1, and secured by trust deed dated March 8, 1913, present issue £111,500) ; East Kent Colliery Company (first mortgage debenture dated Feb- ruary 27, 1913, to secure £50,000) : Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited (issue on March 10, 1913, of £2,100 debentures, part of a series) ; North Central Wagon Company Limited (issue on February 26, 1913, of £6,375 debentures, part of a series) ; Stourbridge Engineers and Ironfounders Limited (first mortgage debenture dated February 21, 1913, to secure £600) ; Clay Cross Company Limited (particulars of £50,000second mortgage debentures created March 8, 1913, whole amount now issued); Cowie Harbour Coal Company Limited (debenture dated March 7, 1913, to secure an amount not exceeding £10,000, with a premium of 5 per cent.) ; Grand Canary Coaling Company Limited (particulars of deben- tures for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate the amount of the nominal capital for the time being, created March 11, 1913, present issue £30,000) ; Hall and Co. (Croy- don) Limited (satisfaction in full on February 8,1913, of trust deed dated Nov. 3, 1898, securing £35,000 debenture stock) ; Lever Ironworks Company Limited (statement under section 12 of 1907 Act, old charges outstanding on July 1, 1908, now first registered) ; indentures dated December 29, 1899, securing £3 000); North Central Wagon Company Limited (issue on March 12,1913, of £5,650 debentures, part of a series) ; Teneriffe Coaling Company Limited (particulars of debenture for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate the amount of the nominal capital of the company for the time being, created March 11, 1913, present issue £20,000) ; Bolckow, Vaughan and Co. Limited (issue on March 20,1913, of £100 debentures, part of a series) ; Fraser and Chalmers Limited (satisfaction on various dates from March 21, 1912, to February 20, 1913, of debentures for £22,100, in respect of which a statement under section‘12 of the Companies Acts, 1907, was filed on October 8, 1908, part of a series of £350,000 5 per cent, debentures secured by a mortgage dated June 30, 1898); Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited (issue on March 25. 1913, of £1,400 debentures, part of a series) ; J. and G Duxbury Limited (charge dated March 7, 1913 to secure £500) ; Lincoln Wagon and Engine Company Limited (issue on March 18, 1913, of £6,170 debentures, part of a series); Torycoed Colliery Company Limited (particulars of £5,000 debentures created March 11, 1913, present issue £1,500). CONTRACTS OPEH FOR COAL ARD COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last Whiti paces. Dover, May 5.—The Electricity Committee are prepared to receive tenders for the supply and delivery of 4,000 tons small steam coal of the North Country, or Midland, descrip- tion for use at their electricity works. Specification and forms of tender may be obtained on application to the Borough Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Dover. Sealed tenders endorsed “ Tender for coal,” addressed to the undersigned, must be received not later than noon on Monday, May 5. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowe:t or any tender. R. E. Knocker, town clerk, Town Clerk’s office, 69, Castle-street, Dover. Oldham, April 21.—The Gasworks Committee invite tenders for the supply of gas coals during a period of four months commencing May 1, 1913, and also a period of 12 months commencing July 1, 1913. Conditions and forms of tender may be obtained on application to Mr. Arthur Andrew, Gas Offices, Oldham, to whom tenders are to be delivered not later than April 21, 1913. J. H. Hallsworth, town clerk. Thornton-le-Fylde, April 30.—The Urban District Council invite tenders for the supply of about 1,500 tons gas coal (nuts and slack), 300 tons steam coal, 50 tons office coal, for year ending June 30, 1914. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Coal,” and addressed to the chairman of the Council, to be delivered at the Council offices, Thornton-le- Fylde, not later than Wednesday, April 30, 1913. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Henry Fenton, gas manager, Council Offices, Thornton-le-Fylde. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Alton, April 14.—For one year’s coal supply (between 200 and 250 tons) of best hard steam coal, for the Urban District Council. Carnarvon, April 14.—For supply of a good household coal for one year from May 1, 1913, for the following police stations : Carnarvon, Bangor, Conway, Pwllheli, Llandudno, Bettws-y-Coed and Portmadoc, for the Carnarvon County Council. Chorley (Lancs.), April 16.—For supply of about 140 tons of house coal and about 425 tons of steam slack, delivered in wagons at Chorley Station as required, for the Chorley Corporation. Coseley, April 21.—For supply and delivery of coke and best quality thick coal to the various schools in this district during six months ending October 31, 1913. Hamilton, April 14—For supply of about 17,000 tons cannel, splint, and other coal which may be required duiing period ending May 15, 1914, for the Gas Committee. Inverness, April 28.