February 21, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 405 pipes, ventilating columns, disc valves and other ironwork ; also for the supply and erection of three revolving sprinklers, for the Urban District Council. Warrington, March 3—Fire Engine, —For a 450 gallon petrol motor fire engine, with hose, tender, fire escape, first aid apparatus and all modern equipment, for the Corporation. Warrington, March 5.—Motors, $c.—For motors and transformers, for the Corporation. Wigan, February 24.—Various.—For (1) high-tension? three-core paper and lead-covered armoured feeder cable; (2) transformer and switchgear, for the Electricity Com- mittee of the Corporation. Wimbledon, March 5.—Various.—For the following materials, for the Corporation:—(1) Engine-room stores; (2) cables; (3) joint boxes and jointing materials ; (4) transformers ; (5) meters and prepayment meters ; (6) incandescent electric lamps and accessories; (7) flame arc lamp carbons; (8) oils. THE FREIGHT MARKET. The north-east coast outward freight market is a shade more active this week at the following representative quotationsTyne to London, 3s. 4jd. to 3s. 10jd., hardening as the week advanced ; Kiel, 5s. 10|d.; and Genoa, Ils. The market at South Wales has been very active. Rates for the Mediterranean are easier, whilst those for the River Plate, Brazil and the Islands are steady. The Bay and coasting trades are slow. At the Clyde, there is comparatively little doing. The Humber is steady and more active. Homewards, the amount of business done is rather less than the normal. Eastern markets are very quiet, and their tone weak. Black Sea, Azof and Danube steady. The Mediterranean and ore trades are flrm. The Baltic is quiet. America is unaltered. The River Plate is well maintained, but is not particularly active. Tyne to Bona, 1,900, Ils.; Copenhagen, 2,200, 5s. 4|d., 350 ; Cadiz, 1,400, 9s. ; Chantenay, 2.000, 5s 6d. ; Cette, 3,000, 10s. 4|d.; Couronne, 1,400, 6s. 3d.; Genoa, 2,300, Ils.; 3,000,11s.; 1,900,11s.; Girgenti, 2,500, Ils. 6d., 500; Kiel, 1,600, 5s. 10|d.; London, 1,800, 3s. 4|d. ; 800, 3s. 6d.; 1,700, 3s. 6d. ; 2,600, 3s. 6d. ; 1.700. 3s. 9d.; 1,400, 3s. 10|d.; 2,700, 3s. 7|d. ; Las Palmas, 2,500, 9s. 6d., ppt.; 2,000, 9s. 6d. ; Lisbon, 2,000. 7s. 9d. ; Leghorn, 2,000, Ils.; 3,500, Ils. l|d., 300; Monte Video, 3.200, 12s. 3d.; Messina, 2,500, Ils. 4|d.; Malta, 2.500, 9s. 6d. ; Norrkoping, 1,500, 7s. 6d. ; Naples, 10s. 9d., 700 ; 4,000, 10s. 9d., from Dunston ; Nakskov, 1,500, 6s. 3d. ; Porto Vecchio, 3,300, 12s. 3d. ; Palermo, 2,800, Ils. 3d.; Port Said, 6,500,12s., from Dunston ; 8,500, Ils. 3d.; Rouen, 900, 6s. 6d. : St. Nazaire, 2,400, 5s. 9d., 600; Savona, 2,000, 11s. ; Venice, 4,000, 13s. 