Ma.rch 20, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 613 Burton-upon-Trent, of about 100 yards of 27 in. cast iron spigot and faucet pipes and a quantity of specials, for the Corporation. Christiania, March 28.—Fencing.—H.M. Consul at Christiania reports that tenders are invited for the supply galvanised fence wire, fence netting, hurdles, and iron fence posts, to the “ Banedirektorens Kontor, Statsbanerne,” Christiania. (Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E C.). Christiana, April 4.—Rails.—H.M. Consul at Christiania reports that tenders are invited by the Norwegian State Railway authorities for the supply of Decauville rails, steel tip-wagons, and accessories required for the northern section of the Dovre railway. (Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.Q.) Fleetwood (Lancs.), March 31.—Pump, fyc.—For the supply and delivery of one boiler feed pump, and also for supply, delivery and erection of a set of economiser tubes at the electricity works, Copse-road, Fleetwood, for the Fleetwood Urban District Council. Harwich, April 5.—Main.—For the supply, lay and jointing of about 380 lineal yards of 15 in. cast iron rising main in connection with the sewage works, for the Corpora- tion. Specification may be obtained from Mr. F. H. French, borough surveyor, Harwich, on sending a stamped addressed envelope. Hornsey, March 31.—Cooling Tower,