April 4, 1913. |THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 691 KEITH CENTRIFUGAL FANS .. .... IIIWI Bwwjroawa THE KEITH FANS ARE OF STRONG AND COMPACT CONSTRUCTION, AND GIVE LONG SERVICE WITH MINIMUM ATTENTION. THESE FANS ARE EXTENSIVELY USED FOR VENTILATION, INDUCED DRAFT, DUST EXHAUSTING, SMOKE REMOVAL, &c. James Keith & Blackman Co. Lb- 27, Farringdon Avenue, LONDON. si I . t;. "• '' fl Class L.—“ Koster ” Two-Stage Compressor. BAILEY’S “KOSTER” AIR COMPRESSOR. Steam, Belt, or Electric Driven. In all sizes for all purposes. HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL. Fitted with the Pioneer of all Compressor Piston Valves. HIGHEST EFFICIENCY. SIMPLEST COXSTKTCTION. LOWEST UPKEEP. Fewer moving parts than any other. ' rily one Outlet Valve. Some of the Principal Users. Indian Government (four Compressors); Manchester Corporation Hydraulic Power Station; Wvnnstav Collieries, Ruabon; Pearson & Knowles Coal and Iron Co. Ltd., Lancs. ; Ebbw Vale Steel Iron and Coal Co. Ltd., Moss Hall Colliery Co. Ltd., Wigan, &c.; South Eastern and Chatham Railway Company ; Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co., &c. tee our Special L,ist No. 1311. Sir W. H. BAILEY & CO.' LD., S Salford, Manchester. ECONOMY. FOR DURABILITY. HOLDS THE RECORD OF MIGMEST USES 50 PER CENT. LESS STEAM THAN ORDINARY PUMPS. ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE IN ACTION. VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL. ■ Fig. Id.—“ Davidson” Boiler Feed Pump. For any Pressure with. Pistons or Bams. BAILEY’S “DAVIDSON” PATENT STEAM PUMP GREAT MINING MACHINERY EXHIBITION. Previous Exhibitions under same management were held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, 1903, 1904, 190b, and at . . Olympia in 1908. Royal Agricultural Hall, London. Thursday, MAY 29, to Saturday, JUNE 7. Will be opened by The Rt. Hon. the EARL OF ELLESMERE. H. GREVILLE MONTGOMERY, Offices: 43, Essex Street, London. HUGH C. MONTGOMERY, Directors. 27, Brasenose Street, Manchester.