——" 460 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 28, 1913. destination, where it may be tilted by aid of a bull rope attached to the bottom, the free sliding piece meanwhile remaining stationary within the telescope above the level of the coal until the bucket is returned, when both are lowered and another run of coal passes into the bucket. This method is continued, the telescopic tube being lowered from time to time as the bulk of the coal is reduced. When the coal has reached the level of the bottom telescopic joint its handling may be assisted by overhanging rakes, or by scoops suspended from the joints s, which can be readily hauled about by aid of winches, or otherwise, within the hold of the vessel so that the bucket is easily and repeatedly filled. (Five claims.) 10047 (1912). Improvements in or relating io Scrapers for Belt Conveyors. B. A. Afzelius, of Sandviken, Sweden.— In this invention the scraper bears against the belt in a resilient manner, being provided with a resilient lining, 4 r* which is subjected to the wear, and at the same time prevents the material from being forced between the scraper and the belt. Fig. 1 is a side view, fig. 1“ a cross-section and fig. 2 a plan view of the scraper. (Five claims.) GOVERHMEHT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Trade Unions Bill No. 2 (L. 223), 2d. Scoientific Investigations, Ireland, 1912, No. 4, 2Jd. Census of Production Final Report : Part 1, General Report, 7-|d.; Part 2, MINES, QUARRIES AND METAL TRADES, 2s. lid.; Part 5, Chemical and Allied Trades, Is. lOd.; Part 6, Timber Trades, Clay, Stone, Building and Contracting Trades, Is. lOd.; Part 7, Public Utility Services. Is. 3d. Straits Settlements Report for 1911, 5)d. National Insurance: Subsidiary Employments (Ireland) Order No. 76, IJd. North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers.—An informal and unreported meeting of the North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers was held on Monday at the North Stafford Hotel, Stoke-on-Trent, Dr. J. Cadman, professor of mining at Birmingham University, inaugurating a discussion on rescue apparatus, various types of which were exhibited and explained by him. Complimenting the North Staffordshire Rescue Brigade on their achievements, he said their 120 days’ continuous work with the apparatus in the recovery of the Norton Pit constituted a world’s record. Partnerships Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces the dissolution of the following partnerships : — J. L. Crathorne and F. J. Green, carrying on business as elec- trical engineers, at Wagner-street, Old Kent-road, under the style of the Crathorne and Green Manufacturing Com- pany ; S. Turner and C. B. Hogg, carrying on business as engineers, at East-parade, Leeds, under the style of Turner, Hogg and Co.; G. H. Causer and H. Hudson, carrying on business as removal contractors and coal merchants, at Sunbridge-road, Bradford, and at Valley-road, Shipley, under the style of Causer and Hudson; E. Pearce and A. Young, carrying on business as scrap iron, steel and mineral merchants, at Howard-chambers, Duke-street, Park, Shef- field, under the style of Robert Pearce and Co. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 3981. Overwind prevention apparatus. B. Norton. 4003. Detectors of combustible gases. A. Philip and L. J. Steele. 4004. Detectors of combustible gases. A. Philip and L. J. Steele. 4006. Production of gaseous fuel. A. W. Southey. 4017. Process of cooling and cleaning blastfurnace and other gases. Smith and Bagley and M. E. Feilmann. 4018. Process for pulverising blastfurnace slag and the like. E. A. Bagley and M. E. Feilmann. 4022. Stop and regulating valves for water, steam, air and gas. J. Jeffreys, E. Herring and P. M. B. Grenville. 4046. Method of and means for detecting the presence of products of combustion of gas. W. R. Twigg and S. A. Vasey. 4072. Coal-cutting machine. J. Wells and Compayne Limited. 4073. Oil and other mining machinery. J. Wells and Compayne Limited. 4081. Centrifugal blowers and other centrifugal machines of a similar nature. T. H. C. Homersham and F. W. Berk. 4138. Reciprocating engines or pumps. H Musgrave. 