664 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Mabch 28, 1913. YIIL—Explosives, Blasting. Energy of Blasting Explosives. “ Engin. Record,” vol. 67, 2, p, 54-5. 2s. “ Miedziankit,” a Substitute for Dynamite Explosives. 8vo, 46 p. Gebriider Boehm, Kattowitz. The “ P. P.” Safety Shot-firing Appliances. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105,2724, p. 540; 1 fig. (Account of trials at a Durham quarry.) 6d. IX.—Timbering, Packing, &c. Metal Mine Posts. “ Coal Age, ’ vol. 3, 3, p. 95; ill. Is. 3d. Hydraulic Packing for Goaves in Open-cast Lignite Workings. W. Weber and W. Hirschmann. (Die Anwendung des Spulversatzverfahrens zu Abraumar- beiten in Braunkohlentagebaugruben.) “ Braunkohle,” vol. 11, 1912, 13, p. 193-201; 5 fig. 2s. 6d. A New Method of Using Hydraulic Goaf Packing. K. Gold. (Eine neue Verwendungsart des Spuelver- fahrens zu Abraumzwecken.) “ Braunkohle,” vol. 11, 1912,22, p. 346-7. 2s. 6d. The Relation between Subsidence and Packing, with Special Reference to the Hydraulic Stowing of Goaves. G. Knox. “Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 44, 3, p. 527-52; 1 pl. 8s. X.—Surface Arrangements. A Modern Steel Tipple in Pennsylvania. A. Kauffman. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 4, p. 139-42; ill. (Description of a modern steel service equipment, having a rated capacity of 4,000 tons per day.). Is. 3d. The Lattas Creek Mines in Indiana. W. C. Ernhart. “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 26, p. 906-7 ; ill. Is. 3d. XL—Winding and Haulage. Description of an Air ^Balanced Hoisting Engine at the Franklin Mining Company. R. H. Corbett. “ Min- Science.,” vol. 67, 1724, p. 85-6,1 fig. Electrically Driven Haulage Engines. (Elektrisch betriebene Forder maschinen.) I. J. Reck ten wald. “ Berg. Hiittenmaenn-Rdsch.” 1912, vol. 8,12,p. 130-2. Notes on Head gears for Collieries and other Mines. F. Tissington. “ Canad.-Engin.,” vol. 24, 8, p. 323-7, 8 fig. Electric Hoisting in Great Britain. “ Coal Age,” vol. 2. 26, p. 913. Is. 3d. Overwind Prevention in England. “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 26, p. 908-9; ill. Is. 3d. An Installation of Notbohm’s Cager.” “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 26, p. 902-3; fig. Is. 3d. Moving Minerals in Thin Flat Beds. “ Mines Minerals,” vol. 33, 6, p. 310-12; ill. (Swinging chutes, scraper conveyors, and shaking conveyors for transporting minerals underground.) 2s. 2d. Large Electric Mine Hoist at Christopher, Ill. “ Electrician (London),” vol. 70, 5, p. 167. (The hoist operates on the Ilgner system, and is of the double-drum type, having 7 ft. drums designed for an effective load, weight of which is 11,000 lb. A wire hoisting rope li in. in diameter is used. The equip- ment is being built to make 1,000 trips from a 600 ft. depth in seven hours.) Main Shaft Hauling Engine with Three-phase Commu- tator Motors. (Hauptschachtfbrdermaschinen mit Drehstrom-Kollektor-Motoren.) O. Goetz. “Kali,” 1912,17, p. 409-15 ; 2 fig. Is. 3d. Notes on Haulage Clips in Use in North Staffordshire. W. G. Salt and A. L. Lovatt. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 44, 2, p. 402-17; 12 ill.; 5 fig.; 1 tab. 8s. An Automatically Operated Mining Locomotive. “ El. Rev. (Lond.),” vol. 71, 1820, p. 567. Concerning Rail Motors. “ Motor Traction,” vol. 16, 412, p. 82-4 ; ill. Requirements for a Model Mine Track. J. B. McIntyre. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” December 16, 1912, p. 36. Electric Mine Locomotives in Germany. (Locomotives Electriques de Mines en Allemagne.) “ Rev. Prat. Ind. Metall.,” December 1912, p. 2. Mine Locomotives in the Dortmund District. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105,2725, p. 607; 2 fig. Z. Berg. W. Preuss 6d. XIII. —Lighting. Miner’s Electric Safety Lamps. “ Trans. N. Engl. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 63, 2, p. 132-9; 4 fig. 8s. The Heating of Safety Lamp Gauzes in Fiery Atmospheres. E. Lemaire. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2724, p. 535; 1 fig. (Trans, of report in “Ann. Mines Belgique,” vol. 18, 1, on tests at Frameries.) 6d. Approved Safety Lamps. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2724, p. 543; 4 fig. (Home Office Order.) 