660 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Mabch 28, 1913. tion, as follows:—(a) Smokeless Welsh steam coal, 450 tons; (b) small coal (for use with underfeed stokers), 3,60 J tons. T/w date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received, CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IROI ARD STEEL WORK. Ac. Aberdabe, April 12.—Bridges.—For erection and com- pletion of the Robertstown and Cwmbach bridges, for the Aberdare Urban District Council. Bergen (Norway), March 29.—Cast Iron Goods.—H.M. Consul at Cnristiania reports that tenders are invited by the Norwegian State Railways Authorities for the supply of various cast iron goods.* Boston, April 12.—Bails.—For the supply of 2 miles of new portable railway rails, for the Black Sluice Drainage and Navigation Commissioners, 2 ft. gauge, to weigh 141b. per yard, and corrugated steel sleepers 7 lb. per yard, all complete with fishplates, clips, and bolts. Bulford, April 21.—Reconstructing Bridge.—For the reconstruction of Bulford Bridge, Bulford, Salisbury Plain, for the Wilts County Council. Cashel (Ireland), April 1.—Gas Washer.—For the supply of a small gas washer, equal to dealing with about 30,000 cubic feet of gas in 24 hours, the washer to be fitted with 6 in. valves, connections, by-pass, and other necessary fittings, for the Urban District Council. Clevedon, April 9.—Furnaces.—For the erection of regenerative furnaces, retorts, and ironwork connected therewith, for the directors of the Clevedon Gas Company. Christiania, April 5.— Cable, tyc.—H.M. Consul at Christiania reports that tenders are invited by the Nor- wegian State Telegraph Department for the supply of 405 tons of iron wire, 39,000 m. of 7-ply and 18,000 m. of 12-ply steel wire cable, also lead cable.* Daventry, April 14.—Water-softening Plant, #c.—For the supply and erection of (1) water-softening plant (capacity 10,000 gallons per hour), for the borough water supply ; (2) a water-level indicator, for the Corporation. Limerick, April 7.—Retort Settings, $c.—For supply of retort settings, for the Gas Committee. London, April 8.—Girder Work.—For supply of about 100 tons of steel bridge girders and other iron and steel work of British manufacture, for the Great Western Railway Company. London, April 8.—Wagons, ppt-; Piraeus, 3,000, 10s. 6d.,500, March ; River Plate, 6,300, 15s. 9d., March; Rouen, 1,700, 5s. 3d.; 1,100, 5s. 9d.; Rio de Janeiro, 5,300,16s. 3d., April 3; 16s. 3d., 300, end March; 16s. 6d.; St. Servau, 1,550, 4s. 9d.; Sables, 2,000, 6yfr-> 600, spot; Savona, 3 900, 9s. 3d., spot; Syra, 3,000 10s. 6d., 500, March; St. Nazaire, 2,100, 6fr., ppt.; Spezzia, 3,900, 9s. 3d., spot; Teneriffe, 4,800, 8s. 9d., April 1; 4,250,8s. 9d., April 10; 9s , April; 5,600, 8s. 6d.; Venice, 4.400, Ils. 9d., ppt.; Zea, 3,000, 10s. 6d., 500, March. Swansea to Alicante, 1,100,10s.; 1,050,9s. 6d.; Alexandria, 1,500, 10s. 9d., ppt.; Venice, 4,600,11s. 9d. and 12s. 6d.,ppt.; Chantehay, 1,800, 6s. 4d.; St. Nazaire, 2,250, 6 fr.; Calais, 1,150, 5s.; Boulogne, 1,150, 5s.; Stettin, 1,800, 6s. 9d., 500, 6s, 6d., 1,000, ppt.; Ancona, 4,600, Ils. 9d. and 12s. 6d., ppt.; Genoa, 5,400, 9s. 3d.; Savona, 5,400, 9s, 3d.; Bona, 1,400, 111 and 121 fr.; 1,700, 111 fr-, 350, ppt.; Valencia, 1,500, 9s. coal, 9s. 9d. fuel, 1896 clause; Trouville, 800, 5s. 6d.; Rouen, 800,6s.; 1,100,5s. 9d.; 1,900, 