612 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 20, 1913. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. Anglo-Dutch Industrial Supply Company Limited.— Thia private company has been regi tered, with a capital of .£10,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of dealers in machinery, tools, implements, ironmongery, and iron and steel goods, rolling stock and hardware of all kinds, &c., and to adopt an agreement with R. S. Stokvis and Z men Limited. First directors : T. Stokvis and G. W. Mancell. Arrol (Sir William) and Co. Limited.—The directors report a gross profit for the year ended December 31 of .£57,407. The directors recommend that £7,500 be carried to depreciation fund, £2,781 to reserve fund, and that a dividend of 10 per cent., free of tax, be paid on the ordinary shares, carrying forward £7,562. Barnsley Coal and Coke Association Limited. — This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 (£1). Birks, Stevens and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of steel and general merchants, manufacturers of lathe, tool, cast and other steel, &c. First directors, W. Meckelburg and F. C. Hobbins. Qualification, £100. British Engine Boiler and Electrical Insurance Company Limited.—Tne report for the year ended December 31 last states that an interim dividend of 5s. per share (less income- tax) was paid on July 1, and there now remains a disposable balance of £17,733, which it is recommended to appropriate as follows:—In payment of a dividend of 5s. per share for the half-year ended December 31, 1912, less income-tax, £4,802; bonus of 3s. per share, less income-tax, £2,881; to carry to investment reserve, £7,000 ; write off furniture and instruments, £1,000; balance, subject to payment of directors’ and auditors’ fees, &c, to be carried to next account, £2,049. The chairman, Mr. R. B. Lon grid ge, on account of his advanced age, does not wish to be re-elected. The board regret this severance of connection with the first chairman and founder of the company, but have elected his son, Mr. R. Charles Longridge, as chairman in his place. British Insulated and Helsby'Cables Company Limited.— The directors’ report for last year discloses a profit of £218,395, while £63,651 was brought forward. After paying debenture interest, the directors write off £20,000 for depreciation, transfer £20,000 to reserve, and £8,500 to special reserve account, £5,000 to first mortgage debentures redemption, and write £36,500 off patents and goodwill. A final dividend of 6 per cent., making 10 per cent, for the year, is recommended, leaving £74,231 to carry forward. Caldwell (William) Limited.—This private company has been registered in Edinburgh, with a capital of £2,000 (£1,950 preference shares of £1 each and 1,000 ordinary shares of Is. each), to acquire the business of engineers and ironfounders from the representative of Wm. Caldwell, at Dun terlie, Barrhead. First directors, A. T. Forgie and H. F. Lowndes. Registered office, 22, Renfield-street, Glasgow. Cammell, Laird and Co. Limited.—The profits for the year, after providing full depreciation and paying debenture and bank interest and all charges, amount to £144,988, and the balance brought forward was £33,068, making £178,056. The directors recommend a final dividend of 10s. per share on the preference shares (two years’ dividend), and propose to carry forward £55,534. If this recommendation is adopted, the arrears of cumulative preference dividend will amount to £30,630, which is the equivalent of six months’ dividend. It is more than covered by the sum proposed to be carried forward. The debentures, which bear 4 to 5 per cent, interest, amount to £2,150,500. Interest on this was allowed for before the profit was struck. The company’s investments in subsidiary and other companies, including cash advances, amount to £2,014,483. The last dividend on the ordinary shares was 2| per cent., paid as an interim distribution, in 1907. Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir) Limited.—The second annual report for the year ended June 30, 1912, states that the net earnings are slightly under the figures for the previous year. Since September 16 there has been a general strike of the miners at the mines, which still continues, but the directors hope for an early settlement. In view of the labour troubles the directors considered that it would be advisable to postpone for the time being payment of the dividend due November 1, 1912, on the outstanding prefer- ence shares of the company, and a resolution to this effect was passed. A balance of £103,647 is carried forward. In the course of his report the general manager states that early in the year sinking operations were commenced at a new shaft in the Comox field, and are now being continued. Anew line of railway, about 6| miles in length, is being constructed for this mine. Central Silkstone Collieries Limited.