February 21, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 407 THE ORIGINAL BRITISH RESCUE APPARATUS THE “PROTO” (with recent improvements by Fleuss & Davis) HAS COME INTO ITS OWN. At least 22 years before any of our competitors commenced business we did the pioneer work and spent thousands of pounds in producing a practicable Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (The Fleuss). Now, after a lapse of 34 years, the Highest Independent Experts (including the BIRMINGHAM COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS) have voted it the SAFEST RESCUE APPARATUS. (The positive pressure apparatus. No injectors. Simplest and 50°/o more economical in use than other types). It has been adopted by the Lancashire and Cheshire Coalowners’ Association, the North Staffordshire Coalowners’ Association, the South Midland Coalowners’ Association (Birmingham University Committee), whose scheme of operations covers Warwickshire, South Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire. One of the Rescue Teams of the North Staffordshire Coalowners’ Association (George H. Greatbatch, Esq., President), trained at the Central Rescue Station, Stoke-on-Trent (Mr. W. Clifford, Superintendent). Fifteen men trained at the Stoke=on Trent Rescue Station worked 100 consecutive days in two hour shifts at the hardest work possible in an irrespirable atmosphere. 72 men have worked 2-hour shifts for a period of a week recovering a pit after an explosion, and other men have worked 2-hour shifts for several days at two other collieries. All the work has been heavy, and there has not been the slighest hitch or mishap with any of the men or apparatus, nor has there been a single complaint. See our Bulletin of Serious Cases where the “ Proto ” has been used. In the original Fleuss apparatus we used caustic soda (in various forms) in metal cases. We also used injectors, but realising the danger of the latter devices, we discarded them. Our action in doing so has been amply justified by results of the past few years. Surely 4 fatalities in England alone during the past 14 months, not to mention similar cases in America and on the Continent, should give one seriously to think. SIEBE, GORMAN and CO. LTD., “ Neptune” Works, & 187, Westminster Bridge Rd., London, S.E Telegrams—“ Siebe, London.” Telephone No.—251 Hop.