March 14, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 575 “The Shipping World.” Weekly. Illustrated. Price 6d. Annual Subscription (Post Free)! United Kingdom, 21s. Foreign Countries, 28s. We make a Speciality of HEYWOOD & BRIDGE’S PATENT FRICTION CLUTCHES and HAULING INSTALLATIONS. PRINCIPAL FEATURES— CURRENT EVENTS, by the Editor. SHIPPING in PARLIAMENT, by Special Representative SHIPPING and the LAW. SHIP SALES and CONTRACTS. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES. TECHNICAL ARTICLES. ARTICLES on TRADE, COMMERCE, SUBVENTIONS and all SHIPPING QUESTIONS. NEPTUNE’S MAIL, with interesting News & Comments' NAVAL and ENGINEERING NOTES. REPORTS from the SHIPPING CENTRES. REPORTS on FREIGHTS and MARINE INSURANCE. TRADE and FINANCE. LAUNCHES and TRIAL TRIPS. CORRESPONDENCE. PRICES CURRENT. REVIEWS of TECHNICAL BOOKS. The Largest Foreign Circulation of its Glass. The Largest Home Circulation of its Glass Offices of the “Shipping World Ltd.” Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C. Telegrams and Cables—“Shipping World, London.” Telephone—2381 Gerrard. WIRE SCREENS ALL j KINDS OF i WIRE I screens! ALEX. COUSLflND &SON. 3,MITCHELL ST, GLASGOW. ALL MESHES OF ANY GAUGE OF WIRE Write for New List No. 50. Speciality :—REPAIRS. Pickering ’’ Governor. HOLLINCDRAKE & SON, STOCKPORT. Bound in Leather. Price 3s. 6d. net. SUGGESTED UUUES FOR RECOVERING COAL MINES AFTER EXPLOSIONS AND FIRES. By W. E. QARFORTH. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. We are supplying; our Hauling: Gears to the leading Gold Mines, Collieries, Quarries, Brickworks, etc., etc., and are continually receiving repeat orders. (Electrical and Mechanical, Vertical and Horizontal.) The ^illustration is of Endless IWire Rope Hauling Pulleys with Friction Clutch. We have thousands of our Clutches at work on all kinds of drives. Send for Catalogues free. Patentees & Sole Makers, DAVID BRIDGE * GO. LD., Haulage Works, CASTLETON. MANCHESTER. CAMBRIAN LAMP fitted with Magnetic Lock, Electric Ignition and Patent Automatic Lock nn Bonnet E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS Limited. Telephone—No. 7 P.O. Estd. i860. Tel. Address—“Lamps, Aberdare.” OUR IMPROVED MINER’S SAFETY LAMP. The Strongest, most perfect and up-to-date Lamp in the Market. The lighting arrangement is easy and certain in its operation. Our Magnetic Lock is absolutely unpickable, having stood the test of many years’ use at the largest Collieries in the country. Our method of re-lighting underground by means of Bowie’s Patent Self Contained Re-lighter is proved to be safe and effective. Complete Installation of Lamps and Accessories on the Hire system. Lamp Rooms fitted on approved modern lines. Makers of the Cunningham-Cadman Cas Detecting Device. CATALOGUES AND ESTIMATES FREE. Cambrian Lamp Works, Aherdare, S. Wales. NO'W READY.—Bound in Cloth, 10s. 6d. ; Paper Covers, 8s. 6d. Supplementary Volume Tine to Mechanical Engineering of Collieries. By T. CAMPBELL FUTERS. This Important Work consists of :— Vol. I.—Bound in Cloth. Price 21s. net. Part I.—Boring, Sinking, Surface Arrangements. Headgears, Shafts. 128 pp. Crown 4to (9J in. by 7^ in.). Illustrated by 294 Diagrams and Illustrations. (Now reprinting.) Part II.—Winding. 169 pp. Crown 4to (9J in. by 7| in ). Illustrated by 337 Diagrams and Illustrations. Part III.—Heapsteads, Screening and Washing. 177 pp. Crown 4to (9| in. by 7| in.). Illustrated by 427 Diagrams and Illustrations. (Now reprinting.) Separate parts in Paper Covers. Price 5s. 8d. each net. Vol. II.—Haulage, Pumping, Power and Coke Ovens, and a Complete Index to Vols. I. and II. 294 pp. Crown 4to (9J in. by 7^ in.). Illustrated by 585 Diagrams and Illustrations. Paper Covers, Price 8s. 6d. ; Bound in Cloth, 10s. 6d. net. SUPPLEMENTARY VOL.—Ventilating Fans, Coal-Cutting and Conveying Machinery, Ambulance and Rescue Appliances. 238 pp. Crown 4to (9J in. by 7| in.). Illustrated by 294 Diagrams and Illustrations. Publishers: THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C.