696 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 4, 1913. economic reasons would prevent the use of spirally reinforced concrete columns of such small dimensions. As was expected, the square columns gave better results per square inch than the round columns. Table III. shows the results of tests on the first set of posts made. Table III.—-Compression Tests on Square and Round Posts, Concrete Plain and Reinforced, 8 ft. Long (Age of Concrete (1:2:5) Two Months.) thickness of the crown is only 8 in. The depth of cover over this culvert is to be 90 ft., not solid, but tipped earth. With such examples and many others it seems evident that reinforced concrete will have an extended use in the future for main roads when the pressures are great. In conclusion, I should like to thank Mr. E. L. Morgan, B.Sc., and Mr. Imam Shaban, who have carried out the tests on the beams and posts referred to in this paper. No. O co ■ co O