694 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Apeil 4, 1913. Telegrams—“ Siebe, London.” The ALL-BRITISH SMOKE HELMETS for extinguishing Gob Fires, and for other short distance work in Collieries. A necessary Apparatus for every Colliery to cope immediately with emergencies occurring within short distances from fresh air. Extremely simple. Nothing to get out of order. Sent free on approval. VI.SO MAKER'S OE THE “PROTO" RESCUE APPARATUS (Fleuss-Davis Patents), for Rescue and Recovery Work in mines. ADOPTED BY NEARLY 100 MINES IN THIS COUNTRY ALONE. OXYGEN REVIVING APPARATUS. RESPIRATORS. SELF-CONTAINED DIVING APPARATUS (no air pumps or tubes) for flooded mines and other difficult situations where the use of the ordinary pumps and tubes would be impracticable. MINERAL BORIMG. rhomson Bros. (Dunfermline) Ld. (On Admimltv Litt), Prospectors for Minerals, Ac., by Diamond Drill and other Systems. Deepest Bores undertaken. Several already executed to depths from 3,400 to 4,536 feet. Quotations given for all kinds of Boring, Sinking Artesian Wells, Proving Foundations,