—In the Chancery Division on Saturday Mr. Justice Joyce heard a motion in a debenture holders’ action by Bloom and Co., of London, against the Central Silkstone Collieries Limited. Mr. Hughes, K.C., for the plaintiff, said this was a motion for the appointment of a receiver and manager. In a previous debenture holders’ action by Mrs. Anderson there had been a considerable dispute, but eventually the company with- drew their opposition and a receiver and manager was appointed in that action. It was agreed, therefore, that Mrs. Anderson should pay the plaintiffs £3,106 6s. 10d., with interest from March 10, provided that the company agreed that to be the amount due on the debenture. Coltness Iron Company Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend of 4 per cent, on the ordinary shares, in addition to the usual dividends on the first and second preference shares. County of Durham Electrical Power Distribution Company Limited— The report of the directors for the year ended December 31, 1912, states that the total con- nections to the company’s syttem at the end of the year (including the connections of its Associated Parliamentary Company, the County of Durham Electric Power Supply Company) amounted to 54,525-horse power, which, compared with the previous year’s figure of 43,525-horse power, shows an increase of 11,000-horse power. The profit for the year is £33,736 7s. 7d., and, adding the balance brought forward from 1911 (£162 4s. 6d.), amounts to £33,898 12s. Id.; against which has been charged, interest on loans and debenture stock £13,535 Is. 5d., leaving an available balance of £20,363 10s. 8d. The directors recommend this should be dealt with as follows: (1) In payment of a dividend of 5 per cent, for the year on the preference shares (of this an interim dividend of 2| per cent, was paid in October last amounting to £6,250), £12,500; (2) in transferring to depreciation account, £6,000; (3) in carrying forward to 1913, £1,863 10s. 8d—£20,363 10s. 8d. The capital expenditure on mains and works during the year has been £47 648 8s. lOd. Crossgates Iron Ore Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £5,000 (£1), to acquire lands, estates, mines, veins, mineral grants, iron ore, coal, clay, stone, gravel, and sand deposits in Lamplugh, Cumberland. Crumblehulme and Sons Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £16,000 (8,000 7 per cent, preference shares of £1 each and 16,000 ordinary shares of 10s. each), to carry on the business of iron, brass and other metal founders, &c., and to adopt an agreement with J. Crumblehulme and W. Crumblehulme, who are the first directors. Registered office, Derby Ironworks, Roth- well-street, Bolton. Dove (William) and Sons Limited. — This private company has been registered, with a capital of £18,000 in £1 shares (6,000 preference), to acquire the business of ironmongers, ironfounders, iron and steel merchants, hot water, electrical and general engineers, &o., formerly carried on by Messrs. A. Dove and W. Dove, at York, as William Dove and Son. The persons named are the first directors. Fife Forge Company Limited.—This private company has been registered in Edinburgh, with a capital of £45,000 in £1 shares (31,000 preference), to acquire the business of the Fife Forge Company Limited, Kirkcaldy, and to carry on business as forgemasters, iron and steel founders, &c. First directors: J. Harley, A. Harley and J. Hepburn. Qualification £1,000. Registered office, Overtoun-road, Kirkcaldy. Forth and Clyde and Sunnyside Iron Company Limited. —The directors state that, after fully providing for depre- ciation, the profits, including the balance of £8,186 brought forward, amount to £18,673. The directors recommend a final dividend of 10 per cent., free of taxj on the ordinary shares, that £10,000 be carried to reserve fund for the equalising of dividends, and £2,1736 carried forward. Foster (W.) and Co. (Birmingham) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £5,000 in £1 shares, to take over the business of manufac- turers of and dealers in wire, metal, &c., carried on by W. Foster and Co., at 46, Barr-street, Birmingham. First directors, W. E. Cooke (chairman), R. W. Cooke and H. E. H. Cooke. Glover (W. T.) and Co. Limited.