March 7, 1913 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 479 - - ’ e*-' ■ KN “ Bennis ” Stokers and Self-cleaning furnaces fed by a “ Bennis ” Conveyor and burning low grade fuels without smoke, increasing boiler duty and reducing steam costs in a Yorkshire Colliery. ‘‘Steam-raising that pays” is only another way of saying “ ‘ Bennis ’ Machine Stokers.” Write for “Chea- Steam for Collieries” pamphlets to : Ed. Bennis & Co. Ltd., Little Hulton, Bolton, or 2o, Victoria Street, S.W. WILL BEAR THE MOST SEARCHING TESTS ! ABSOLUTELY SAFEST xfr As proved by 23 years’ practical use in the most Fiery and Dusty Mines in the Country. Telegraphic Addresses: AMVIS, NEGRO POWDER and DREADNOUGHT POWDER. no Nitro-Glycerine Safe to Handle. Cannot Freeze ALL ON PERMITTED LIST. ELECTRIC DETONATOR FUSES with “Tetryl” Detonators, Shot Firing Batteries, Cables, and all accessories. Address orders to— The ROBURITE EXPLOSIVES CO. LTD., GATHURST, nr. WIGAN. London Office:—103, CANNON STREET, LONDON. E.C. (“ Roburite, London,” Telephone C London—Bank 141. <_“Roburite, Gathurst.” Numbers: ^Gathurst—TJpholland 9. Telegrams—** BELLISS, BIRMINGHAM.” Telephones—CENTRAL, 4480/1. Established 1852. London Office— 8, Victor in Street, S.W. BELL1SS & MORCOM LIMITED, Engineers, BIRMINGHAM, “BELLISS” SELF-LUBRICATING STEAM DRIVEN AIR COMPRESSOR. AIR COMPRESSORS One, two, three, or four stages. STEAM, MOTOR, BELT OR ROPE DRIVEN. From 250 to 15,000 c f. pe- min., for Collieries, Mines, Workshops, Rock Drills, Air Lifts. ENGLAND. 'J 4t>5K ■ MOTOR DRIVEN AIR COMPRESSOR. FOR HANDLING OF SLIMES AND OTHER PURPOSES.