442 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 28, 1913. THE COAL ARD IROH TRADES. Prices f.o.b. Leith. Thursday, February 27. Scotland.—Western District. COAL. The coal trade has been active since last report throughout the Scotch mining districts, and there has been a general increase in the shipments At the whole of the ports, the clearances aggregated 314,563 tons, an increase of 15,620 tons compared with the preceding week, but a decrease of 17,482, which contrasted with the business of the corresponding week of last year. The Glasgow ship- ments, which were about equally divided between export and coastwise cargoes, amounted to 69,188 tons, against 66 591 in the preceding week and 45,056 in the corresponding week of 1912. There has been a very strong demand for the better qualities of house coal, both for home use and export, with the result that prices are tending upwards. Steam coal has met with a rather better sale, and there are indications of an extension of business in this quality. What has hindered the trade is the prolongation of the Glasgow carters' strike, which has greatly impeded the discharge and loading of vessels. The market for nuts has been an active one, and splint coal has been much in request. Prices f.o.b. Glasgow. S **eam coal Current prices. 13/6 to 14/6 13/9 to 14/6 15/ to 15/6 14/ to 14/6 13/9 to 14/3 13/6 to 14/ Last week's prices. 13/6 to 14/6 13/9 to 14/6 15/ to 15/6 14/ to 14/6 13/9 to 14/3 13/6 to 14/ Ell Splint Treble nuts Double do Single do The shipping business in coal at the lower Clyde ports has been somewhat more active, and now that the dispute as to wages with the dock labourers of Ardrossan has been settled a still fuither expansion of business may be anticipated. At Bowling 285 tons were cleared, Greenock 803, Irvine 1,262, Ardrossan 4,828, Troon 8,119, and Ayr 17,016—total 32,316 tons, compared with 29,515 in the preceding week, and 45,330 in the corresponding week of last year, when exti a business was diverted to these ports by a strike of dock labourers at Glasgow. The colliers have been working in a better way and giving fuller outputs, and cold weather has tended to keep inland business active. IRON. The Glasgow pig iron warrant market has shown additional weakness since last report, and prices have been irregular. Cleveland warrants have sold from 62s. 2|d. to 60s. cash, 62s. 6|d. to 60s. one month, and 62s. 10|d. to 61s. 4|d. three months, transactions being also reported at 60s. lid. for delivery in eighteen days and 62s. 7|d. for April 21. A large business was done in warrants towards the end of last week, but this week there has been less disposition to operate, and in some days considerable indifference has marked the business. Scotch makers are comparatively independent of the market, as their output is going regularly into con- sumption, but merchants are quoting ordinary Scotch iron and also several of the special brands 6d. lower. Govan and Monkland are quoted f.a.s. at Glasgow, Nos. 1, 76s., Nos. 3, 74s. 6d.; Carnbroe, No. 1, 80s., No. 3,76s.; Clyde, No. 1, 81s. 6d., Nos. 3, 76s. 6d.; Calder, Summerlee and Gartsherrie, Nos. 1, 82s., Nos. 3, 77s.; Langloan, No. 1, 83s., No. 3, 78s.; Coltness, No. 1, 99s., No. 3, 81s.; Eglinton, at Ardrossan or Troon, No. 1, 76s. 6d., No. 3, 75s. 6d.; Glengarnock, at Ardrossan, No. 1, 83s., No. 3, 78s.; Dal- mellington, at Ayr, No. 1, 77s. 6d., No. 3, 75s. 6d.; Shotts at Leith, No. 1, 81s. 6d., No. 3,76s. 6d.; Carron at Grangemouth, No. 1, 83s., No. 3, 78s. per ton. The output of pig iron is maintained in Scotland, there being 92 furnaces in blast compared with 84 at this time last year. There has been a quiet market for haematite and Scotch haematite pig iron is quoted 87s. to 87s. 6d. for delivery at the local steel works. Shipments of Scotch pig iron in the past week amounted to 5,577 tons, being 456 tons more than in the corresponding week of last year. The arrivals at Grangemouth of pig iron from Middlesbrough and district were 9,260 tons, a decrease of 134 tons compared with the corresponding week, but these arrivals have increased 10,180 tons since the beginning of the year, and there is a larger demand for Cleveland iron in Scotland. The steel trade is very busy, but at several of the malleable iron works business has been indifferent and the outlook is not quite so promising as could be desired. Scotland.