6d. XIV. —Ventilation. Investigation on Brattice Ventilation. (Untersuchungen fiber Wetterffihrung mittels Lutten.) Willy Arlt. “ Z. Ver D. Ing.,” 1912, 39, p. 1588-92, 15 fig., 2 ill., 2 tab.; 40, p. 1626-32, 4 fig., 6 tab.; 41, p. 1665-8, 8 fig., 2 tab. 8s. 6d. XY.—Mine Gases, Testing. The Hailwood Gas Cap Observation Machine. E. A. Hailwood. “Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 44, 2, p. 503-18 ; 3 ill. 8s. The Outburst of Carbon Dioxide at the Cons. Ruben- grube Colliery, Neurode, on September 17,1911. (Der Kohlensaureausbruch auf dem Steinkohlenbergwerk Cons. Rubengrube bei Neurode am 17 September, 1911.) Baske. “ Z. Ber£. W. Preuss,” 1912, 1. p. 74-80; 5 fig. Firedamp in Mines. J. Harger. “Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2725, p. 596. (Abst. paper read before Manch. Geol. Min. Soc.) 6d. XYL—Coaldust. Robbing Coaldust of its Dangers. “ Mines Minerals,” vol. 33, 6, p. 307-9. (Experience in applying steam to the air current and its effect upon the dust in the mine.) 2s. 2d. Causes of Coaldust Explosions. C. M. Young. “ Engin. Mag.,” vol. 44, 5, p. 771-3. (Composition and fineness of dust combined with volatile gases.) Is. 8d. Combating Dangerous Ooaldust. (Bekaempfung des gefaehrlichen Kohlenstaubes.) Recktenwald. “ Berg- Hfittenmaenn. Rdsch.,” December 20, 1912, p. 68. The Report of the Committee on Explosions in Mines. “ Engineering,” vol. 95, 2457, p. 164-5. Is. 3d. XYI [.—Explosions. On the Prevention of Firedamp Catastrophes. (Ueber die Verhuetung von Schlagwetier Katastrophen.) Dr. Miethe. “ Kohle Erz,” December 23, 1912, p. 1322. 2s. XYIIL—Mine Fires. Mine Fires and How to Fight Them. J. W. Paul. 8vo, 14 p. “ U.S. Bur. Min. Circ. 10.” Gob Fires and the Prevention of Gob Fires in Mines.” J. Harger. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 44, 2, p. 318-47; map. 8s. XIX.—Rescue and Ambulance- Mine Rescue Appliances: a Danger Occurring in the Use of Apparatus in which an Injector is Employed. J. Cadman. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 44, 2, p. 463-74; 2 fig., 3 tab. 8s. Internal Pressures in Rescue Appliances. H. C. Jenkins. “ Colliery Guard,” vol. 105, 2725, p. .591; 4 fig. (Abst. paper read before Midland Inst. Min. Engin.) 6d. XX.—Drainage, Pumping, &c. Some Novel Devices in Connection with Electrical Pumping Installations in Mines. R. Herzfeld. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 44, 3, p. 615-28, I pl. 8s. The Humphrey Pump. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2725, p. 594; 5 fig. (Installation at Chingford Reservoirs.) 6d. XXL—Preparation. Central Washer of the Ala. F. and I. Co. I. E. H. Coxe. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 7, p. 247-251; ill. Is. 3d. - The Technical Problems of Coal Preparation. W. S. Ayres. “ JI. Ind. Engin. Chem.,” vol. 5, 1, p. 68-70. 3s. 6d. The Preparation of Bituminous Coal. F. E. Bracket. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 3, p. 92-4; vol. 3, 4, p. 130-3; fig. 2s. 6d. Washery at Soddy Mine, Tennessee. “ Mines Minerals,” vol. 33, 6, p. 295-7; ill. 2s. 2d. XXII.- Briquettes. Extensions to the Coking Plant at the Cargo Fleet and Iron Company’s Works. “ Colliery Guard.” vol. 105, 2723, p. 501. 6d. XXIIL—Coke Ovens. By-Product Coke. C. W. Andrews. “ Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Engin.,” 1913, 73, p. 47-64. 3s. 6d. The Beehive Coke Oven Industry of the United States. A. W. Balden. “ JI. Ind. Engin. Chem.,” vol. 5, 1, p. 71-73, ill. 3s. 6d. A Model Plant in the Coke Region. S. Reynolds. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 1, p. 8-9, ill. (Notes on one of the important Connellsville coke plants.) Is. 3d. The Manufacture of Coke and the By-products from the Distillation of Coal. A. Say. 8 vol. Dunod et Pinat, Paris. 22s. New Methods of Coke Manufacture. W. H. Blauvelt. “ Ind. World,” vol. 46, 1912, 51, p. 1516-19. XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, &c. The Better Utilisation of Bituminous Coals. “ Engin. News, (N.Y.)” vol. 68, 26, p. 1220. 2s. The New German Institutes for Chemistry and Coal Research. “ Engineering,” vol. 95, 2455, p. 92-3. Is. 3d. Accuracy and Limitations of Coal Analysis. A. C. Field- ner. “ Chem. Engin.,” vol. 17, 2, p. 50-65; 1 fig.; 9 tab. (Experimental data bearing on the probable variations that may occur in good laboratory practice.) 