March 14, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 559 made a compulsory order for the winding up of this company in voluntary liquidation. The company was formed in 1908 with a capital of .£202,500, divided into 200,000 £1 and 50,000 Is. shares. Villagarcia Trading Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £50,000 in .£1 shares, to carry on the business of coal merchants, coal exporters, &c. First directors to be appointed. Registered office : 33, St. Swithin's-lane, E.C. THE FREIGHT MARKET. The outward freight market on the north-east coast has been of small dimensions this week, and rates have been on the down-grade. This latter fact is due to the glut of tonnage—there being, it is said, about twice as much tonnage as is required—and to the congestion of loading turns resulting on the efforts of shippers to get as much coal as possible away before the Easter holidays. Coasting rates have receded to from 3s. to 3s. l^d. to London from the Tyne. The Baltic is represented by 5s. 6d. to Kiel. From 4s. 10^d. to 5s. 3d. to St. Nazaire is a typical rate for the Bay. The Mediterranean has been done at from 8s. 10|d. to 9s. 3d. to Genoa, and the former rate is about the present figure. At South Wales, business has fallen off in volume somewhat. Rates for early loading are generally weak. The Mediterranean is easier, with Genoa at from 8s. 6d. to 8s. 9d. from Cardiff. The River Plate is in charterer's favour, at from 10s. to 10s. 9d., the former rate prevailing. The Bay and coasting ports are not much varied. At the Clyde a fair business is reported, but here, again, rates are inclined to fall. At the Humber the market is quiet, orders scarce, and rates weak. Homewards, the amount of business done has been fully up to the average. New York advices report that chartering has been on active lines, and that, for loading during the present month, there has been a very satisfactory enquiry in all trades at fully late figures. At the Black Sea the market is somewhat variable. Orders are not numerous, and grain is coming forward from the interior very slowly. The Azof and Danube show a fair business at recent quota- tions. The Eastern markets are busy, and rates are well maintained. The Mediterranean and ore trades are suffering from an overplus of tonnage, and rates incline to fall. The Baltic is quiet and unaltered. The River Plate shows sign of improvement. Tyne to Antwerp, 1,700, 4s. 4|d. ; Ancona, 4,000, Ils. 6d.; Barcelona, 3,000, 9s. 3d. ; Carthagena, 1,400, 9s. 6d., 250 ; Constadt, contracts totalling 45,000 tons, 6s. 3d., over season, commencing f.o.w. ; Carloforte, 2,500, 10s. 6d., 250 ; Genoa, 3,600, 9s. 3d. ; 2,700, 9s. ; 3,300, 8s. 10|d.; 4,100, 9s.; Huelva, 1,600, 8s. ; Kiel, 1,400, 5s. 6d.; London, 2,100, 3s. l^d. ; 4,000, 3s. ; Marseilles, 3,800, 8s. 9d.; Malta, 4,000, 8s. ; Piraeus, 3,200, 10s. 6d. ; Porto Ferrajo, 4,500, 9s. 9d. ; Rostock, 1,500, 7s. 6d. ; Rendsburg, 1,900, 5s. ; Stavanger, 1,800, 5s. 3d. ; Savona, 3,300, 8s. 10|d. ; St. Nazaire, 3,200, 4s. 10|d. ; 2,300, 5s. l|d. ; 1,550, 5s. 3d. ; Trapani, 1,850, 9s. 9d., 300 ; Trieste, 4,200, Ils. ; Trieste and Spalato, 4,200, Ils. ; Villa Real, 1,100, 