—Eastern District. COAL. There has been some improvement in the coal shipments at Firth of Forth ports, but Grangemouth is still much behind what it has been in some former times. The clearances have been at Granton 11,512 tons, Bo'ness 15,093, Grangemouth 29,066 and Leith 35,185—total 90,856 tons, compared with 84,722 in the preceding week, and 117,768 in the corresponding week of 1912. The collieries are doing a large inland business, and do not therefore feel the effects of the somewhat moderate demand f< r shipment. There can be no doubt that the demand would have been greater if it had not been for the inadequate supplies provided for vessels at some of the ports in recent weeks. ' Best screened steam coal Secondary qualities ... Treble nuts ........... Double do........,..... Single do.............. Current prices. 13/3 to 13/6 12/3 to 12/9 13/6 to 14/ 12/9 to 13/ 12/3 to 12/6 Last week's prices. 13/3 to 13/6 12/3 to 12/9 13/6 to 14/ 12/9 to 13/ 12/3 to 12/6 Business has been rather more active at Fife ports, and the supply of vessels has, on the whole, been satisfactory. At Methil 61878 tons were shipped, Burntisland 54,010, Alloa 2,339, Dysart 1,528, Wemyss 1,083, Tayport, 785, and. Charleston 580—total 122,563 tons, compared with 118 115 in the preceding week and 123,271 in the corresponding week of last year. There has been a particularly good demand for nuts. Prices f.o.b. Methil or Burntisland. Current prices. Last week's prices. Best screened navigation coal 16/3 to 17/ 16/3 to 17/ Unscreened do 14/ to 14/6 14/ to 14/6 First-class steam coal 13/ to 13/6 13/ to 13/6 Third-class do 12/ 12/ Treble nuts 13/3 to 13/9 13/3 to 13/9 Double do 13/ to 13/3 13/ to 13/3 Single do 11/6 to 12/ 12/6 to 13/ A good business is being done in house coal for home use at satisfactory prices. Northumberland. Durham and Cleveland. 4 e wcastle-upon-Ty ne. COAL. During last week, 139,672 tons of coal, and 228 tons of coke were despatched from Tyne Dock, a decrease of 15,512 tons of coal, and 2,701 tons of coke when compared with the shipments for the corresponding week of last year. The Dunston clearances amounted to 61,038 tons of coal, and 3,850 tons of coke, a decrease of 2,135 tons of coal, and an increase of 805 tons of coke. The Blyth shipments totalled 100,832 tons of coal and coke, an increase of 8,369 tons. The Danish Gaslight Company, which supplies several of the smaller Danish gasworks with coal, is stated to have closed for its annual requirements of gas coal. The coal taken includes 80,000 tons of a well-known Durham quality, 10,000 tons of best seconds, and from 30,000 to 50 000 tons of Yorkshire coal. The Durham coal is stated to have been taken at from 13s. to 13s. 3d. per ton, f.o.b., for bests. Other coal sales during the week have been as follow :—A cargo of best Blyth steams for March shipment at 14s., f.o.b., a second-hand sale; 8,000 tons of Blyth steam smalls for April-December shipment, at the rate of 1,000 tons per month, at 10s. 3d., f.o.b., sold by second-hand holders ; a quantity of ordinary unscreened Durham bunkers, sold by second-hand holders for shipment to a coaling station from March to December, at 13s. 4id.# f.o.b. ; 5,500 tons best Blyth steams for early March shipment to Bombay, being the third such cargo recently arranged for. The following enquiries are in circulation:— About 120,000 tons of steams for the British War Office's requirements over the year—of which 90,000 tons are for Woolwich Arsenal, and 30,000 tons for Waltham and Enfield; from 30,000 to 40,000 tons of Durham steam smalls for Scandinavian copper works ; 40,000 tons gas coal for the Hague gasworks, delivery over the year; 190,000 tons gas coals for the Amsterdam gasworks, delivery over the year—an order which usually goes as to two- thirds to Westphalia, and as to one-third to Durham ; and 14,000 tons of Wear gas specials, for over-season delivery to the Aalborg gasworks. The total quantity of Wear gas specials taken by the Esbjerg gasworks, for delivery over the season, is 8 000 ions. The price, as stated last week, is 18s. 7|d. per ton, c.i.f. The allotment of the contract to supply the Russian State railways with from 500,000 to 700,000 tons of steams over the season appears to have been postponed sine die. The authority is now enquiring Prices f.o.b. for prompt shipment. Current Last week's Steam coals:— Beat, Blyths (D.C.B.) Do. Tynes (Bowers, &c.) Secondary, Blyths Do. Tynes (Hastings or West Hartleys) Unscreened Small, Blyths Do. Tynes Do. specials Other sorts:— Smithies Best gas coals (New Pelton or Hulmside) ... Secondary gas coals (Pelaw Main or similar) Special gas coals Unscreened bunkers, Durhams Do. do. Northumbrians Coking coals Do. smalls Hou<»e coals Coke, foundry Do. blast-furnace Do. gas prices. 14/6 to 14/9 ! 14/6 to 14/9 13/6 13/6 to 13/9 12/6 to 13/ 10/6 10/ 11/ to 11/6 14/ to 14/3 14/3 13/6 to 13/9 14/6 to 15/ . 13/6 to 14/6 13/ 14/ to 14/3 13/6 15/6 to 16/ 27/6 24/6 17/6 prices. 