March 7, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 507 No. 23. — ' ' " — ■ " 1 — - '• — ' ' ' TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE The following is a list of abbreviations used below :— Am. Machinist = American Machinist. Assoc. Min. El. Engin. = Association of Mining Electrical Engineers. Berg- Huettenmaenn. Rdsch. = Berg- und Huettenmaen- nische Rundschau. Black Diana. — Black Diamond. Bull. Soc. Ind. Mulhouse = Bulletin de la Societe Indus- trielle de Mulhouse. Bull. Soc. Min. St. Etienne = Bulletin de la Societe de FIndustrie Minerale de St. Etienne. Canad. Min. JI. = Canadian Mining Journal. Coal and Coke Op. = Coal and Coke Operator. Coal Tr. Bull. = Coal Trade Bulletin. Colliery Guard. = Colliery Guardian. Columb. Sch. Min. Qrt. = Columbia School of Mines Quarterly. D. Bergwerks Ztg. = Deutsche Bergwerks Zeitung. Dept, of Min. of Pa. = Department of Mines of Penn- sylvania. • Dingier’s Polytechn. JI. = Dingier’s Polytechnisches Journal. El. Maschbau = Electrotechnik- und Maschinenbau. Engin. Min. JI. = Engineering and Mining Journal. Engin. News (N.Y.) = Engineering News (New York). Ind. El. = I? Industrie Electrique. Indian Ind. = Indian Industries and Power. Inst. Marine Engin. = Institute of Marine Engineers. JI. Min. Soc. Halifax = Journal of the Mining Society of Nova Scotia. JI. S. Afric. Inst. Engin. = Journal of the South African Institute of Engineers. Kohle Erz = Kohle und Erz. Manch. Geol. Min. Soc. = Manchester Geological and Mining Society. Metallurg. Chem. Engin. = Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering. Min. Engin. Rev. = Mining and Engineering Review. Mines Minerals = Mines and Minerals. Min. Inst. Scot. = Mining Institute of Scotland. Min. Science = Mining Science. Min. Scient. Press = Mining and Scientific Press. Montan. Rdsch. = Montanistiche Rundschau. N. Engl. Inst. Min. Engin. = Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Pract. Elec, and Engin. = Practical Electricity and Engineering. Pract. Engin. = Practical Engineer. Proc. Lake Min. Inst. = Proceedings of the Lake Superior Mining Institute. Queensl. Min. JI. = Queensland Mining Journal. Sci. and Art of Min. = Science and Art of Mining. S. Staffs. Inst. Min. Engin. = South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers. Techn. Bl. — Technische Blaetter. Techn. Centralanzeiger = Technische Centralanzeiger. Trans. Inst. Min. Eng. = Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers. U.K. Pat. Office = United Kingdom Patent Office. U.S. Bur. Min. Circ. = United States Bureau of Mines Circular. U.S. Geol. Survey = United States Geological Survey. Z. Angew. Chem. = Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Chemie. Z. Bergw. Preuss. = Zeitschrift fur das Berg. Hiitten-und Salinenwesen im Preussichen Staate. Z. Geologie = Zeitschrift fur Praktische Geologie. Z. Oberschles. Berg- Huetten- Ver. = Zeitschrift des Oberschlesischen Berg- und Huettenmaennischen Vereins. Z. Schiesswes. = Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Schiess-und Sprengstoff wesen. *#* We shall be glad to obtain for readers, where possible, copies of the papers referred to at the prices named, which are inclusive of postage. I.—General. The Constitution and By-laws, American Institute of Mining Engineers. “ Min. Scient. Press,” vol. 105, 22, p. 693-8. (The constitution and laws passed Novem- ber 12, 1912, to be acted upon on February 18, 1913.) Is. 4d. The Rhenish-Westphalian Coal Syndicate; its Organi- sation and Methods. (Das Rheinisch-Westphaelische Kohlensyndikat.) K. Wiedenfeld. Bonn, 1912; p. 177; atlas of 5 plates. 