4186. Charging devices for furnaces or the like. L. Roch. 4187. Saving or recovery of tin, gold and other ores from sand or other ore-bearing ground. T. H. Martyn. 4192. Manufacture of briquettes and apparatus therefor. W. H. Bloore. 4193. Miners’ safety lamps. J. Naylor. 4247. Steam pumps. L. St. L. Pendred. 4249. Extraction of nickel from mixtures of nickel and other metals. H. E. Fierz and E. Cahen. 4269. Hydraulic and other engines. W. E. Proctor. 4274. Suspension or traction ropeways. A. Schweinburg. 4292. Treatment of iron. A. V. Dismore. 4293. Compressed-air locomotives. Rudolf Akt.-Ges. fur Maschinen und Bergbau. 4294. Gas generators. H. Wade. 4299. Method of and apparatus for recovering compressed air used for raising liquids. A. Gaillard. 4312. Safety scotch for manipulating boxes in coalmines. G. Harrison and J. Farrell. 4335. Boiler and the like furnaces. R. J. Eskrigge and M. I. Eskrigge. 4374. Horse-drawn tipping-wagon. P. C. W. Christensen. 4378. Respirating apparatus. A. B. Drager. 4421. Bucket and the like elevators and conveyors. N. Taylor and H. R. Marsden Limited. 4442. Safety appliances for trucks and the like. E. Hale. 4443. Riddle to enable ore or the like to be discharged from ships direct to railway wagons in a riddled condition. J. Donaldson. 4451. Coal-washing plant. R. Thomson. 4486. Process for the distillation of fuels. F. C. W. Timm. 4494. Roller mills. K. Schuchard. 4538. Construction of smoke-consuming furnaces. W. Bettaney. 4572. Means of distilling and gasifying solid carbonaceous matter and recovering products therefrom. G. P. Lewis. Complete Specifications Accepted. To be published on March 13. 1912. 969. Treatment of lignite. Rigby and Testrup. 3628. Apparatus for indicating the presence and quantity of toxic or infl immable gases in the atmosphere. Guasco. 3837. Mode of and means or apparatus for extracting water or other liquids from coal. Burnett. 4163. Furnaces. Sillery. 4377. Process for the manufacture of briquettes from coal waste. Efrem and Efrem. 4612. Driving blocks for multiple wire conveyor and like cables. Doxford. 4753. Water-tube boilers. Stirling Boiler Company, and Constantine. 4933. Miners’ electric lamps. Worsnop 6674. Smoke-consuming furnaces. Kowitzke. 7809. Wagon tipplers. Logan and Hemingway. 8479. Refining process for iron and steel by means of ferro- chrome alloy. Buchel 10961. Boring ordrilling machines or apparatus. Robertson. 13549. Roasting furnaces. De Lummen. 16483. Magnetic water-level indicator for steam boilers. Montgomery. 18416. Blast pipes of steam locomotives and the like. Heller. 19441. Winches. Clarke, Chapman and Co., and Walker. 19696. Motors for operating reciprocating conveyors. Eickhoff. 20365. Haulage shackles for colliery and other wagons and the like. Williams. : Complete Specifications open to Public’Inspection before Acceptance. 1912. 15153. Wheels and detachable rims and tires therefor specially suitable for transport wagons and lorries. Daimler Motoren Ges. 28196. Safety devices for use in controlling-power engines, turbines, or the like. Gagg. 1913. 1309. Portable gas generating and utilising plant com- prising a producer of poor quality gas and a motor making use of this gas. Soc. Anon. Hongroise de Banke et de Commerce. 3368. Stokers. Stineman. 3681. Superheating systems for water-tube boilers. Vulcan Werke Hamburg und Stettin Akt.-Ges. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Mineral Resources of Alaska : Report on Progress of Investigation in 1911. (United States Geological Survey, Bulletin 520.) By A. H. Brook. Washington : Govern- ment Printing Office. Index to the Stratigraphy of North America, with geological map of North America. (United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 71.) By Bailey- Willis. Washington : Government Printing Office. “ The Journal of the Western Society of Engineers ” (Vol. 17, No. 10), December 1912, price 50 cents ; “ The Journal of the American Peat Society ” (Vol. 6, No. 1), January, price 1J dole. The Journal of the Franklin Institute ” (Vol. 175, No. 2), February, price 50 cents ; “ Peru To-day” (Vol. 4, No. 10), January, price 5d.; "Bul- letin of the British Chamber of Commerce for Italy ” (Vol. 3, No. 7), January ; The United States Geological Survey — (Bui. 514), “Results of Spirit Levelling in New York, 1906 to 1911 Inclusive,” by R. B. Marshall; (Bui. 515) “Ditto in Pennsylvania, 1899-1911 Inclusive,” by R. B. Marshall; (Bui. 518) “ Ditto in Ohio, 1911,” by R. B. Marshall; (Bui. 519) “ Ditto in Tennessee, 1910-1911,” by R. B. Marshall; (Bui. 523) “Nitrate Deposits,” by Hoyt S. Gale ; (Water Supply Paper, . 