—The profits for the year ended December last was £38.469, making, with £4,767 brought forward, a total of £43,236. Directors’ fees absorb £1,041, debenture and preference interest £12,758. There is £1,500 written off investments, £6,500 transferred to debenture redemption, and £5,000 placed to reserve. The directors recommend a dividend of 5 per cent, and a bonus of 2| per cent, on the ordinary shares for the year, absorbing £8,111, leaving £8,326 carried forward. Gregory and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered with a capital of £2,000 (1,000 ordinary shares of £1 each and 200 preference shares of £5 each) to carry on the business of builders and manufacturers of locomotives, engines, &c. Registered office: 104, Hampstead- road, Brislington. Hammond Brothers and Champness Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £100 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of engineers, manu- facturers of machinery, toolmakers, founders, metal-workers, boilermakers, &c. First directors, E. N. Hammond, H. Champness, and L. F. Hammond. Registered office, Kent Engineering Works, Alfreton-street, Old Kent-road, S.E. Ibbotson Brothers and Co. Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend of 2s. per share, being at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, tax free. Improved Open Hearth Furnace Company Limited.— This private company has been registered, with a capital of £28,500 (8,500 £1 cumulative participating preferred and 400 £50 ordinary), as furnace constructors, ironmasters, &c., and to adopt an agreement with the Blair Open Hearth Furnace Company Limited. Registered office, 20, Copthall- avenue, E.C. Jessop (William) and Sons Limited.—In their thirty- seventh report and balance-sheet, showing the position of the company at the end of December, the directors state that, including a balance of £11,264 15s. 6d., brought from last account, the total amount at the credit of profit and loss account, after making allowance for depreciation, is £91,128 6s. 4d., which the directors recommend shall be dealt with as follows:—In payment of interest on deben- tures and on advanced calls, £4,632; to declare a final dividend at the rate of 5| per cent, per annum on the preference shares, making with the half-year’s dividend paid in September last a total distribution of £5,500; to transfer to reserve account, £16,500; to renewals and improvements, including new offices, £13 500; to declare a final dividend of 6s. per share on the ordinary shares, making with the interim dividend paid in September last a total distribution of 8s. per share, or 10 per cent, for the year, and a bonus of 2s. per share, free of income-tax, £38,435; to carry forward to the next account the balance of £12,561 6s. 4d. One-half of the mortgage deben- tures were repaid on January 1, 1912, leaving £100,000 outstanding. Mersey Coal Elevators Limited.—This company has been registered, with a capital of £60,508 in £1 shares (55,008 preference and 5,500 deferred shares), to take over the undertaking and assets, and certain of the liabilities of the Liverpool Barge and Coaling Company Limited (incor- porated in 1905), of Royal Liver-buildings, Liverpool, for £107,000 (£52,000 in cash and £55,000 in preference shares), to carry on the business of coaling contractors, &c., and to adopt an agreement with R. and J. H. Rea relating to management. Minimum cash subscription eight shares. First directors: A. L. Rea, J.P., 20 Water-street, Liverpool; J. McLennan, 101, Leadenhall-street, E.C.; H. C. Rigaud, 21, Regent-street, S.W.; and R. E. R. Brocklebank,Poulton Royd, Bebington, Cheshire. Mersey Forge Limited.—The report for 1912 states that no portion of the land has been sold during the past year, and there are about 36,568 square yards for sale. Mirrlees Watson Company Limited.—The annual report states that for the year ended December 31 the balance at credit of profit and loss account, after allowing for depre- ciation, &c., amounts to £32,719, making with the balance brought in £35’198. The sum of £17,656 is absorbed in paying a dividend of 10 per cent, and a bonus of 5 per cent., less tax, £12,500 is transferred to the general reserve, and £5,042 is carried forward. Monk Bridge Iron and Steel Company Limited. — Dividend of 4 per cent, on the ordinary shares for the year to December 31; £7,500 has been placed to reserve, £6,406 allocated for depreciation, £4,342 for stamp duties, &c., and £2,047 carried forward. Openshaw (J.) and Sons (Bolton) Limited.— This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,500 in £1 shares, to take over the business carried on by M. A. Openshaw as J Openshaw and Sons at 5, Mealhouse- lane, Bolton, and to carry on the business of engineers and metal workers, &c. First directors, Mrs. M. A. Openshaw (managing director) and A. C. Openshaw. Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies Limited.—After providing for interest on the debenture stock, depreciation, &c., and including £17,870 brought forward, the accounts for the year show a net profit of £78,986, out of which £10,000 has been setaside to a special reserve owing to the situation in the Near East. The sum of £15,000 has been added to general reserve, increasing it to £85,000, and the directors now recommend a dividend of 8 per cent, on the ordinary shares, leaving £16,642 to be carried forward. Rotary Units Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £600 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of founders, engineers, Ao. Table A mainly applies. San Salvador Spanish Iron Ore Company Limited.