—For the supply of cannel, gas, and splint coals, to be quoted f.o.r. at pits and f.o.b. at ports on the Firth of Forth; also for freight and insurance of coals from Firth of Forth to Upper Harbour, Inverness, in steamers carrying about 300 tons; also for the discharge of seaborne coals and trimming of same at gasworks when required, for the Gas Commissioners. Leytonstone, April 17.—For supply of house coal and anthracite coal to th^ir several institutions for period ending September 30, 1913, for the Guardians of West Ham Union. London, April 14 —For supply of 155,000 tons of clean dry unscreened fresh-wrought gas coal, delivered f.o.b. to the company’s steamer at any suitable port during year ending May 31, 1914, for the Wandsworth, Wimbledon and Epsom District Gas Company. London, April 17.—For supply of 200,000 tons of clean, dry, unscreened, fresh-wrought gas coal, delivered f.o.b. to the company’s steamers at any suitable port during 12 months commencing June 1, for the Commercial Gas Company. London, April 21.—For supply of coal for the electricity department for one year from April 1, for the Battersea Borough Council. London, April 23.—For supply and delivery of 6,000 tons of nutty slack coal, for the Fulham Borough Council. London, April 24.—For supply of coal and coke for public baths, depots, and cffices during 12 months commencing July 1, for the Lambeth Borough Council. Madras, May 29.—Coal Tar.—Tenders for supply of special distilled coal tar for tar-spraying roads will be received by the President, Corporation of Madras, Madras, India. Maidstone, April 18.—For supply of coal required at their electricity works for six alternate months, for the Corporation. Specification and form of tender may be obtained from the Electrical Engineer, Fair Meadow, Maidstone. Tenders, endorsed “Tender for Coal,” to be sent to the Town Clerk, 72, King-street, Maidstone, before 10 a m. on April 18. Perth, April 14.—For supply of 3,750 tons of small coal, more or less over period ending May 15, 1914, for the Town Council. Wakefield.—For supply of coal to the county hall and offices, Wood-street, Wakefield, for the West Biding County Council. Wallingford, April 16.—For the supply of coal and coke during year commencing May 1 for the Committee of Visitors of the Berkshire Lunatic Asylum, Wallingford, Berks. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received, CONTRACTS OPEH FOR EHGIHEERIHG, IR0I AHO STEEL WORK, Ab. Baillieston.—Pit Sinking.—For the sinking of two pits in Baillieston district, depth about 160 fathoms. Mount Vernon Colliery Company Limited. Bletchley, April 17.—Water Main—For supplying and laying halt-a-mile of 8 in. cast iron water main in the parish of Little Brickhill, for the Bletchley Urban District Council. Bradford, April 17.—Switchgear.—For supply and erection of three-phase and continuous-current switchgear for two sub-stations, for the Corporation, for electricity works. Bridgend.—Drift Driving.—For driving a cross measure drift for approximately 150 yards. New Biyncethin Colliery Company Limited. Chorley (Lancs ), April 17.—Railings, fyc.—For the following in connection with the recreation ground, Brook- street, for the Chorley Corporation—viz : wrought-iron railings, entrance gates, wicket gates, heavy cast-iron gate posts. Exmouth, April 26.—Waterworks.—For the following works, for the Exmouth Urban District Council, viz., (contract 1) supply of cast iron water mains, 9 in., 6 in., 4 in. and 3 in. diameter ; (la) supply of valves, valve hydrants and other fittings ; (2) for necessary labour and materials required in laying 9 in. and 6 in. mains, fixing valves, &c. Hamsterley.—Stone Drifts. — For driving two stone drifts. Hamsterley Colliery, S.O., co. Durham. Hertogenbosch (Netherlands), April 16.—Bridge.— The Nederlandsche Slaatscourant of March 26 states that tenders will be opened on April 16 by the “ Commissaris der Koningin in de Provincie Noordbrabant,” at the offices of the Provinciaal Bestuur, Hertogenbosch, for the con- struction and erection of an iron bridge with accessories across the Wilhelmina Canal on the Old Bredo-road. India Office, S.W., April 15.—Rails, tfc — The Secretary of State for India in Council is prepared to receive tenders to supply (1) rails, (2) fishplates, (3) coach screws. Leeds, April 19.—Pipes, <3fc.—For supply of cast-iron pipes, retort castings, ano flags, for the Gas Committee. London, April 16.—Bridge Work.—For supply of bridge work (15 spans of 100 ft. open girder bridge work), for the South Indian Bailway Company Limited. London, April 22.—Wheels and Axles.—For the supply of wheels and axles, for the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Bail way. Manchester, April 15 —Tramway Rail Bonds.—For the supply and delivery of (a) tramway rail bonds, (b) hard- drawn copper trolley wire, (c) steel tramway poles, (d) span- wire brackets, for tramway poles, (e) granite setts, for the Corporation. Melton Mowbray, May 6.—Refuse Destructor.—For erection of a refuse destructor at the old sewage works, Leicester-road, Melton Mowbray, for the Melton Mowbray Urban District Council Montevideo, August 11.—Bridgework—The Diario of Febiuary 25 announces that tenders are invited by the Uruguayan Ministry of Public Works for the supply and erection of the metal superstructure required for a bridge across the river Santa Lucia.* Pentewan.—Dock Gates.—For construction and erection of dock gates, &c., at the port of Pentewan. Sunbury-on-Thames, May 5.—Gas Engine,