5s. 3d.; Dieppe, 850, 5s. 6d.; Bordeaux, 1,900, 6f fr. Fife port to Genoa, 1,500, 9s. 3d.; Savona, 1,500, 9s. 3d.; Leghorn, 1,500, 9s. 3d. Thames to Rio de Janeiro, sail, 22s., cement. Wales to direct nitrate port, sail, 17s. 9d.; nitrate ports and home to United Kingdom-Continent, sail, 48s. in and out, 48s. 6d. stiffened; West Coast South America and home to United Kingdom-Continent, sail, 47s. 6d. in and out, 48s. always stiffened. Newport to Algiers, 5,200, 9f fr., 600, April 1; 4,000, 10’37i fr. Wear to Ystadt, 1,800, 5s. 9d.; Gefle, 20,000 tons, 6s. lid., April-November; London, 900, 3s. 6d.; Bordeaux, 3,400, 5s. lid., 500. Hull to Cronstrdt, 5,400, 5s. 9d.; 2 400, 5s. 9d., f.o.w.; 1.400, p.t., f.o.w.; Reval, 1,800, 6s. lid.; Rotterdam, 1,500, 4s. 3d.; Rouen, 1,800, 5s., ppt.; St. Malo, 1,800, 4s. 101d., ppt.; Libau, 1,800, 6s.; 2,600, 6s., ppt.; Ancona, 4,700, Ils. 6d., ppt.; St. Petersburg, 1,500, 6s., f.o.w.; Riga, 1,600, ppt ; Genoa, 4.600, 9s. 3d., ppt. Glasgow to Venice, 10s. 9d.; Buenos Ayres, 16s., including 1,100 tons general, March. Burntisland to River Plate, 4.500, 16s., 200, ppt. Port Talbot to La Pallice, 1,500, 61 fr. spot; Calais, 1,200, 5s., March 29; Antwerp, 2,100,4s. 9d., March 28 ; Alexandria, 4,600, 10s. 9d. ppt.; Bordeaux, 1,100, 64fr. Bly th to Reval, 3,000, 6s.; Malmo, 2,000, 5s.; Norrkoping, 1,800, 6s. 3d. Weston Point to Calcutta, 13s., salt; 12s., salt, March. Methil to Genoa, 1,700, 9s. 3d.; 2,700, 9s. 3d.; ; Savona, 1,700, 9s. 3d.; 2,700, 9s. 3d.; Leghorn, 1,700, 9s. 3d.; 2,700, 9s. 3d. Llanelly to Rouen, 720, 6s. Rotterdam to Bagnoli, 4,600, 8s. 4jd., ppt.; Porto Ferrajo, 4.600, 8s. 4|d. ppt.; Algiers, part cargo steam coals, 10 fr., ppt.; Philippeville, 1,900, 12 fr., March 30; Malta, 3,600, 8s. 6d., April 4; Bilbao, 4,200, 4s. 10jd., April 16. Homeward charters:—No vorossisk, 4,000, Fiume, 12'50 fr, end March; Sulina, 3,300, Naples and Salerno, 14fr. ppt.; 2.600, East Coast, United Kingdom, 9s. 6d. one port, 10s. 6d. two ports, ppt.; Nicolaieff, Novorossisk, Odessa, &c., 1,982 net, Antwerp or Rotterdam, 8s. 6d., March; Madras Coast, 2,835 net, Marseilles and Hamburg, 30s., option 500 tons unshelled 51s 3d., net terms, April-May; Kurrachee, 4,100, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent. 18s. o.c., net terms, April-May; 2,985 net, 17s. 9d., p.p., May ; South Japan, 3'50 dole., Singapore, April; Buenos Ayres, 5,000, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 19s. o.c., no reduction direct, March; 5,000, 10 per cent., 19s. o.c., less 6d., La Plata loading 3d. more, March ; 6,000, ditto, ditto, April 1-10 ; San Lorenzo, 4,700, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 20s. o.c., less 6d., April; 4,500, 10 per cent., 21s. o.c., less 6d., option Genoa and Marseilles 2s. extra, May; 4,700, 10 per cent., 20s. 3d. o.c., less 6d., March-April; 4,700, 10 per cent., 20s. o.c., less 6d., April 1-30; 4,400, 10 per cent., 20s. o.c., no reduction, March; 5,500, 10 per cent., 19s. 6d., o.c., less 6d., less 6d. further if p.p., option full cargo below bar Is. less, ppt.; 5,5C0,10 per cent, 20s. 6d., o.c. less 6d., option Bahia Blanca same rate, or full cargo below bar Is. 6d. less, with 1 other options, April 25-May 25; Santa Fe, 5,500, 10 per cent., Antwerp, 20s. 6d., ppt.; Baltimore, 18,000 qrs., Rotterdam, 3s. 4|d., spot; Purman, 3,150, West Hartlepool, 