526 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 14, 1913. _____________________________________ INDEZX TO ADVERTISERS Wltl* Telegraphic AddreuQ*. Ackroyd and Best Ld................Lamps, Morley __......... 527 Alldays & Onions Pneumatic Engng. Co. Ld...Alldays, Birmingham 569 Allen, Alfred, and Son Ld..........Allen, Lower Gomal........ 527 Allen, W. G., A Sons (Tipton) Ld.___Allens, Tipton............. 525 Alley and Madellan Ld. __...........Alley, Glasgow ........... 561 Appleton and Howard...........................................__ — Aqueous Works A Diamond Bock Boring Co. Ld... .Aqueous, London 550 Asbestos and General Paint Co. Ld...Asbestos, Birmingham ........ 567 Association of Private Owners of Bailway Bolling Stock ......... 550 Auld, David, and Sons Ld...........Beducing, Glasgow __.....____ 567 Avonside Engine Co. Ld.............Loco, Bristol...........Cover iv Bagnall, W. G., Ld_________________Bagnall, Stafford ......... — Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co. Ld. _____Beacon, Manchester_______ — Baird, J. W., and Co...............Baird, West Hartlepool... 550 Barer, John, and Son __......................................... — Barclay, Andrew, Sons, and Co. Ld.... Barclay son, Kilmarnock ... Barns, W., and Son.........__.......Perforation, London_______ Beiliss and Morcom Ld.______________Beiliss, Birmingham....... ....... Bennis, Ed., and Co.Ltd______..........Bennis, Little Hulton..... ......... ......... Bever, Dorling and Co. Ld..........Foundry, Bradford ................. B’ham By. Car. A Wagon Co. Ld.....Carriage, Smethwick, B'ham Bleicherts Aerial Transporters Ld. ...Bleichert, London....... “ Board of Trade Journal ” .......................__ Bradley A Craven Ld........... Craven, Wakefield......._ Bridge, David, and Co. Ld......Coupling, Castleton, Manchester Briquette Machinery Ld.............Briquette, Leeds .......... Bristol A South Wales By. Wagon Co.. .Finance, Bristol........... “British Clay-worker”.............Clayworker, London........................ British Explosives Syndicate Ld.....Cordite, Glasgow . British H. t*. Power Gas Eng. Co. Ld., A Fraser & Chalm< 567 572 567 .... 567, ,dcwii 575 550 525 525 British H.t*. Power Gas Eng. Co. Ld., A Fraser A Chalmers Ld.Oove* iii British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld....Insulator, Prescot ... 532 British Mannesmann Tube Co. Ld......Tubulous, London........__ — British Oxygen Co. Ld.............Brins, Oxygen, London ... 527 British Wagon Co. Ld, ...... ..........Hart, Botherham .......525,576 Brown, David, A Sons (Huddersfield) Ld. Gearing, Huddersfield ... — Brown, W. B., and Co. (Bankhall) Ld....Vires,Liverpool.... Bumsted and Chandler Ld...........Bags, Hednesford ...... Bute Works Supply Co. Ld______........Gething, Cardiff..... ..... Cambrian Mining School ...........Mining School, Forth. Cameron, John, Ld.................Original, Manchester ..... Oapell Fan Co.__.............__ Centrifuge, Newcastle-on-T. Cover iv Chain Belt Engineering Co..........Chainbelt, Derby.......Cover iv Charlesworth A Co.................Stocks, Sheffield.. Ohorley Bailway Wagon Co. Ld......Wagon, Ghorley.......... Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld.......Cyclops, Gateshead ..... Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld. ...Solvay, Sheffield....... Cooke, Wm., and Co. Ld.............Cooke, Sheffield __....... Oort, Arthur, and Co,.............Cort, Camberwell, London.. Cotton Powder Co. Ld..............Tonita, London __....................... Coulson, M., and Co. Ld.......Coulson Ld., Spennymoor...... .................................... Cousland, Alex., and Son ................................... Curtis’s A Harvey Ld. Gunpr., London, A Curtis’s, London..... Daglish, B., and Co. Ld.............Daglish, St. Helens _____< Darlington and Co......