578 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, March 20, 1913. _____________________________________ INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Wltli Telegrapl&ic AddreaBea, Ackroyd and Best Ld...............Lamps, Morley .........Cover i ..... Alldays & Onions Pneumatic Engng. Co. Ld.. .Alldays, Birmingham — Allen, Alfred, and Son Ld.........Allen, Lower Gornal....... 623 Allen, W. G., A Sons (Tipton) Ld____Allens, Tipton.................... 588 Alley and Maclellan Ld...........Alley, Glasgow ............__ — Appleton and Howard ....................................... 621 Atjueous Works & Diamond Bock Boring Co. Ld.... Aqueous, London — Asbestos and General Paint Co. Ld...Asbestos, Birmingham ... — Association of Private Owners of Bailway Bolling Stock ......... — Auld, David, and Sons Ld.........Seducing, Glasgow __......... — Avonside Engine Co. Ld...........Loco. Bristol..........Cover iv Bagnall, W. G., Ld__________________Bagnall, Stafford .......Cover i Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co. Ld.......Beacon, Manchester.....Cover ii Baird, J. W., and Co...............Baird, West Hartlepool ... 602 BaJter, John, and Son __.................................... 578 ... 625 Coveriv .Coveriv ... 583 Barclay, Andrew, Sons, and Co. Ld.... Barclay son, Kilmarnock Barns, W., and Son..................Perforation, London____ Beiliss and Morcom Ld.___________....Beiliss, Birmingham.... Bennis, Ed., and Co.Ltd.......__.....Bennis, Little Hulton .... Bever, Dorling and Co. Ld...........Foundry, Bradford ..................... ......... ......... B’ham By. Oar. A Wagon Co. Ld.....Carriage, Smethwick, B’ham — Bleicherts Aerial Transporters Ld. ...Bleichert. London.......... — Bradley A Craven Ld................Craven, Wakefield............................ — Bridge, David, and Co. Ld. ...Coupling, Castleton, ManchesterUc ver iv Briquette Machinery Ld............Briquette, Leeds ......... Bristol A South Wales By. Wagon Co...Finance, Bristol........... *• British Clay-worker ”.............Clayworker, London....... British Explosives Syndicate Ld.....Cordite, Glasgow ......... British H.P. Power Gas Eng. Co. Ld.,&Fraser & Chalmers Ld. ... British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld....Insulator, Prescot British Mannesmann Tube Co. Ld...Tubulous, London............ British Oxygen Co. Ld..............Brins, Oxyg-n, London British Wagon Co. Ld...............Hart, Botherham .......___ Brown, David, A Sons (Huddersfield) Ld. Gearing, Huddersfield ... Brown, W. B., and Co. (Bankhall) Ld....Vires,Liverpool......... Bumsted and Chandler Ld..........Bags, Hednesford ......... Bute Works Supply Co.Ld__________Gething, Cardiff........... Cambrian Mining School ...........Mining School, Forth..... ...... Cameron, John, Ld.........................Original, Manchester ...... Capell Fan Co.................. Centrifuge, Newcastle-on-T. ... Chain Belt Engineering Co..........Chainbelt, Derby..................C-. Charlesworth A Co...................Stocks, Sheffield........... ........... ........... Ghorley Bail way Wagon Co. Ld......Wagon, Chorley........... Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld.......Cyclops, Gateshead __................ Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld.....Solvay, Sheffield................ Cooke, Wm., and Co. Ld............Cooke, Sheffield........................ Cort, Arthur, and Co................Cort, Camberwell, London... Cotton Powder Co. Ld..............Tonita, London .......... Coulson, M., and Co. Ld.......Coulson Ld., Spennymoor.......Cover iii ............. Cousland, Alex., and Son .................... ...................................... — Curtis's A Harvey Ld. Gunpr., London, A Curtis’s, London 582, Cover i Daglish, B., and Co. Ld.............Daglish, St. Helens .......