14/3 to 14/6 14/6 13/6 13/9 12/6 to 13/ lU/3tolO/6 9/6 to 10/ 10/6 14/ to 14/6 14/ to 14/3 13/3 to 14/ 14/6 13/3 to 14/ 12/6 to 13/ 14/ to 14/6 13/ to 13/6 15/6 27/6 24/6 17/6 for new tenders of 80,000 tons of steams for April-May delivery. It is reported, also, that the department has asked for offers of 400,000 tons of Yorkshire coal, and 25,000 tons of Scottish. There are considerable enquiries for steam coals for March shipment in quiet circulation, and the effort which has been made, by holding back orders, to “bear” the Durham coal market appears to be failing. Most qualities of coal are somewhat dearer this week F.o.b. quotations for prompt shipment have varied as follow on the week:—Best steams, Bly ths, have advanced 3d.; Tynes, ditto; seconds, Tynes, are weaker; Blyths, smalls, stronger; Tynes, firmer; specials, from Is. to Is. 6d. advanced; smithies, 3d. reduced; gas bests, stronger; seconds, 3d. more; specials, 6d. increased; unscreened bunkers, Durhams, 3d. to 6d. higher; Northumbrians, in seller's favour; coking coal, 3d. reduced ; smalls, stronger; and households, 6d. increased. Other descriptions of fuel are unaltered. Sunderland. GOAL. The exports from Sunderland last week amounted to 106,495 tons of coal and 1,905 tons of coke, as compared with 106,270 tons of coal and 1,585 tons of coke for the corresponding period of 1912, being an increase of 225 tons of coal and 320 tons of coke. The general tone of the coal market is steady, with a somewhat firmer tendency. Loading turns are well filled, which has helped both collieries and holders to hold firmly to recent prices, and speculative buying is thus in a hesitant mood. Best gas is steady. Bunker coals are a shade firmer. Coke is easy, in sympathy with a decline in pig iron. Steam coals are firmer, in spite of the report that the Russian State Railway authorities have again postponed purchasing. It is reported that the Veile gasworks have contracted for 2,000 tons of special Wear gas at 20s. 6d. c.i.f., and the Esbjerg gasworks for 4,000 tons at 18s. 7|d. a ton c.i.f., both for shipment over the Baltic season. It is also said the Koenigsberg gas- works have booked 80,000 tons of good gas coals at about 18s. 3d., shipment from now until March 1914. The Aalborg gasworks are in the market for about 14,000 tons of Wear special gas coals, to be supplied over the year. The following are the current market quotations:— Prices f.o.b. Sunderland. Current List week’s j Gas coals:— prices. prices. Special Wear gas coals ... 15/6 15/6 Secondary do. House coals:— 13/6 13/6 Best house coals 17/ 17/ Ordinary do Other sorts:— 16/6 15/6 Lambton screened 15/ to 15/3 15/3 Smth Hetton do 15/ to 15/3 16/3 14/3 Lambton unscreened 14/ South Hetton do 14/ 14/3 Do. treble nuts 16/6 16/6 to 17/ Coking coals unscreened.. 13/6 to 14/ 14/3 Unscreened smalls 13/9 14/ to 14/6 Smithies 14/ to 14/6 14/ to 14/9 Peas and nuts 16/ 16/ to 17/ Best bunkers 14/6 14/6 Ordinary bunkers Coke:— 13/6 13/9 Foundry coke Blast-furnace coke (dlvrd. 27/6 28/ to 30/ Teesside furnaces) 24/6 24/6 to 25/ Gas coke 17/6 17/6 Mediterranean coal freights are easier. Genoa has been done at 10s. 6d., Savona 10s. 3d., Spezia 10s. 9d., Reggio Ils. 9d., Naples Ils., Port Said Ils. 6d., Las Palmas 9s. 6d. The Bay is also easier, the Bordeaux rate being 5s. 9d. Coasting rates are firmer, with London at 3s. 9d., Havre 5s. 6d., Honfieur 6s., Calais 4s. 6d. There is very little business being done for the Baltic, Nakskov paying 6s 3d. for a small boat. A boat has been fixed Wear to the River Plate at 16s. 9d. Middleibrough-on-TeeB. COAL. On the whole coal shows a somewhat firmer tendency, and holders anticipate further improvement. As is usual at this season of the year, delivery of gas coal is falling away, but values are steady. Best Durham gas coal is 14s. 3d. to 14s. 6d., second kinds 13s. 6d. to 14s., and Wear special sorts 15s. to 15s. 6d. The rather heavy demand for bunker coal is met, and ordinary Durhams range from 13s. 6d. to 13s. 9d., with bests at 14s. 61. and specials at 15s. House- hold coal is rather quieter, but the supply is anything but plentiful. Ordinary Durhams are in the neighbourhood of 15s. 6d., and bests 17s. Coking coal is in fairly good request at from 13s. 9d. to 14s. 3d. Local consumption of coke is heavy. Some sales of blast-furnace kinds have been made this week at prices ranging from 23s. 91. to 25s., according to quality, and the market rate for average blast-furnace kinds may now be put at 24s. 6d. delivered at Teesside works. Foundry coke runs from 27s. 6d. to 28s. 6d. f.o.b., and gashouse coke is about 17s. 6d. IRON. There is extreme quietness so far as Cleveland pig iron is concerned. Quite a number of circumstances contribute to the feeling, amongst the foremost of which is the European unrest, and the opinion is freely expressed that if the political tension was relieved there would quickly be a recovery in values and that brisk business would be