582 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 20, 1913. 11 Pamphlet application .. '1 • x.d 1.1 will convince rmity and ( Guaranteed. Tested at every stage of manufacture. Manufacture and Use of Electric Fuses post !«■■■■■■ !■■■■■■! !■■«■■■I >■■■■■■ I Luhric Coal and Ore Dressing Appliances Limited, Engineers and Contractors for COAL WASHING & ORE DRESSING. PERFORATED PLATES IN ALL DESIGNS. TIPPLERS, SCREENS, PICKINC AND COAL LOADING BANDS WITH AUTOMATIC LOWERING ARM. Head Office 32, Victoria Street, London, S.W. OPEN BRIDLE. Made also in Box Nose. I w J PONGARfl Perfect Eye & Head Shield. Light ! Comfortable ! Durable I Reasonable ! Sole Agents LEGARD& SON, Pit Pony Harness Makers and Contractors, LEATHER MERCHANTS, ’PHONE 11. Barnsley. SELF-REGISTERING WATER GAUGE with CLOCK; Ochwadt System. See Part I., Paragraph 62, of the Draft General Regu- lations of the Coal Mines Act. This Water Gauge is largely employed for continuously recording the pressure or water gauge of coal mines, the pressure or vacuum of air or gas in gas plants, and in ironworks. SEND FOR LIST 41 O. JOHN DAVIS & SON (Derby) LTD., ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY; & 17, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W.