10s. 6d. j Venice, 4,100, Ils. 3d.; Zeebrugge, 2,600, 3s. 3d. Cardiff to Alexandria, 5,000, Ils., April 1; 5,500, 11s., April 5 ; 5,700,10s. 9d., 500, March 27; Algiers, 4,000,10| fr., ppt.; 4,400, 10 fr., ppt.; 4,500, 9f fr., March 19; Buenos Ayres, 16s. 3d., 250, ppt.; Devonport, 3,000, 2s. 3d.; 3,500, 2s. 3d., Admiralty ; Dakar, 2,000, 8s., f.d., March 17; Dieppe, 1,900, 4s. 6d.; Ferrol, 1,000, 7s. 6d., ppt.; Genoa, 4,000, 8s. 9d. ; 4,500, 8s. 6d., ppt. ; 4,200, 8s. 6d., 500, ppt.; Gibraltar, 1,500, 8s. 4|d.; Honolulu, Vancouver and Valparaiso, 7,000, 40s. ; Las Palmas, 9s., March 30; 2,200, 9s.; Lisbon, 1,500, 7s. 3d., 350, ppt.; 1.600, 7s. 3d., 400, ppt.; Leghorn, 4,000, 8s. 6d.; 4,500, 8s. 6d., ppt.; La Rochelle, 2,800, 5| fr.; Monte Video, 4,600, 16s., with part cargo to Rosario, 17s. 6d., March; Marseilles, 2,200, 10|fr., ppt.; Nantes, 1,600, 7 fr. ; Port Said, 4.200, 10s. 9d., March 18; 7,200, 10s. 6d., March 27; 5,000, 10s. 3d.; 7,200, 10s. 6d., April 1-15; 6,600, 10s 6d., March 26 ; 7,000, 10s.; Puebla, 1,500-1,600, 7s. 3d.; Rio de Janeiro, 17s., ppt.; River Plate, 6,000, 16s. 3d., March ; 5,300, 16s. 3d., April 1; 6,200, 16s., April 5, reported; 6,400, 15s. 9d.; 5,000, 16s.; Suez, 5,400, 13s., end March ; Savona, 4,500, 8s. 6d., ppt.; Spezzia, 4.500, 8s. 6d., ppt.; Valencia, 2,100, 8s. 9d.,350, ppt.; 1,000, 8s. 9d., March 19. Swansea to Bilbao, 2,200, 7s., fuel; Lisbon, 1,400, 7s. 9d., 250, ppt.; St. Nazaire, 1,900, 6|fr., ppt.; Rochefort, 2,200, 6|fr.; St. Servan, 1,100, 5s. 3d.; Sundsvall, 2,000, 7s., April; Valencia, 1,400, 9s. 6d. and 10s. 3d.; St. Malo, 800, 5s. 3d.; Trouville, 750, 6s.; Honfleur, 930, 6s. Newport to Aguilas, 1,500, 10s. 9d., ppt.; Huelva, 1,900, 7s.; Gibraltar, 1,250, 8s. 4|d.; Alexandria, 4,500, 10s. 6d.; 6.500, 10s. 6d., April 1. Llanelly to St. Servan, 1,000, 5s. 3d. Blyth to Pirseus, 2,200, 10s. 6d., ppt.; Syra, 2,200,10s. 6d., ppt.; East Norway, 6,000. 6s. 9d.; Konigsberg, 2,200, 5s. 3d. Immingham to Genoa, 3,200, 9s.; Cronstadt, 3,500, 5s. 10-2-d., f.o.w. Hull to Reval, 1,700, 6s. 9d.; Bordeaux, 2,200, 5s. 6d., ppt.; Rouen, 1,500, 5s.; 2,500, 4s. 10|d.; Rotterdam, 1,500, 4s., ppt.; Genoa, 2,400, 9s.; Bandholm, 1,300, 5s. 6d.; Cronstadt, 2,950, 5s. lid., end April. Fife port to Lubeck, 2,100, 5s. 9d.; Kiel, 1,700, 5s. 3d. Goole to Rotterdam, 1,500, 4s. 9d.; Amsterdam, 4s. 6d. Forth to Tromso, 2,200, 6s. 4|d. Grangemouth to Rouen, 950, 6s. Burntisland to Porto Vecchio, 5,100, 10s. 3d. Methil to St. Malo, 1,300, 6s. 3d. Antwerp and London to Rio de Janeiro, Santos and Rio Grand do Su], 19s. 6d., net terms, March. Glasgow to Alexandria, 10s. 6d. Rotterdam to Venice, 12s., ppt.; Genoa, 3,700, 8s. 6d.; Piraeus, 4,300, 10s. 9d., March 17 ; Algiers, part cargo patent fuel, 10 50 fr., March 20-31; 3,000, 10fr., March 15; Porto Vecchio di Piombino, 4,800, Ils. 3d., ppt.; Civita Vecchia, 3,000, 10s. 9d. steam coal, Ils. 6d. fuel, 12s. 9d. coke, ppt.; Gravosa, 2,800, 16s. 6d., ppt.; Port Said, 6,000, 10s. 9d., ppt.; Marseilles, 2,600, 11 fr. with 600, 1*0*75 fr. with 900, 300 tons coke same rate, ppt.; Naples, 5,000, 9s. 9d., 800, March 15; St. Nazaire, 2,900, 5s. 6d., Trignac, terms, ppt. ; Carthagena, 3,200, 12s., March 12-15 ; Madeira, 1,800, 9s. 6d., March 17 ;Teneriffe, 1,800, 9s. 6d., March 17. Wales to direct nitrate port, sail, 18s., April ; West Coast South America and home to United Kingdom-Continent, sail, 47s. 6d., fuel, outwards. COAL AND COKE EXPORTED FROM PORTS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES During the month of February 1913, compared with the corresponding month of 1912.