__ Davidson and Co. Ld. ... Davidson, J. 8., and Son._______........................... Davis, E...........................Davis, Leeds ...... ............. Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld....Davis, Derby ......... Diamond Coal-Cutter Co............Diamond, Wakefield. Earle, G. and T. (1912), Ld..........Cement, Hull ...... 534 576 550 ... 525 .Covet iv ... 565 534 575 .Sirocco, Belfast ............. Cov«r i ... 525 567 ....... ---------------K----„................................. Cortr i Electric Blasting Apparatus Co. Ld...Blasting, Serridge Junction 527 Elliot, George, and Co. Ld..........Elliot Co., London __.............. — Evans, D. Llewellin................Brattice, Cardiff ............................. 526 Evans, Joseph, A Sons (Wolverh’pton Ld.) Evans, Wolverhampton 529 Ewart’s Chain Co........__..........Ewarts, Derby .........Cover iv Exol Company .......... Fairclough and Sons...... Farnley Iron Co. Ld...... FeU, 0. A................ Firth, William, Ld....... Fon?age de Puits........ Foot, Bowland, G., and Co. .................................. Fraser and Chalmers Ld.... Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld. .. Frost, Albert, and Co.... Furse. W. J.............. Gaunt and Hickman ........... .Farnley, Leeds .......... .Fell, Dronfield .Bails, Leeds..... .Fon^age, Paris ............ ............ ............ ... 576 Coveri ... 53o 572 ... Vanner. London.............. — .Friction, Chapel-en-le-Frith Cover iv ...Alfro, Sheffield ......... 526 ....Furse, Nottingham ....... 525 ...GauntHickman, W’hampton 527 Gillott, John, and Son ...............Gillott, Barnsley... 576, Cover i Glover, M., and Co................Glovers, Leeds .............__ — Glover, Wm. Jas., and Co...........Glover, St. Helens......... — Great Mining Machinery Exhibition........................ 529, 564 Green and Boulding Ld...............Temperature, London........ — Greene, Tweed and Co..............Greene, Quancham. London — Griffin, Chas., and Co. Ld__________.................__................__ — .Photophore, London...... .Gwatia Forge, Caergwrle. .Haggle, Gateshead .... 526 530 525 Guilbert-Martin.......... Gwalia Forge Co................. ... Haggie Brothers Ld....... Hanley, A................. Hann and Ingle_______________________________________________ Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld___________Hardypick, Sheffield_______ Harling, W. H......................__ Clinograph, London....... Harris and Mills ...................Privilege, London......... Harvey, G. A., and Co.......... .............Cheaper, Char, London ... Haslam and Schontheil Ld..........“Thor,” Cardiff___________ Hathorn, Davey and Co. Ld_________Hathorn, Leeds........... Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ld........Locomotive, Newoastle-on-T. Head, Wrightsonand Co. Ld.......Teesdale, Stockton-on-Tees... Heenan and Froude Ld..............Heenan, Worcester __ ~ Henderson and Glass...............Vulcan, Liverpool......................... ......... Holland Drilling Co..................Drillistic, London................ .... Hollingcrake and Son...............Hollingdrake, Stockport...................... Hopmnson, J., and Co. Ld...........Hopkinson, Huddersfield ... Horsfleld, J. and J., Ld. ______..........Vulcan, Dewsbury....... Hudson, T., Ld...................____________Hudson, Coatbridge....... Humble, Stephen...................Stephen Humble, Westmtn’r Hurd Coal Cutter and Engineering Co. Ld. ... Cutterbar, Glasgow International Channelling Machines Ld. Cuttabit,Shef’d......... Isca Foundry and Engineering Co. ...Isca, Newport, Mon................ ....... ....... Jardine, John.......................Jardine, Nottingham __............................ Kalbitum Paint Co. Ltd.............Kalbitum, Belvedere ..... Keith, James, A Blackman Co. Ld... James Keith, Fleet, London Kenyon, William, and Sons Ld......Kenyon, Dukinfleld................. Knowles Oxygen Co. Ld............Oxygen, Wolverhampton ... Koppers Coke Oven and Bye-Product Co....Kochs, Sheffield ....Co Lancashire A York. Wagon Co. Ld....Wagon, Heywood......... Lancaster and Tonge Ld.............Pistons, Manchester...................... Latch and Batchelor Ld.............Latch, Hay Mills ............................ ......... Leech, Goodall and Co........................Vertical, Leeds .................. ........... Legard and Son.....................Legard, Barnsley ................................ Lewis, Edwin, and Sons.............Lewis, Wolverhampton ... Lewis, William, and Son ...........Bobert Lewis, Bilston...................... ....... Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Ld. ...Wagon, Lincoln.............. Llewellyn and Cubitt Ld.............Oubitt, Pentre .........Cover iii Lockwood, Crosby, and Son .......Crosby Lockwood, London 567 Longbotham, B. H., and Co. Ld.....Engineer, Wakefield............... 576 Lowmoor Co. Ld................Ironworks, Lowmoor, Bradford ... 525 Liihrig Coal A Ore Dressing Appliances Ld....Nettoyage, London... — Marple and Gillott Ld...............Ferric, Sheffield........... 576 Mather and Platt Ld...... ...............Sprinkler, Manchester..... 528 Mavor and Coulson Ld.......... ..............Prodigious, Glasgow......... — Merryweather and Sons.............Merryweather, London... Cover iv Middleton, Bobert ......................Hydraulic, Leeds _______ — Midland By. Car. A Wagon Co. Ld.....Wagon, Birmingham __......Cover iv Mining Engineering Co. Ld. __.........Meco, Sheffield..... Mov, Thomas, Ld...................Moy, Peterboro*........................ Mudford, J. H., and Sons...........Tenting, Sheffield .. New Calyx Drill and Boring Co. Ld....Calyx, London .... Newton, Chambers and Co. Ld...........Newton, Sheffield .. Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld...........Nobel, Glasgow............... Northern Rubber Co..........__.......Rubber, Sheffield .. Nortons (Tividale) Ld...............Screening, Tipton.. Orenstein A Koppel—Arthur Koppel... Alighting, London ....... Ormerod, Edward.......................Ormerod, Atherton, Man'ter Osbeck and Co. Ld.............. .................Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne Peam, Frank, and Co. Ld....... ...........Pumps, Manchester . Peckett and Sons........_____________Peckett, Bristol..... Penningtons _____________.......................................... Phillips, Charles D.........................Machinery, Newport Pillatt and Co. Ld..................Pillatt. Stapleford, Notts ... Plowright Bros. Ld...................Plowright Bros., Ohes’field Primus Patents Co..................______Primordial, Oldham....... Pryor, Edward, and Son ...........Pryor, Sheffield........... Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld. ......Pulsometer, London............... ....... Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld. ......Pulsometer, Beading........ 525 550 530 576 ... 531 Cover i 525 575 533 526 525 567 531 532 526 525 534 533 573 525 .... 525 ... 571 .... 571 , Cover ii .... 532 .... 527 ... 573 572 550 . Cover i 527,576 .... 576 .... 576 533 565 530 533 56 i Where the Numeral Is absent the Advertisement does not appear In the present issue. Queen’s Hotel ......................Queen’s Hotel, Manchester Bedford B. Heber, Son, and Squire...Radford, Sheffield ..........__ Beddaway, F„ and Co. Ld............Anchorage, Manchester ......... Beavell and Co. Ld............ ..................Beavell, Ipswich.............. Benton, B. M„ and Co. __............Benton, Sheffield _____........................ Bigley, William......................Bigley, Bulwell __.................................__ Robey and Co. Ld____________________Bobey, Lincoln ......................................... Boburite Explosives Oo.Ld...........Boburite, London......................... Boburite Explosives Co. Ld...... ..........Boburite, Gathurst .....«... Bolling Stock Company_____.................Bolingstok, Darlington ____..... Boyles Ld..............................Elyor, Cadishead ............ Bussell, John, and Co. Ld____________Alma, Walsall................................. “ Scandinavia” Belting Ld...........Scandinavia, London ______ Scott, Walter, Ld_______...................Bessemer, Leeds............__ Shaw, John, Ld.....................Shaw, Sheffield...................................... Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Ld...Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent...... Sheppard and Sons Ld. ______________Sheppard, Bric,_:^......7 “ Shipping World ”......................Shipping World, London .. Siebe, Gorman and Oo. Ld...... Siebe, London...................._______ Simon-Carves Ld........................................ Simcar, Manchester _______......... ...... Smallman, J. W. __................._____....Smallman, Nuneaton Southern, T. A., and H. W. Halbaum............................______ South Wales Institute of Engineers.................................... Spencer and Oo. Ld. ........................Spencer, Melksham ................. Spencer, John, Ld....................._______Tubes, Wednesbuiy ., ............ " ~ - - - .Spurinman, Wakefield........ .......... .Turnstile, London........._ 576 526 527 525 525 ... 533 .... 571 . .... 528 .Cove* ii 575 534 525 576 567 534 550 576 Stanley, W. F., and Co. Ld. Steele, C. and A. _________.........................________________ Stewarts and Lloyds Ld. ..........Lloyds, Birmingham ___.... Stewarts and Lloyds Ld. .....Lapweld, Glasgow................__ Stringer, John, and Son.................Stringer, Blackburn...... Summerson, Thos., and Sons Ld....Summerson,Darlington .. Sutcliffe, Biohard..................Sutcliffe, Horbury....................... Sweet and Maxwell Ld.............Subjicio, London ....... ......... Talbot, Clement, Ld................Clemtal, London ....., Tangyes Ld........................Tangyes, Birmingham.............................. Theedam, E. 0., Ld. .......................Theedam, Dudley ........ Thomas and Bishop ...............Velcling, London ........................ Thomas, E., and Williams Ld.......Lamps, Aberdare .................. ..... Thomas, Wm....__________________Mining School, Forth Thompson and Co..............................Spiegel, Wigan .....__ Thompson and Southwick Ld..........Pulleys, Tamworth ..... Thomson Brothers (Dunfermline) Ld.... Minerals, Dunfermline Thornton, A. G„ Ld...................Drawing, Manchester....__ Thornewill and Warham Ld....Thornewill’s, Burton-on-Trent ... Treasure, J. B., and Co...................Treasure. Liverpool... “ Trefor ” Boring A Mining Co. Ld....Trefor, Brussels..... Trier Bros.........................Viscosity, London... Tuck and Co. Ld.......... ..................Tucks, Liverpool ..... Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld.........Fan, 1 lanelly ........ Underfeed Stoker Oo. Ld............Underfeed, London ....................... United States Metallic Packing Co. Ltd....Metallic, Bradford ...Cover iv Universal Mining School ____________________________ 576 Uskside Engineering Oo. Ld. Cover iii , Cover iii ....... 576 534 528 575 550 567 573 Cover i ______w______.........Uskside, Newport, Mon ____..... — Vivian’s Boring Co/..._____.Vivians, Parkside, Oleator Moo* — Waddle Patent Fan A Engineering Oo. Ld....Fan, Llanelly.......