580 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 20, 1913. “BRITISH PERMITTED EXPLOSIVES : Fracturite : Pitsea Powder : Britonite : and Polish Illi o' Certainty—Economy—Cleanliness. TAUFFER'S LUBRICANT Regd. Trade Mark. TANDARD MACHINE 6REASE AVING 80 TO 90 °/o OVER LIQUID OIL OLE MAKERS; TRIER BROS CUMBERLAND WORKS, CAMBERWELL, S.E. | r . Office: Carton House, Westminster, S.W. ) 11011(1011* Patent STAUFFER “TELL-TALE ” Lubricators. Agent for Northern Counties: Mr. JOHN YOUM* 9. Croft Terrace. Jarrow>on»Tynib THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE Ld. 124. ST. VINCENT STREET m GLASGOW HUGE r U5T5 ON MMOim PRESSURES- GAUGE GLR5S WA5HER5 LUBRICAT0R5etc VflUXHflltRP L LIVERPOOL r j.b. ~ TREASURE LASSES IMPROVED WIRE ROPE PULLEYS. ANY DIAMETER. ANY SECTION. FOR ALL PURPOSES. Supplied to most of the largest Collieries and Cold Mines. ALSO LATEST IMPROVED SAFETY DETACHING HOOKS. THOMPSON & SOUTHWICK LD., E.(i>n TAM WORTH, Staffs, England. Nat. Tel. No. 4. Tel. Address—r< Pulleys, Tamworth.” POWER TRANSMISSION. A BIG TRADE WITH SMALL PROFITS is the policy on which we work, because it benefits us ; but which is more important, it benefits YOU. Diameter. 1 in. li in. 2 in. 21 in. 3 in. No. 70. Whole Plummer Block Bright turned steel shafting, per foot 5?d. 6?d- lOJd. 9d. 1/6 1/2 2/9 1/9 4/3? 2/5J Diameter. lin. IHn 2 in. 2Jin. 3 in. No. 3. Plummer block, brasses top and bottom No. 7. Bright turned flange couplings 10id. 2/9 l/10i 3/9 3/4J 5/7 6/0 8/0 9/6 10/8 Diameter. 1 in. 1J in. 2 in. 2J in. 3 in. No. 38. Self-oiling plummet blocks 1/3? 2/9? 5/0? 9/0 14/3 Send for our new illustrated “B” Dept. Catalogue, containing sizes and particulars of ALL our Transmission Appliances. JARDINE, Deering St., Nottingham. Telegraphic Address—** Jardine, Nottingham.” Tel. Nos. 3295 and 3296. “Bowie” Underground Lamp Re-Lighter. Patented in Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, U.S. America, in 1907-8, and since used with success and without accident in the most dangerous Mines in these Countries. Adopted by the French Government for use in French Mines. »v' s I vT | W'‘; J Air-tight, Non-Inflammable, Gas-proof, Insulated & Non-external Sparking. Electric Contacts are fixed and there are no switches or secondary cur- rent to contend with. No cells or accumulators to replace. The Lamp is totally enclosed in gas- proof chamber when being re-lighted, and can only be operated by authorised persons. It can be used with absolute safety for igniting Lamps in the most ) gaseous atmosphere. Adapted to Ignite any form of Safety Lamps. Impossible to generate an electric current from the apparatus until the Lamp-containing receptacle has been made perfectly air-tight. Always ready for use and its upkeep Is practically nil. Further particulars may be obtained on application to— E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS L" "=k..