* Port. February 1913. February 1912. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 870,353 22,785 826,698 20,656 43,655 — 2,129 — North Shields 71,465 — 93,226 452 — 21,761 — 452 South Shields 121,164 306 97,386 3,891 23,778 — — 3,585 Sunderland 266,657 8,519 229,819 5,748 36,838 — 2,771 — West Hartlepool 86,864 1,185 120,634 567 — 33,770 618 — Goole 98,373 2,949 83,056 1,356 15,317 1,593 — Blyth 327,664 859 306,795 1,799 20,869 — — 940 Newport ; 361,202 1,286 416,952 1,726 — 55,750 — 440 Liverpool — — 36,024 834 — 36,024 — 834 Methil 187,528 1,432 189,784 1,524- — 2,256 — 92 Glasgow 130,076 2,179 51,940 1,295 78,136 — 884 — Kirkcaldy 9,633 — 7,380 61 2,253 — — 61 Burntisland 166,383 2,597 141,205 1,647 25,178 — 950 — Cardiff 1,532,031 5,938 1,629,120 8,172 — 97,089 — 2,234 Borrowstoness 42,866 752 48,229 1,994 — 5,363 — 1,242 Llanelly 14,073 — 8,033 — 6,040 — — — Middlesbrough 411 644 299 1,593 112 — — 949 Seaham 71,343 — 64,403 6,940 — — — Swansea 215,096 292 260,990 889 — 45,894 — 597 Granton 8,599 3,067 6,682 3,479 1,917 — — 412 Port Talbot 139,725 29 158,559 1,226 — 18,834 — 1,197 Alloa 12,143 — 15,866 — — 3,723 — — Grangemouth 85,775 3,800 138,804 5,841 — 53,029 — 2,041 Neath 13,169 12,229 — 940 — — — Hull 286,386 8,804 217,516 7,366 68,870 — 1,438 — Amble 35,369 — 38,120 — — 2,751 — — Troon 7,831 — 9,243 — — 1,412 — — Grimsby 80,025 1,460 96,047 530 — 16,022 930 — Ayr 1,111 — 1,712 — — 601 — — Greenock — — — — — — — — Leith 109,859 — 115,598 79 5,739 — 79 Ardrossan 7,007 — 15,682 — — 8,675 — — Stockton — — — — — — — — COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.* Port. February 1912. February 1913. Port. February 1912. February 1913. Coals. Coke. Coals. | Coke. Coals. | Coke. Coals. Coke. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 453,428 1,257 375,427 304 Ayr 71,397 283 c 56 pf 56,915 — North Shields ... — — 105 Irvine 12,297 — 3,121 — South Shields ... 5,176 220 — Alloa 2,168 — 1,149 — Blyth 90,184 45,120 — Whitehaven 20,732 — 21,913 — Amble 22,615 — 11,560 — Liverpool 158,153 454 — — Sunderland 150,438 127,160 Grimsby 5,910 — 2,111 — Seaham 107,262 — 97,329 Granton 22,671 —’ 14,347 — Hartlepool 34,921 10 65,150 — Borrowstoness .. 17,077 r 18,947 — Stockton — — — — Burntisland 4=»,820 — 20,860 —- Middlesbro' 2,159 417 — 45 Kirkcaldy 3,044 — 1715 — Hull 108,618 — 90,845 500 Methil 15,890 — 37,650 — Goole 136,587 — 116,923 — Port Talbot 15,285 252c40lpf 8,390 375 Swansea 29,608 690 18,675 175 Glasgow 31,491 508 23,914 754 Cardiff 305,741 537 208,139 2,260 Grangemo uth ... 