__ Cover i Wailes, Dove and Oo. Ld...... ....Bitumastic, Newcastle-on-T. 533 Wakefield, 0. 0., and Oo.............Cheery, London_____.......................Cover iv Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld.............Pagefield, Wigan .... Walker Hill and Co______________ Walker, Thos., and Son Ld...... Ward, T. W., Ld................. Waterfall, H. and B., and Barber. Wellington Tube Works Ld...... White, Geo...................................... Whittaker, 0., and Oo. Ld.......... Wigan Wagon Oo. Ld...................... Willcox, W. H., and Oo. Ld...... Witton Fire Brick Co. Ld__________________________________ Wood, John, and Sons Ld. ..........Haulage, Wigan.... Wootton Brothers Ld_______............._____Wootton, Coalville , Wright, Joseph, and Co_______..............Wright, Tipton .... Yeadon, Son and Oo...........___________Yeadon, Leeds .... ............ ...... .... Yorkshire Boiler Oo. Ld.............Steam, Bradford...................... Yorkshire Engine Oo. Ld............Engine, Sheffield................... Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Co. Ld. . Ferro, Leeds Youngs____.................____Oldens, Birmingham. ..Shiplog, Birmingham ..Forward. Sheffield..... , Niagara, Sheffield ..... ..Vigilantia, Tipton ... ...White, Saddler, Normanton ..Bricks, Accrington ........ ..Wagon, Wigan ..............._ ..Willcox, Southwark St. ____..... Classified List on Pago 566. .... 527 550,576 . Cove, i 525 525 565 530 565 576 528 567 MEDALS. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle. Chicago. MEDALS. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle? Chicago. OXYGEN------------- THE KNOWLES OXYGEN COMPANY LIMITED, WOLVERHAMPTON, are the only manufacturers who guarantee all their oxygen to be 99 °/o pure. GUILBERT-MARTIN, 9, Edmund Place, ALDERSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Telephone--2799 Central. Telegrams—“Photophore, London." TR Nfl SHOVELS, BUCKETS. WROT.I.PULLEYS, SIGNAL WIRE. ALBERTfR05lErC9,y DOG " spikes. HOWARDS!. SHEFFIELD. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Diploma o! Honour, Brussels, 1887. STEPHEN HUMBLE’S PATENT IMPROVED “KINGS" HOOK, WITH AUTOMATIC LOWERING ARRANGEMENT, SOLID FORGED THICKENED INNER PLATES and FULL BEARING on SHACKLE PINS. For High-speed Winding and Heavy Loads. Sole Maker— STEPHEN HUMBLE, Westminster Chambers, 9, Victoria St., LONDON, S.W. “Bep cop” G^l/ce Glasses Showing through the water a broad, rich, red line, thus ren- dering the level very distinct. A large stock always on hand. TRADE*’* Titan" mark Gqi/ce Glasses __________________________________ FOUNDED 1899. WATER AND WATER ENGINEERING Illustrated Monthly Journal treating with Water Supply, Sewerage, Hydraulic Machinery, Pumps, Filters, Docks, Canals. _____________ PRICE — 6d. MONTHLY. Subscription 7s. 6d. per annum, post free (payable in advance). _____________ ADVERTISEMENT RATES ON APPLICATION. _____________ Offices—30 & 31. Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. D. Llewellin Evans PROPRIETOR OF THE Cardiff Brattice Cloth Company 120, BUTE ST. CARDIFF. __________________________________________________ WILLIAM RIGLEY, Bulwell, Nottingham. BUILDER nP — RAILWAY WAGOHS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, For Cash or on Purchase Lease, for Three, Five, Seven, or Ten Years. For high pressure, and to withstand extreme variations of temperature. Are not affected by draughts or sea-spray. All glasses have fire-polished ends of a deep claret tint. AGENT FOR Nobel’s Explosives ____________ CONTRACTOR FOR MAINTENANCE and REPAIRS of RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK. ____________ WACONS LET ON SIMPLE HIRE. Branch Depots at all principal stations.