19s. 6d. Economical and Financial Studies of Coalmining in France and the Individual French Mining Companies. (Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Studien ueber den Kohlenbergbau in Frankreich und die einzelnen franzoesischen Bergwerksgesellschaften.) “D. Berg- werks Ztg.,” December 8, 1912, p. 1. A Photographic Method of Rapidly Copying out Pay- Notes, in Use at Throckley Collieries. T. V. Simpson and G. W. Bell. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Eng.,” vol. 44,1, p. 220-27; 2 ill. 8s. How the Mining Industry would be Conducted Under a Socialistic Regime. (Wie sich der Sozialismus den Bergwerksbetrieb der Zukunft vorstellt.) “ D. Berg- werks. Ztg.,” October 30, p. 1; November 1, p. 1 Tons of Coal Produced per Day per Man in the United States. “Engin.Min. JI.,” vol.94,25,p. 1171-2; 2tab, (Data for coal, copper and iron mines are supplied. Is. The Production of Coal in 1911. E. W. Parker. “ U. S. Geol. Survey Min. Resources, 1911-1912,” 207 p. (Includes notes on machine mining.) Classification of the British Export Coal Trade. (Die Verteilung der britischen Kohlenausfuhr auf die verschiedenen Marktgebiete.) Jiingst. “ Gliickauf,” Nov. 2, p. 1807-12. 2s. 9d. Coal Conservation in West Virginia. F. Haas. “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 25, p. 872-4. Is. 3d. The Output of Anthracite Coal Regulated by Seasonal Fluctuations in Prices. E. W. Parker. “ Science,” vol. 36,938, p. 863. Status of the Development of Coalmining in China to the Beginning of the Revolution in the Fall of 1911, and future Prospects. (Stand der Entwickelung des Steinkohlenbergbaues in China zu Beginn der Revo- lution im Herbst 1911, und zukuenftige Ziele.) Fr. Lux. “ Z. Geologie,” October 1912, p. 191. The World’s Coal Production and Consumption. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2719, p. 281. (Board of Trade Report.) 6d. The Coal Industry of India. R. P. Ashton. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2720, p. 329; 2721, p. 386; 2 figs. Is. Report of Department of Mines of Pennsylvania for 1911. Jas. E. Roderick. “ Dept, of Min. of Pa.,” part 1, Anthracite, 672 p.; part 2, Bituminous, 960 p.; ill. China’s Mining, especially its Coal and Iron Industry. (Chinas Bergbau speziell seine Kohlen und Eisen- industrie.) L. Berger. “ Techn. BL,” November 30, 1912, p. 377. Is. lOd. IL—Education. Who is a Mining Engineer ? Mark R. Lamb. “ Mines and Methods,” November 1912, p. 55. 2s. The Education of Mine Foremen. A. H. Purdue. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” November 15, p. 31. (Read to Soc. of Tennessee Mine Foremen, October 1912.) 2s. III.—Geology. Pure Science and the Geological Survey, United States. G. O. Smith. “ Min. Science,” vol. 66, 1716, p. 390-1. 2s. Bowen River Coal Deposits. B. Dunstan. “ Queensl. Min. JI.,” October 1912, p. 485. 2s. V.—Mining Technology. Experiments and Improvements in Mine Working in Prussia in 1911. (Versuche und Verbesserungen beim Bergwerksbetrieb in Preussen waherend des Jahres 1911.) “Bergbau,” November 28, 1912, p. 676. 