March 20, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 581 Cardiff Office— Ml s. R. CLAY, Telephone No. 1096. 23, Victoria Avenue, Cardiff. Derby Office— Mr. B. PARDON, Telephone No. 538. 78, Otter Street, Derby. Newcastle Office— Mr. T. H. OUGHTON, Telephone No. 2525. Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order To day The Only Rescue Apparatus which Combines the Advant= ages of the Injector with the Single Advantage of the Non=injector The Positive-pressure Injector Rescue Apparatus Positive pressure guaranteed in all parts of the apparatus. Amount of air available in apparatus increased. A circulation of 60 litres per minute of cool, refreshing, richly oxygenated air guaranteed for the two hours. This circulation is actuated and maintained by the injector. There is no strain upon the Any leak when apparatus is put on at once detected, thus preventing the use of defective apparatus. wearer's lungs. The regeneration of the most efficient of any. Safety, due to new fitting, is now complete. Cooling system is perfect. exhaled air is the The absorbing capacity for CO2 of the Meco regenerator is the greatest on the market. The comfort leaves nothing to be desired. B Mining Engineering Go. Ltd Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD Telegrams—“ Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone—4530 Central (2 lines). Dublin Office— Mr. J. S. PARTINGTON, 53, Dufferin Avenue, South Circular Road, Dublin. Lancs, and Yorks. Representative— Mr. W. J. HOSKINS, Little Houghton, nr. Barnsley. Glasgow Office— Mr. C. E. HART, Telephone No. 1407. 94, Hope Street, Glasgow.