284), “Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1910, Part 4, St. Lawrence River Basin,” by C. C. Covent, A. H. Hoxton and R. H. Bolster ; (W.S.P. 289), “Ditto, Part 9, Colorado River Basin,” by W. B. Freeman, E. C. la Rue and H. D. Padgett; (W.S.P. 290), “Ditto, Part 10, The Great Basin,” by E. C. La Rue, F. F. Henshaw and E. H. Porter; (W.S.P. 291), “Ditto, Part 11, Pacific Coast in California,” by W. B. Clapp, F. F. Henshaw and H. D. MoGlashan; (W.S.P. 294), “An Extensive Study of the Water Resources of a Part of Owens Valley, California.” by C. H. Lee ; (W.S.P. 296), “ Gazetteer of Surface Waters of California: Part 2, San Joaquin River Basin,” by B. D. Wood; (W.S.P. 298), “Water Resources of California: Part 1, Stream Measurements in Sacra- mento River Basin,” by H. D. MoGlashan and F. F. Henshaw; (W.S.P. 304), “ Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1911: Part 4, St. Lawrence River Basin,” by C. C. Covent and R. H. Bolster; “The Monthly Magazine of the Incorporated Chamber of Commerce of Liverpool” (Vol. 12, No. 2), February; “ University of Illinois (Bulletin No. 62), ‘The Electron Theory of Magnetism,’ ” by Elmer H. Williams ; “ The Engineering Magazine ” (Vol. 44, No. 5), February, price Is. Institute of Metals.—The annual general meeting of the Institute of Metals will be held at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey’s Gate, Westminster, S.W., on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 11 and 12, 1913. The meeting will commence at 3 p.m. on March 11, and 10.30 a.m. on March 12. The following is a list of the papers that are expected to be submitted on March 12 :—Dr. G. H. Bailey, on “ Corrosion of Aluminium ”; G. H. Gulliver, Esq, B.Sc., on “ The Quantitative Effect of Rapid Cooling on Binary Alloys ”; O. F. Hudson, Esq., M.Sc., on “ Microstructure of German Silver ” ; A. Philip, Esq., Assoc.R S.M., B.Sc., on “The Corrosion of Distilling Condenser Tubes”; J. S. Glen Primrose, Esq., and H. S. Primrose, Esq., on “ Practical Heat Treatment of Admiralty Gunmetal”; Alexander Siemens, Esq., on “ Metal Filament Lamps.” The fourth annual dinner will be held at the Criterion Restaurant, Piccadilly-circus, W., on March 11, at 7.45 for 8 p.m., under the chairmanship of Prof. A. K. Huntington, Assoc.R.S.M., supported by the vice-presidents and council. “OXYNALEB” OXYGEN REVIVING APPARATUS. The Safest and Most Reliable Means of reviving persons apparently asphyxiated is to administer Oxygen by a simple form of apparatus, as shown, and at the same time use the Schafer method of resuscitation which is known to all St. John Ambulance and Red Cross Students. Automatic Appliances for Exhausting the Lungs are an Unknown Quantity. ASK THOSE BEST QUALIFIED TO GIVE AN OPINION. Why pay .£20 when you can do the same work with an apparatus costing only J>4 12s. 6d. ? ALSO MAKERS OF THE “Proto” Rescue Apparatus (Fleuss-Davis Patents) FOR RESCUE AND RECOVERY WORK IN MINES. Adopted by nearly 100 Mines in this country alone. Self-Contained Diving Apparatus (No Air Pumps or Tubes) for Flooded Mines and other difficult situations where the use of air pumps and tubes would be impracticable. SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “Neptone” Works, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams, “ SIEBE, LONDON.” Telephone No. 251 Hop. SHAFT AND SCAFFOLD WORKERS’ SAFETY BELTS. CACE SAFETY, LANDING, and HEADCEAR CATCHES. DHEADNOUGHT FILES A. HANTDEY. 21, Alpha Rd.. Bristol. Maps of the British Coalfields. 1. Scotland. 2. North of England. 3. South Wales. 4. North Midlands. 5. South Midlands. Sheet, 4r. each; Mounted on Cloth on Rollers, or in Case. 6s. each.—THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD. 30 & 31 Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. ALBER! fR05TM°,M TRAM Nfl L5 5H0VEL5 BUCKETS WROT.I.PULLEYS SIGNAL WIRE HOWARD ST. SHEFFIELD. SPIKES.