2s. Subject List of Works on Mineral Industries in the Library of the Patent Office : Part I. “ Coalmining,” London, 1912, U.K. Pat. Office, Publication, New Series, Wn. XN. 39. Some Applications of Concrete Underground. H. T. Mercer. “ Proc. Lake Min. Inst.,” 1912, p. 167; 19 p. ill. The Development of Mechanical Power in the North- eastern Coalfield. R. Nelson. “Colliery Guard.”, vol. 105, 2722, p. 435. (Abst. paper read before Assoc. Min. El. Engin.) 6d. VI.—Working of Minerals. A Mechanical Coal Shoveller. (Ein Mechanischer Kohlenschafler.) O. Dobbelstein. “ Gliickauf,” December 14, 1912, p. 2025, ill. 2s. 9d. Coalmining by Means of Electrical Puncher Machines. (Kohlengewinnung mittels elektrischer Stoss- maschinen.) Robert Grimshaw. “ Techn. Centralan- zeiger,” November 11,1912; November 18, p. 1207. 2s. Machine Mining of Thin Coal Seams Using Face Con- veyors : Ruhr District, Germany. (Abbau mit hohem Stoss unter Verwendung von Abbaufoerderungsein- richtungen.) Bolesta - Malewski. “ Gliickauf,” October 26, p. 1749-58; November 2, p. 1789-96. Maltby Main Colliery. A. Thompson. “Trans. Inst. Min. Eng.,” vol. 44,1, p. 33-55; 2 fold, plates, 1 plate. (The situation, sinking and output of a colliery near Rotherham and Doncaster which is equipped to handle 6,000 tons per day in two shifts.) 8s. Tannymorel Coalmine. E. O. Marks. “ Queensl. Min. JI.,” October 1912, p. 485. 2s. An Engineer on the West Coast of Colombia. F. R. Wadleigh. “ Pan-American Union, Bull.,” October 1912, p. 726-734. (Special reference to investigation of coal resources.) Geology of Comox and Suquash Coalfields. “Canad. Min. JI.,” vol. 33, 24, p. 849. (The knowledge of the field is as yet meagre, the measures being largely drift covered, and only a few bores put down; the coalseams are, as yet discovered, mostly thin and irregular.) Is. 6d. Earthquakes and Damage to Mines. (Erderschuette- rungen und Bergschaeden.) B. Knochenhauer. “Z. Oberschles. Berg. Hiitten. Ver.,” November 1912, p. 481. 2s. 6d. Notes on the South Bohemian Coalfield. (Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Siidboehmischen Braunkohlenbeckens.) “ Hor. Hut. List.,” No. 8, p. 111-113, 1912. 2s. Map of the Coosa Coalfield (Alabama) with Vertical and Horizontal Sections. Wm. Frederick Prouty- “ Geological Survey of Alabama.” Boring for Coal on the French Coast. Breton.' Chuichos Coalmine, Peru. L. W. Strauss. “ Columb. Sch. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2720, p. 344. 6d. i Min. Qrt.,” vol. 34, 1, p. 24-6. (An asphaltic variety The Beresford Seam at the Snowdown Colliery. “ Colliery , of coal mined at an altitude of 15,000 ft.) 3s. Guard.,” vol. 105, 2720, p. 332; 1 fig. 6d. A Boring for Coal at Claverley, near Bridgnorth, and its Bearing on the Extension Westwards of the South Staffordshire Coalfield. Walcot Gibson. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2721, p. 3834. (Abst. paper read before S. Staffs. Inst. Min. Engin.) 6d. Origin of Coal and the Carboniferous Flora. A. R. Horwood. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2722, p. 451. (Paper read before Narborough Literary Soc.) 6d. I The Burns Anthracite Mines, Sheep Creek, Alberta. “ Canad. Min. JI.,” vol. 33, 24, p. 845-8; 4 fig. Is. 6d. The Admiral Mining Plant at Horde. (Die Bergwerks- anlage Admiral bei Hoerde.) Bergassessor Baum. “ Gliickauf,” November 30,1910, p. 1951. 2s. 9d. Jherria Coalfield, India, and its Future Development. G. H. Greenwell. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2720, p. 333. (Abst. paper read before the N. of Eng Inst. Min. Engin.) 6d.