532 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 14, 1913. ROPE DRIVING FOR EFFICIENCY DURABILITY USE DIPLOMAS OF HONOUR BRUSSELS and TURIN. Illustrated Lecture on— ‘ THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER BY ROPES.” Post Free on Application. Telegrams: Kenyon, DukinfieldJ Telephone: 494 Ashton. LONDON OFFICE : 95 & 97, Finsbury Pavement, E.C. Wm. KENYON & SONS Ltd., CHAPEL FIELD WORKS, DUKINF1ELD, near MANCHESTER. BLASTING IM WINTER. Experience of NOBEL'S POLARITE has led to a RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND from the leading Contractors, Railways, etc. POLARITE is the only type of GELIGNITE WHICH DOES NOT FREEZE. Samples on application to— NOBEL HOUSE, 195, West George Street, GLASGOW. TO A.C. POWER USERS. THE USE OF HELSBY PATENT CONDENSERS 'will enable you to INCREASE THE CAPACITY OF YOUR PLANT IF WORKING AT A LOW POWER-FACTOR. When you remember that a machine working at unity power=factor will give MORE THAN TWICE the output than when working at a lagging power=factor of *8, you will realise the importance of ascertaining how this inefficiency may be remedied. For full particulars, apply to our local branch for Pamphlet H68. BRITISH INSULATED AND HELSDY CADLES LTD., Head Office .... Prescot, Lancashire. Works ... Prescot and Helsby. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENTS— LONDON—Lennox House, Norfolk Street, Strand. MANCHESTER—2, Parsonage, Blackfriars. GLASGOW—260, St. Vincent Street. BIRMINGHAM—9, Livery Street. CARDIFF—1 & 2, Western Mail Chambers. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE—33, High Bridge. DUBLIN—17, Crow Street. BELFAST—11, Queen Street. Also at Melbourne, Johannesburg, Capetown, Durban, Montreal, Mexico, Buenos Ayres, Bombay, Calcutta, Rangoon, Singapore, Hong-Kong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Constantinople, Cairo, Bilbao, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Christiania.