__ — Darlington and Co............ Davidson and Co. Ld. ... ........................................ Davidson, J. S., and Son. 577 577 580 .... 619 .... 619 .... 579 .577,628 577 578 577 628 602 621 , Coveriv 577 621 619 579 .Sirocco, Belfast ............. 624 589 602 Davis, E...........................Davis, Leeds ............. 588 Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld....Davis, Derby .................... 582 Diamond Coal-Cutter Co............Diamond, Wakefield........ — Earle, G. and T. (1912), Ld..........Cement, Hull ............. — Electric Blasting Apparatus Co. Ld...Blasting, Serridge Junction 621 Elliot, George, and Co. Ld........Elliot Co., London .....Cover ii Evans, D. Liewellin................Brattice, Cardiff ......... 577 Evans, Joseph, A Sons (Wolverh’pton Ld.) Evans, Wolverhampton — Ewart’s Chain Co...................Ewarts, Derby .........Cover iv Exol Company ________•............................................ Fairclough and Sons.......................................... 628 Farnley Iron Co. Ld_____________...........Famley, Leeds .........Cover i Fell, 0. A__________________________Fell, Dronfield ........... 621 Firth, William, Ld.................Bails, Leeds.............. 590 Fon^age de Puits..................Fon^age, Paris ........... 577 Foot, Bowland, G., and Co.................................... 621 Foyle, W. and G.................................. ........................................... 619 Fraser and Chalmers Ld.......... Vanner, London........... — Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld..........Friction, Chapel-en-le-Frith ... 584 Frost, Albert, and Co...............Alfro, Sheffield ........Cover ii Furse, W. J........................Furse, Nottingham ....... — Gaunt and Hickman ..............Gaunt Hickman. WTiampton 578 Gillott, John, and Son .............Gillott, Barnsley ................. 586,628 Glover, M., and Co..........................Glovers, Leeds ........... 578 Glover, Wm. Jas., and Co. .........Glover, St. Helens__................__ 590 Great Mining Machinery Exhibition........................ 583, 619 Green and Boulding Ld...... .............Temperature, London__....... 578 Greene, Tweed and Co______.............Greene, Quancham. London 579 Griffin, Chas., and Co. Ld.....................................__ — Guilbert-Martin_________.............._____Photophore, London....... — Gwalii Forge Co....................Gwalia Forge, Caergwrle... 627 Haggie Brothers Ld.................Haggle, Gateshead ....... 625 Hamiltons Ld________________................................................. 618 Hanley, A..................................................... 623 Hann and Ingle............................................... - Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld...........Hardypick, Sheffield.....585,627 Harling, W. H......................Clinograph, London..... 619 Harris and Mills ............ .................Privilege, London__________ 602 Harvey, G. A., and Co...............Cheaper, Char, London ___..... — Haslam and Schontheil Ld............“ Thor,” Cardiff........... — Hathorn, Davey and Co. Ld.........Hathorn, Leeds.........Cov«ri Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ld.........Locomotive, Newcastle-on-T. 628 Head, Wrightsonand Co. Ld.......Teesdale, Stockton-on-Tees Cover i Heenan and Froude Ld...............Heenan, Worcester ....... — Henderson and Glass...............Vulcan, Liverpool.......uowr ii Holland Drilling Co. ..............Drillistic, London......... 588 .... Hollingc rake and Son...............Hollingdrake, S tockport........ — Hopjrmson, J., and Co. Ld...........Hopkinson, Huddersfield ... 589 Horsfleld, J. and J., Ld..............Vulcan, Dewsbury......... 