22,245 550 4,962 600 Llanelly 6,068 — 4,475 — Greenock 656 — 659 5pf Newport 70,719 35 c 500pf 48,759 — Neath 14,469 — 8,206 — Troon 19,549 15,824 Leith 7,439 17 9,683 12 Ardrossan 34,713 — 8,087 — * From Browne’s Export List. Port Talbot to Rochefort, 1,100, 7 fr, ppt. ; Gibraltar, 3,200, 4s. 9d. ; 2,700, 4s. 9d.; St. Servan, 950, 5s. 6d. Boston to Uddevalla, 650, 5s. Tees to Genoa, 2,500, 10s., pig iron ; Hamburg, 1,100, 4s. 9d., pig iron. Charlestown to Danish port, 570, 6s. 3d. Emden to Algiers, 2,200, 10 fr. ; Genoa, 4.800, 9s. 6d., fuel, March ; Savona, 4.800, 9s. 6d. fuel, March. Newport River to Philippeville, 3,100, 11| fr.,fuel, April 1; Algiers, 3,100, Hi fr. Wear to Havre, 1,300, 4s. 6d. ; Rochefort, 1,600, 5s. 3d. Homeward charters :—Nicolaieff or Odessa, 7,600, London or Rotterdam 9s., Weser 9s. 3d., Hamburg 9s. 6d., with 3d. less barley, March 15-25 ; Danube, 5,000 max , Antwerp or Rotterdam, 9s. 6d., ppt. ; 3,900, South France, p.p., 14 75fr., one port, 15*25 fr. two ports, Algiers and one port South France, 16 fr., ppt. ; Bulgaria, 3,700, Antwerp or Rotterdam, Ils., with options, ppt. ; Poti, 5,000, Hamburg, 12s. 3d., March ; 5,400, Rotterdam, Ils. 6d., ppt. ; 4.200, 12s., March; Kustendje, 4,460, Antwerp or Rotterdam, 8s. 3d., ppt. ; New York, 3,001 net, Japan, three ports, 31 c., April ; 2,737 net, Amoy, Foochow, Swatow, basis, 31 c. one port, April ; Baltimore, 27,000 qrs., Avonmouth or Rotterdam, 3s. l|d., March ; 24,000 qrs., 10 per cent., Rotterdam, 3s. l£d., heavy grain, March; Gulf, 17s. 6d , Hamburg, April; 2,016 net, Denmark, basis 21s. 9d. one port, March-April; 21,000 qrs., Rotterdam, 3s. 9d., end March ; 115s. one port, 117s. 6d. two ports, London, Hull, Ostend or Ghent, April; 120s., Bremen and Tyne; Villaricos, 7,000, Rotterdam, 7s. 6d., f.t., ppt.; Bilbao, 2,900, Cardiff, ppt.; 1,650, Rotter- dam, 5s. l|d., ppt.; 4,000, 4s. 9d., March; 3,000, Middles- brough, 5s. l|d., ppt. ; 3,500, Tyne Dock, 5s., ppt.; Aviles, 2,400, Rotterdam, 5s. 3d., March; Sfax, 3,000, Stettin, 8s., ppt.; Dicido, 4,000, Rotterdam, 5s. l|d., ppt.; North Pacific, sail, 40s., United Kingdom-Continent, new season ; 41s. 3d., new season; 40s. 3d., new season; 85s., United Kingdom ; nitrate ports, sail, 29s. 6d., United Kingdom-Continent; new season, Burmah, 30s. o.c., United Kingdom-Continent, March-April; Fernando and New York, £6,500, Porto Velhs, April; time charter, River Plate round, delivery Glasgow, redelivery United Kingdom-Continent, 5s. 3d.; St. Peters- burg, 31s. 6d., London, b.d , one-third bds., f.o.w.; St. John, N.B., 53s. 9d., Liverpool or Birkenhead, 56s. 3d. Preston, March; 55s., Herrings Cove; Philadelphia, 4s. 4|d., Hull, March ; Pensacola, 112s. 6d. one port, 115s. two ports, United Kingdom-Continent, May; Huelva, 3,000, West Hartlepool, 7s. 3d., f.d.. March; 7s. 10|d., Dublin, Tharsis terms, March; 5,000, New York, full terms, Tinto charter, end March ; San Lorenzo, 4,500, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 21s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., half seed 6d. extra, balance Is., ppt.; 4,500, 10 per cent., 21s. 3d. o.c., less 6d., ppt.; 3,800, 10 per cent., 21s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., option North Spain Is. extra, ppt.; 4,000,10 per cent., 22s. 7|d. o.c., Iess6d., May 1-31; 5,200, 10 per cent., 22s. o.c., less 6d., Genoa Is. 6d. extra, option below