5s. 9d., end March; Sagunto, 5,000, Pniladelphia, 8s. 6d., ft., early April; 2,934 net, 8s. 6d., f.t., end March; San Juan, 2,000, Rotterdam, 6s., 400-400, ppt.; Santander, 1,650, Rotterdam, 5s., end March; 2,100, 5s., ppt.; Bilbao, 1,600, Middlesbrough, 4s. 10|d., end March : 2,400, 4s. 7|d., ppt.; 3,000, Rotterdam, 4s. 9d., ppt.; 3,000, Tyne Dock, 4s. 9d., ppt.; Puget Sound or British Columbia, sail, 60s , Sydney, N.S.W.: South Australia, sail, 32s. United Kingdom- Continent, 28s. 6d. South Africa, April; North Pacific, sail, 41s. 3d., United Kingdom-Continent, September-November; Pugwash, 1,200 stds., Manchester, 55s., May; St. John, N B., 1,700 stds., Bristol Channel, 50s., May; Azof. 4,000, 10 per cent., Ils. 3d. n.c. or any, Ils. 9d Hamburg, 3d. extra two ports loading, April 1-15; 6,700, Rotterdam 10s. 3d., Emden or Weser 10s. 6d., Hamburg 10s. 9d, with 31. less barley, March-April; Nicolaieff, 4,200, Bergen and Vaksdal, Ils. 6d., ppt.; 5,600, Antwerp, Ils. 6d. ore, ppt.; Burmah, two ports, 6 200, United Kingdom - Continent, 25s. 6d. o.c., April; 6,800, 32s. 6d. o.c., Holland, 32s., April; Moji, 2,559 net, Manilla, 6s. 6d., April; Gulf, 1,000 stds., 10 per cent., East Coast United Kingdom, 107s. 6d. one port, 110s. two ports, April; Villa Constitucion, 4,800, 10 per cent., Rotterdam, 18s. 9d., March-April; Bahia Blanca, 4.500, 10 per cent., Marseilles, 24s. 6d., oats, option part heavy grain 3s. less, March-April; 6,500, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 20s. 63. o.c., less 6d.; 4,500, 10 per cent., 20s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., option San Lorenzo 6d. less, early April; Cette, 2,100, Stockton, 6s. 3d., March; New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore, 23 COO qrs., 10 per cent., Avonmouth, Antwerp or Rotterdam, 2s. 9d., April; Huelva, 6,800, Savannah, 9s., Tinto terms; nitrate ports, 32s. 6d., United States, April; Montreal, 2s. 9d., United Kingdom- Continent, p.p.; Taganrog, 4,400, Rotterdam, 10s. 3d., 3d. less barley, April; Danube, 5,100, Rotterdam, 10s., option on d.w. 10s. 6d. grain and/or wood, ppt.; Bombay, 6.500, Mostyn Deeps, 20s., ore, April; New York or Philadelphia, 165,000 cases, 10 per cent., Japan, two ports, 28 c., May ; New Orleans, 2,290, United Kingdom-Con- tinent, 16s. 9d. two ports, net form, April ; La Plata, 6,500, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 19s., o.c., less 6d., less 6d. more if Rotterdam direct, March-April ; La Goulette, 2,800, Middlesbrough, West Hartlepool or Tyne, 8s., f.t., March-April; La Falaise, 3,000, Barrow, 6s. 9d., early April; Bona, 5,000, Rotterdam, 5s. 3d., March; Kherson, Nicolaieff, or Odessa, 2,700, 10s. n.c. or any, 10s. 6d. Hamburg, ppt. ; Port Pirie, 3,021 net, Antwerp, 31s. 6d., June ; S-iigon, 6,000, Liverpool, 28s. 6d., rice meal, May ; Burma, 23s. 6d., o.c., United Kingdom-Continent, 6d. less Holland, April; Baltimore, 2s. 7|d., Avonmouth or Rotterdam, other p.p., 2s. 8|d., Copenhagen 2s. 10|d., May- June ; Pensacola, 1,200 stds., 10 per cent., West Italy, 127s. 6d. two ports, 130s. three, April-May ; time charter, Transatlantic trade, 5s. 3d., one round trip, delivery Seville ; Northern Range, 15,000qrs., Mediterranean, 4s. 3d. one port, 4s. 4|d. two portsk 4s. 6d. three ports. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. Aberdeen Coal Company Limited.