579 Hudson, T., Ld.......... ....................Hudson, Coatbridge....... 577 Humble, Stephen...................Stephen Humble, Westmin’r 578 Internationa] Channelling Machines Ld. Cuttabit, Shef *d_____....... — Isca Foundry and Engineering Co. ...Isca, Newport, Mon.....Cove ii Jardine, John.......................Jardine, Nottingham ..... 580 Kalbitum Paint Co. Ltd....................Kalbitum, Belvedere ..... — Keith, James, & Blackman Co. Ld... James Keith, Fleet, London 587 Kenyon, William, and Sons Ld......Kenyon, Dukinfield....... — Knowles Oxygen Co. Ld............Oxygen, Wolverhampton Cover iv Koppers Coke Oven and Bye-Product Co....Kochs, Sheffield ..... 627 Lancashire A York. Wagon Co. Ld....Wagon, Heywood_____............ 577 Lancaster and Tonge Ld............Pistons, Manchester.....Cover i Latch and Batchelor Ld...... ..........Latch, Hay Mills ..... .... — Leech, Goodall and Co.............Vertical, Leeds .....587, Cover i Legard and Son....................Legard, Barnsley ......... 582 Lewis, Edwin, and Sons.............Lewis, Wolverhampton ... 583 Lewis, William, and Son _______..Bobert Lewis, Bilston __ __ 577 Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Ld. ...Wa^on, Lincoln........... 577 Llewellyn and Cubitt Ld...........Cubitt, Pentre ........... — Lockwood, Crosby, and Son .......Crosby Lockwood, London — Longbotham, B. H., and Co. Ld.....Engineer, Wakefield....... 628 Lowmoor Co. Ld...............Ironworks, Lowmoor, Bradford ... — Lfihrig Coal A Ore Dressing Appliances Ld«...Nettoyage, London... 582 Sle and Gillott Ld..............Ferric, Sheffield......................... 628 er and Platt Ld_____............Sprinkler, Manchester..... — Mavor and Coulson Ld..............Prodigious, Glasgow....................... Cover i Merryweather and Sons............Merryweather, London ... 625 Middleton, Bobert ................Hydraulic, Leeds ......... — Midland By. Car. A Wagon Co. Ld....Wagon, Birmingham ..... — Mining Engineering Co. Ld.........Meco, Sheffield............ 581 Mov, Thomas, Ld..................Moy, Peterboro’.......... 577 Mudford, J. H., and Sons..........Tenting, Sheffield_________ 621 New Calyx Drill and Boring Co. Ld....Calyx, London .......... — Newton, Chambers and Co. Ld........Newton, Sheffield_________ 590 Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld...........Nobel, Glasgow __.................. 579 Northern Bubber Co...............Rubber, Sheffield _________ 621 Nortons (Tividale) Ld...............Screening, Tipton..... Cover iv Orenstein & Koppel—Arthur Koppel...Alighting, London ....... 623 Ormerod, Edward.............. ..................Ormerod, Atherton, Man’ter — Osbeck and Co. Ld.................Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne 602 Peam, Frank, and Co. Ld...........Pumps, Manchester....... — Peckett and Sons.........__........Peckett, Bristol...__....625,628 Penningtons ....................... .............................................. 628 Phillips, Charles D________...............Machinery, Newport __.......... — Pillatt and Co. Ld..................Pillatt, Stapleford, Notts ... 590 Plowright Bros. Ld..................Plowright Bros., Ohes’fleld 589 Primus Patents Co..................Primordial, Oldham....... — Pryor, Edward, and Son ............Pryor, Sheffield............ — Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld......Pulsometer, London......Cover i Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld. ......Pulsometer, Beading......Cover i Where the Numeral is absent the Advertisement does not appeaf In the present issue. 619 Queen’s Hotel ......................Queen’s Hotel, Manchester Radford R. Heber, Son, and Squire...Badtord, Sheffield ................... ........... ............ Beddaway, F., and Co. Ld............Anchorage, Manchester .... Beavell and Co. Ld...................Beavell, Ipswich............................... Benton, B. M„ and Oo. ...............Benton, Sheffield __....................... Bigley, William___............................Bigley, Bulwell ...... Bobey and Co. Ld__________________Bobey, Lincoln .......... Boburite Explosives Co.Ld..........Boburite, London........................ Boburite Explosives Co. Ld............Boburite, Gathers! ................ Bolling Stock Company..............Bolingstok, Darlington .... Boyles Ld...........................Elyor, Cadishead ................................... Bussell, John, and Co. Ld....... ..........Alma, Walsall... M Scandinavia” Belting Ld..........Scandinavia, London ... Scott, Walter, Ld____________.................Bessemer, Leeds......... Shaw, John, Ld.....................Shaw, Sheffield................................ Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Oo. Ld...Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent Sheppard and Sons Ld_______________Sheppard, Bridgend......_ •• Shipping World ”..........._____....Shipping World, London .. Siebe, Gorman and Co. Ld_______...........Siebe, London.......... Simon-Carves Ld, ..................Simcar, Manchester ... Smallman, J. W.....................Smallman, Nuneaton Southern, T. A., and H. W. Halbaum.............................................. South Wales Institute of Engineers_________........................ Spencer and Oo. Ld..............................Spencer, Melksham ... Spencer, John, Ld.....................Tubes, Wednesbury ... Spurr, Inman and Oo. Ld............Spurinman, Wakefield ...... ............ Stanley, W. F., and Oo. Ld..........Turnstile, London.............. Steele, C. and A.................. Stewarts and Lloyds Ld..........., Stewarts and Lloyds Ld......... Stringer, John, and Son............. Summerson, Thos., and Sons Ld. Sutcliffe, Bichard.............................. Sweet and Maxwell Ld..................... Talbot, Clement, Ld............. Tangyes Ld...................... Theedam, E. 0., Ld............., Thomas and Bishop ...................... Thomas, E., and Williams Ld...... Thomas, Wm....................................... Thompson and Oo............................. Thompson and Southwick Ld. ... Thomson Brothers’ Thornton, A. G., L^.................._______o,___________......................... Thomewill and Warham Ld.....Thornewill’s, Burton-on-Trent Co wr iii Treasure, J. B., and Oo..............Treasure, Liverpool... “ Trefor ” Boring A Mining Oo. Ld....Trefor, Brussels.......__ Trier Bros...................... ..........................Viscosity, London... .......... Tuck and Co. Ld____________Tucks, Liverpool .......................... Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld. ..............Fan, Llanelly .......... Underfeed Stoker Oo. Ld. ........Underfeed, London ... United States Metallic Packing Oo. Ltd....Metallic, Bradford .................................... Universal Mining School Uskside Engineering Oo. Ld. Vivian’s Boring Oo.......... Waddle Patent Fan A Engineering uo. juu....j’au, xuaneuy.......... Wailes, Dove and Oo. Ld......... ...........Bitumastic, Newcastle-on-T Wakefield, 0. 0., and Oo.............Cheery, London ____.......................__ Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld........Pagefield, Wigan .......... Walker Hill and Co_______________-............................................. Walker, Thos., and Son Ld...........Shiplog, Birmingham ...... Ward, T. W., Ld....................Forward. Sheffield..............................602,628 Waterfall, H. and R., and Barber...Niagara, Sheffield __...........Cover ii Wellington Tube Works Ld..........Vigilantia, Tipton......................... Cover ii White, Geo.................... ....White, Saddler, Normanton — Whittaker, O., and Co. Ld...........Bncks, Accrington ..., Wigan Wagon Co. Ld......... .................Wagon, Wigan ............ Willcox, W. H., and Oo. Ld. ........Willcox, Southwark St. Witton Fire Brick Oo. Ld._________.........................._________ Wood, John, and Sons Ld............Haulage, Wigan __...................... Wootton Brothers Ld________................Wootton, Coalville ... Wright, Joseph, and Oo..............Wright, Tipton ........... Yeadon. Son and Oo..................Yeadon, Leeds ............................. Yorkshire Boiler Oo. Ld.............Steam, Bradford....... Yorkshire Engine Oo. Ld............Engine, Sheffield..................... Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Co. Ld....Ferro, Leeds .., Youngs______________________________....Oldens, Birmingham..... 621 590 628 577 628 626 577 .... 578 .... 588 ... 579 .... 623 .Cover iii 623 590 ... 623 .602,628 .... 625 602 628 ............................ 590 .Lloyds, Birmingham ..... ...Cover i .Lapweld, Glasgow......... Coveri .Stringer, Blackburn________ 628 ,.Summerson,Darlington ... Cover ii .Sutcliffe, Horbury........ ..Subjicio, London ...... .Clemtal, London ............ .Tangyes, Birmingham___ .Theedam, Dudley __........__ .Velcling, London ....... ......... .Lamps, Aberdare ............ .Mining School, Forth...... .Spiegel, Wigan ......... ____________ _Pulleys, Tamworth ..... rs (Dunfermline) Ld.... Minerals, Dunfermline Ld................Drawing, Manchester......................__ 587 621 580 602 624 580 590 579 580 580 598 ....Uskside, Newport, Mon____ .Vivians, Parkside, Oleator Moor Classified List on Page 620. .602,628 588 602 602 589 617 577 619 577 584 ,. Cover ii ... 602 Cover iii ... 628 ... 577 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Diploma of Honour, Brussels, 1887. MEDALS Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London, Newcastle. Chicago. MEDALS. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle. Chicago. utr?’ WIRE ROPES W. 8. BROWN . 0. (BANKHALL) Ltd., Telegrams—" VIRES, LIVERPOOL” AGENTS FOR YORKS, NOTTS, DERBY AND LEICESTER— Telephone—Central 285. YEADON, SON & CO., ALBION PLACE LEEDS. Globe Works, Liverpool. Telephones—213 Sc 445 Bootle. _____________________________________________________________________ STEPHEN HUMBLE'S PATENT IMPROVED ____________ “ KING’S” HOOK, WITH AUTOMATIC LOWERING ARRANGEMENT, SOLID FORCED THICKENED INNER PLATES and FULL BEARING on SHACKLE PINS. ____________________ For High-speed Winding and Heavy Loads. Sole Maker— stephen humble, Westminster Chambers, 9, Victoria St., LONDON, S.W. A BUSINESS^—' K Chips and Sawdust FIRELIGHTERS. K Glover’s Patent Machinery. 5 ENORMOUS wotF PROFITS. > M. GLOVER & CO., Saw Mill Engineers, LEEDS. GAUNT & HICKMAN British Oil Works, WOL MANUFACTURERS OF __________________ “BUFFALO” INJECTOR Operated Entirely by One Handle. Suction , .1EM PERA TUBE, London.” Telephone: 12455 Central. ......| Class A lifts 24 ft. Class B lifts 12 ft. Illustrated Pric® List on application to GREEN & BOULDING LD., 28, New Bridge St., LONDON, E.C. Agents—THOS. HILL A CO., ___ 66, 68, Robertson St., Glasgow. Id Oils, Floating Grease, PATENTREINFORCED CABLESLINGS FOR; SUSPENDING ELECT RIC CABLES Weight.- • .BREAKING FULL LIST F ANO SAMPLES FROM .. (smallware dept. ): M SCANDINAVIA _ belting lx? __ ^ ’ 59, Southwark St., London.S.E.. Vd Phone.979, Central. Teleg.ScandinaviaLondoiv LOCOMOTIVE & ANTI-FRICTION GREASESg SAFETY LAMP OIL CAS ENGINE AND COMPOUND ENGINE OILS. ROSIN DISTILLERS; ___________________________ AID DIDEG JOHN baker & son, I K W I Mr ■■ iron and steel workers. »■■■■ ■ I I kV Thompson St., BILSTON. TUB CORNER PLATES BUCKETS and BASKETS