bar Is. less, ppt.; 22s. 6d.; rice ports, 2,500 n.r., United Kingdom-Continent, 30s. o.c., March- April ; Nicolaieff, 4,600, Rotterdam, 8s. 6d., ore, ppt.; 5,500, London or Rotterdam 8s. 7|d., Weser 8s. 10|d., Hamburg 9s. l|d., ppt.; 4,400, Weser, 9s. 3d., ppt.; 5,400, Cardiff, 8s. 6d., ore, ppt.; Kustendje, 5,000, Antwerp or Rotterdam 8s., Hamburg 8s. 6d., with 3d. less barley up to half cargo, ppt.; Rangoon, 3,500-7,000, Holland, 27s. 6d, March-April; Calcutta, 2 531 net, Bombay, Rs. 8 4, April 5-25; 10,000, Rs. 8*8, March; 3,136 net, Japan, 14s. one port, 14s. 6d. two ports, March 20-22 ; 3,067 net, Rangoon, Rs. 5*8, ppt ; 2 206 net, I uticorin, Rs. 7, option Colombo Rs. 6*8, April-May;. Anguar Island, 2,420 net, Fremantle. 21s. 6d., April; Santa Fe, 3,800, 10 per cent., United Kiugdom-Continent, 22s. o.c., less 6d., spot; New Orleans, 21,000 qrs., 10 per cent, Rotterdam, 3s. 9d., cancelling April 10; Parazuelos, 3 300, Rotterdam, 6s. 7|d., spot; time charter, Brazil and River Plate trade, about 5s. 4|d., one round trip, delivery Bordeaux, redelivery United Kingdom-Continent; Mira- michi, 1,200 stds., Belfast, 55s., July; Sulina, 3,400, West Italy, 13 fr. one port. 13 25 fr. two ports, March-April; Bangkok, 2,016 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 34s. 6d., completing Kohsichang Is. 3d. less, April ; Madras Coast, 3,516 net, Marseilles or Havre, basis 22s. 6d., April; Bombay, 6.300, United Kingdom, 20s. p.p., ore, March; New Cale- donia, 7,000, U.S., 40s. 6d.,ore, April-May; Mauritius,3,047net, Bombay and/or Kurrachee, 12 annas, end April; Savannah, Fernandina, &c., 1,500 net. Riga 48s. 9d., Riga and St. Petersburg 51a. 3d., April; Buenos Ayres or La Plata, 6,000, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 20s. o.c., less 6d., ppt.; San Lorenzo, 4,590, 10 per cent., United Kingdom- Continent, 20s. o.c, less 6d., March; 3,700, 10 per cent., 21s. 9d. o.c., no reduction direot, Genoa 2s. 6d. extra, March- April ; Sydney, N.S.W., sail, 31s. 9d. United Kingdom- Continent, April ; Melbourne, sail, 33s. 9d., United King- dom-Continent, spot; 32s. 6d., completing at Geelong 6d. extra ; Portland, Or., sail, 42s. 6d., United Kingdom-Conti- nent, new season ; Bombay, 14s. one port, 14s. 6d. two ports Japan; Gulf timber port, 160s., South Africa; Christmas Island, 2,363 net, Stettin, about 34s. 6d., April; about 5,000, Japan, 15s. 9d. one port, 16s. 3d. two ports, end April; South Australia, 2>368 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 35s. 6d., less 6d., March ; Port Pirie, about 5,000, Antwerp, 32s. 6d.» ore, July-August; Akyab, 5,100 max., Trieste, 28s., April; Barreiro, 1,800-1900, Rotterdam, 6s. 6d.. spot; Torrevieja and Cadiz, 3,500 max., Monte Video and Boca, 19s., salt, March-April; Bilbao, 1,650,Middlesbrough, 4s. 10|d.,option Stockton 5s , ppt.; Santander, 1,800, Rotterdam, 5s , ppt.; Carthagena, 1,950, Glasgow, 6s. l|d., spot.; 8,500, Rotterdam, 5s., end March ; Porman, 4,000, Rotterdam, 5s. l£d., ppt. ; Algiers, 3,000, Rotterdam, 4s. 7|d., March ; Sydney, N S.W., sail, 30s. 3d., United Kingdom-Continent; Aden, R^. 6, Calcutta, salt; Bay of Fundy, 55s., West Britain or East Ireland.