— The report for the year ended December 31 last shows a net profit of £24,339, which, with the balance brought forward of £1,570, leaves available for distribution £25,909. The directors recommend payment of the following divi- dends :—Eight per cent, on the “ Pier ” shares, 20 per cent, upon the preference shares, and 10 per cent., free of income- tax, upon the ordinary shares, also the placing to reserve fund of £5,000 and to special expenditure fund of £5,000, leaving £2.449 to be carried forward. The directors consider this a favourable opportunity to still further strengthen the financial position of the company, particularly as they have in contemplation some heavy expenditure on new works in the near future. Scottish Tube Company Limited.—The directors recom- mend the payment of the dividend on the 5 per cent, cumulative preference shares for the period from March 25, 1912, the date of incorporation of the company, to Decem- ber 31, 1912. Shores (J ) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £3,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of founders, engineers, manufacturers of agricultural machinery, &c., to acquire the business carried on at Owston Ferry, Lincs., as J. Shores and Co., and to adopt an agreement with F. P. Engert, who is to be permanent managing director. Registered office, Trent Ironworks, Owston Ferry, near Doncaster. Simpson (R. J.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £3,500 in £1 shares (1,000 preference), to carry on the business of metal workers, iron and steel converters, smiths, engineers, &c., to take over the business formerly belonging to and carried on by Carr and Simpson Limited, at 26, Benskin-road, Watford, and now belonging to E. A. Whitfield, and to adopt an agreement with the said E. A. Whitfield. First directors : E. A. Whitfield, R. J. Simpson, and J. A. Pratt. Qualifica- tion, £200. Registered office, 26, Benskin-road, Watford. Spencer (John) and Sons Limited.—Lloyds Bank has been authorised by the directors to receive subscriptions at par for 12,000 cumulative 6 per cent, preference shares of £10 each (of which £20,000 has already been subscribed by the directors and their friends). The issue of these sharesis for the express purpose of redeeming debentures, and not for the purpose of increasing the paid-up capital of the company. Strong (B. A. Y.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,500 in £1 shares (700 preference), to carry on the business of boilermakers, engineers, &c., and to adopt an agreement with A. E. Battle and C. G. Young. First directors, A. E. Battle (managing director) and C. G. Young. Turner (S. G.) and Co. (Bristol) Limited.—This private company his been registered, with a capital of £3,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of mechanical engineers, machinists, fitters, &c. First directors, E. W. Saye, C. C. Booth, and C. M. Jenkins. Qualification, 50 shares. Registered office, 67, Victoria-street, Bristol. United Collieries Company Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31, 1912, states the profits amount to £120,582. The output of coal during the year was 2,207,367 tone, while in 1911 it was 2,215,048 tons. The capital expenditure during the year includes further outlays for electrical machinery. There has also been considerable outlay for inew workmen’s houses, and continued expen- diture in this direction, so far as the company’s resources will permit, is most desirable. There has been appropriated from the profits of the year, with the approval of the debenture committee, £20,000 towards capital expenditure in terms of the 1911 arrangement. No properties of any importance have been disposed of, but certain new leases have been acquired. The interest on the first debentures A and B, including arrears, has been paid. There have been redeemed by tender : First debentures A for £17,300, and first debentures B for £5,900. The profit on these redemptions and also that on previous redemptions in 1903, has been appropriated in reduction of properties in the name of depreciation. There remains at credit of debenture interest and redemption appropriation account £27,446, which is available for interest on first debentures and sinking fund. A balance of £68,964 at the debit of profit and loss account is carried forward. Walker (C. and W.) Limited.—The year’s net profit is £8,365 (as against £6,400 in 1911-12 and £7,179 in 1910-11), and the amount available is £15,942 (as against £13,777 and £15,577 in the last two years respectively). The directors recommend a dividend of 5 per cent., making 10 per cent, for the year, free of tax, add £1,050 to the reserve (against nothing last year and £2,000 two years ago), and carry forward £8,742.