2s. 3d. The Storage of Coal. E. Brown. “Steam,” vol. 10, 1912, 6, p. 162-4. Coal Storage and Cost of Same. R. Nfibling. (Ueber Kohlenlagerungjund ihre Kosten.) “ JI. Gasbeleuchtg,” vol. 55, 1912, 49, p. 1193-7; 50, p. 1222-6; 2 tab., 7 fig., 7 ill. 6s. Surface Combustion and By-product Gas. W. A. Bone. “Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2723, p. 503. (Abst. lecture before N .E. Coast Inst. Engin. 6d. The Determination of Water in Coal. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2723, p. 489; 2724, p. 557; 2 fig. (Con- clusion of report of International Committee on Analyses presented at 8th International Congress of Applied Chemistry.) Is. XXY.—Steam Engines and Boilers. A Large Anthracite Power Plant. Kneeland. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 5, p. 171-4; ill. Is. 3d. Power Plant Economics. H. W. Flashmrn. “ School Mines,” vol. 34, 1912, 1, p. 1-23. 3s. 3d. Why Smoke is an Industrial Nuisance. Benner. “ Iron Age,” vol. 91, 2, p. 135-8 ; fig. XXYI.—Compressed Air. Compressed Air Trouble in English Mine. F. Richards. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 7, p. 255-6. Is. 3d. The Centrifugal Blower for High Pressure. H. F. Schmidt. “ Engin. Rev.” (Ldn ), vol. 26, 7, p. 247-9; fig. Is. 9d. The Generation and Use of Compressed Air for Mining. G. B. Walker. “Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 44, 3, p. 629-89; 44 fig. 8s. The Pyro Boiler-cleaning Apparatus. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2724, p. 536 ; 1 fig. 6d. The Use of Compressed Air. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2725, p. 592. (Discussion on paper by G. B. Walker, Midland Inst. Min. Engin.) 6d. XX YIL—Electricity. Electrical Engineering for Mechanical and Mining Engineers. H. J. S. Heather. “ Electrician,” 8vo., 342 p., London, 1912. 15s. On the Choice and Economy of Power Generators, with especial Reference to Mining Plants. (Ueber die Wahl und Oekonomie der Kraftsmaschinen.) Al. Parma. “ Kohleninteressent,” December 15, 1912. p. 305. (This instalment deals with gas engines using coke and blastfurnace gases.) 2s. The North-west Power Station Railway of the Common- wealth Edison Company. “ El. Railw. JI.,” vol. 40, 17, p. 496-8; 2 fig., 3 ill. (This railway was built and equipped for the sole purpose of transporting coal to a power station from a steam railroad. The current is supplied by a third rail.) Power Plants in Coalmines. (Die Maschinenwirtshaft der Kohlengruben.) Ilgner. “ El. Maschbau,” 1912, 42, p. 883-4. Economy in Colliery Power Plants. S. F. Walker. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 5, p, 181-5, ill. Is. 3d. An Investigation of Explosion-proof Motors. H. H. Clark. 8vo, 44 pp. U.S. Bur. Mines, Bull. 46. Stray Electric Currents in Coalmines. C. J. Norwood. “Coal and Coke Op.,” December 26, 1912, p. 401. (Paper read before Kentucky Coal Min. Inst.) 2s. 3d. Explosion Proof Motors. H. H. Clark. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2723, p. 487, 6 fig. (Abst., Bull 46, U.S. Bur. Mines.) 6d. XXYIIL—Surface Transport. New Canadian Pacific Coal Handling Plant. “ Iron Age,” vol. 91, 3, p. 192-5; ill. (Hulett ore-unloading type for machine designed for new use. Breakage of fuel reduced by use of large buckets.) XXIX. —Sanitation, Diseases, &c. Feed Water Purification at Mines. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3,5, p. 188-190; ill. Is. 3d. XXX. —Mining Laws, Royalties. The Taxation of Mines in Various Countries. D. Bowen. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Eng.,” vol. 44, 3, p. 560- 614. 8s. The Valuation of Mineral Properties. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2724, p. 537 and p. 542 ; 2 fig. (Discussion by D. R. Stephens and others on paper by T. A. O’Donahue, S. Staffs. Inst. Min. Engin.) 6d. According to the London Gazette, the Home Secretary has given notice that he has made an Order in pursuance of section 33 of the Coal Mines Act 1911, approving “ The ‘ Oldham ’ Miners’ Electric Safety Lamp ” for use in all mines to which the Act applies, subject to the conditions specified in the schedule to the Order. Copies of the Order can be purchased either directly, or through any bookseller from Messrs. Wyman and Sons Limited, Fetter-lane, London, E.C., H.M. Stationery Office (Scottish Branch), 23 Forth-street, Edinburgh, and Messrs. E. Ponsonby Limited, 116, Grafton-street, Dublin.