—The directors, in their twelfth annual report, state that the amount at the credit of profit and loss account, after providing for deprecia- tion for the year to February 28, 1913, is .£3,717 Is. lOd, to which has to be added the balance brought from the previous year (£2,129 16s. 2d.), making available for division £5,845 18s. From this the directors propose to pay a dividend of 10 per cent, (free of income-tax) on the paid-up capital of £16,675, which will require £1,667 10s.; to carry to steamer renewal and survey account, £500; to pay a bonus of 3d. per ton on all customers’ accounts of 10 tons and upwards (except special contracts), estimated at £1,625, leaving to be carried forward (subject to directors’ remuneration) £2,054 8s. Addie (Robert) and Sons’ Collieries Limited.—The reporo states that, after payment of the preference share dividend, writing off £5,000 for general depreciation, £2,000 for special depreciation of heritable properties, and £3,180 for depreciation of wagons and brickwork, and carrying £3 000 to the special reserve fund, there remains a balance of £1,440, which is carried foward. No dividend is available on the ordinary shares. Subject to obtaining an order of the Court of Session, it is proposed to repay out of the special reserve fund, after May 31 next, 30s. per share to the preference shareholders. Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Company Limited.—The directors announce an interim dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, less income-tax, on the ordinary shares for the half-year. Auto Sheet Metal Works Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £500 in £1 shares, to carry on the business indicated by the title. Table A mainly applies. Bengal Iron and SteerjCompany^Limited—The profits for the year ended September 30 were £71,797, including £8,705 brought forward. A year’s dividend has been paid on the 6 per cent, preference shares, and a further similar distribution is proposed, bringing the arrears up to Sep- tember 30, 1910, writing £500 off issue expenses, adding £18,083 to the sinking funds and carrying forward £25,673. Birmingham Small Arms [Company Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend for the 6 months ended January 31 last on the ordinary shares at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum (free of income-tax). Consolidated Cambrian Limited.—This company has been registered, with a capital of £2,(JOO,000 in £1 shares (1,000,000 6 per cent, cumulative preference and 1,000,000 ordinary), to acquire and hold all or any of the preference and/or ordinary shares of the Cambrian Collieries Limited, the Glamorgan Coal Company Limited, the Naval Colliery Company (1897) Limited, and the Britannic Merthyr Coal Company Limited; to acquire, explore, work, and develop any collieries, iron and patent fuel works, iron or other mines, quarries, and minerals in the United Kingdom or abroad; to purchase, build, charter, and freight ships, locomotives, wagons, trucks, and vehicles for transport by land or water, &o., and to adopt an agreement between the company of the first part, certain registered holders of the ordinary and preference shares of the above-named com- panies of the second part, and the National Provincial Bank of England Limited of the third part. The sub- scribers are:—D. A. Thomas, Cambrian-buildings. Cardiff,