March 7, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 523 SELF-REGISTERINC WATER GAUGE a NEW COAL BREAKER. WHITAKER’S PATENT. with CLOCK; Ochwadt System. See Part I., Paragraph 62, of the Draft General Regu- lations of the Coal Mines Act. This Water Gauge is largely employed for continuously recording the pressure or water gauge of coal mines, the pressure or vacuum of air or gas in gas plants, and in ironworks. SEND FOR LIST 41 O. ■ vj L >7 f ■ B 11 h 1 i'f t«c-. • ‘■•A Large coal reduced to uniformly sized cobbles or nuts, withoutjjany cost for labour. JOHN DAVIS & SON (Derby) LTD., ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY; & 17, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. More equal and saleable cobbles made, with less slack than by other methods. BREAKERS MAY BE SEEN AT WORK IN SEVERAL DISTRICTS, BY ARRANGEMENT WITH The HARDY PATENT PICK Co. Ld„ SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND. WELDED TUBES up to 36 in. diameter, for ----- MINING, GAS AND WATER. EDWIN LEWIS & SONS, WOLVERHAMPTON. Telegrams—“ Lewis, Wolverhampton.” Telephone—No. 15 Wolverhampton. London Address—143, Cannon Street, E.C. Liverpool Warehouse—58, South John Street. Write for Illus- trated Price List. Specialities: LATHES & SAW BENCHES. First class at competitive prices. ROWLAND C. FOOT & Co. 11, Queen Victoria St., London E.C. By Appoint- t. H.M. Th. Kiag, went FIRE ENGINE MAKERS. MERRYWEATHERS’ SB a COTTON ROPE PULLEYS FROM 1 ft. to 20 ft. DIAMETER. For any size or number of Ropes. Also IMPROVED MILD STEEL INCLINE ROLLERS AND PULLEYS FOR WIRE ROPE. Largest Makers of High-daM HOSE PIPES in the World. Dnb-Ssb Canvas f Admiralty Leather for Flushing' Armoured Rubber for Mines. I Writ® far ** Hutts ®n Hom,” and quotattaac. | MERRYWEATHER & SONS, Fire Engine and Hoie Work*, ^Q^mNWI^^LONDON, S.E. for Fire Duty. Worn Parts can easily be renewed. Lighter and more durable than Cast Steel. THOMPSON & SOUTHWICK LTD., Engineers, TAM WORTH, Staffs. Nat. Tel. No. 4. Tel. Address—“ Pulleys, Tamworth.”