6d. Cardiff to Alexandria, 5,500, Ils. 8|d.; Ancona, 5,000, 13s. 3d., ppt.; 13s. 3d., February 24; 5,500, 13s. 3d., February 26; Algiers, 6,000, 10fr., ppt.; 3,500, ll|fr., 2,800, ll|fr., February 25; 2,000, ll|fr., February 21; Antwerp, 1,700,5s. 6d.; 3,400, 5s.; sail, 4s. 9d.; 2,700, 5s. 6d.j 600; Adriatic, 3,200, Ils. 6d., February 24; Barcelona, 3,500, Ils. 6d., ppt.; 3,500, Ils. 6d., February 24; Bioletta, 2,300, Ils. 9d., ppt ; Bari, 3,000, 12s. 6d., ppt.; Bombay, 6,000, 13s. 3d. coal, 14s. fuel, Admiralty; 13s. 6d. February, Admiralty; Colombo, 6,630, 14s. 3d., end February: 6,600, 14s. 3d., March 10; 5,000, 14s. 3d.; Catania, 2.200, Ils. 3d., spot; Chantenay, 2,000, 7| fr., ppt.; Cape Verde, 4.800, 10s. 9d., ppt.; Dakar, 2,000, 10s., March 10; Genoa, 3,300, 11s. 6d., February 22; 5,800, Ils. 3d., ppt.; 3,600, Ils. 6d.; 4,400, Ils. 6d., ppt.; 5,000, Ils. 3d.; 4 100, Ils., February 24; Ghent, 1,300, 5s. 3d., ppt.; Grimsby, 700, 4s. 6d., Admiralty; Honfleur, 1,900, 5s. 9d., ppt.; Huelva, 2,150, 7s. 9d., February; Hong Kong, 6,300, 19s. 6d.; Lisbon, 1,500,8s.6d., 300, ppt.; 2,600, 8s. 3d., 350, ppt.; 1,550. Is. 3d., ppt.; Las Palmas, 4,000, 9s. 9d.; Labuan and Hong Kong, 6,300, 19s. 6d., February 26, Admiralty; Leghorn, 5,600, 11®. 3d., ppt.; Messina, 3,800, 9s. 9d., net terms, February 26; 2,200, Ils. 3d., spot; Milazzo, 2,300, Ils. 9d.; Malta, 2,500,10s. 3d., ppt.; 2,600, 10s. 3d., February 28; 3,000, 9s., Admiralty, ppt.; 2,300, 10s.; 3,000, 10®., February 25 ; 2,600,10s.; 3,000, 10s., early March ; 5,500, 9s. 9d., February 22; 3.600, 8s. 9d.; Monte Video, 5,000, 15s. 3d., early March, option lower ports 16s. 3d.; Marseilles,4,000, 12fr., ppt.; Nantes, 1,300, 7|fr.; Oran, 1.600, 12| fr., ppt.; Oporto, 1,300, 10s. 3d.; Philippe- ville, 1,250, 13| fr., 600, February; Port Said, 5,500, Ils. 3d.; Rio de Janeiro, 5,300, 15s. 6d., end February; 5,000,17s. 6d.; 17s. 3d., March 3 cancelling; 7,800, 17s.; 6,000, 17s. 6d., March 1-10; River Plate, 16s. 3d., February ; 16s. 6d., March 10-31; 4,800, 16s. 9d., February 22; St. Vincent, 2,900, 10s. 9d., ppt.; Savona, 5,600, Ils. 3d., ppt.; 4,400, Ils. 6d., ppt.; St. Nazaire, 1,350, 7|fr.; 2,200, 6| fr.; 2,800, 6|fr.; Spezzia, 4,400, Ils. 6d., ppt.; Tunis, 1,900, 14fr., February 28; 2,000, 14| fr.; Tarragona, 1,200, 10s. 6d., February 27; Venice, 3,800, 13s. 4|d., 500, ppt.; 5,000, 13s. 3d., ppt,; 4,000, 13s. 3d., February 24; 5,500, 13s. 3d., February 26; Valencia, 2,100, 9s. 9d., ppt.; 1.250, 10s. 3d., 250, free tax; 1,800, 9s. 6d., 400, free tax; Zarate, 1,300, 7s. 9d., 200, March 1; 3,500, 18s, 200, March 1. Swansea to Catania, 2,100, Ils. 6d., March 1; 12s. 6d. coal, 13s. 3d. fuel; Bioletta, 2,500, 13s. 9d.; Bayonne, 1,900, 8| fr. coal, 9| fr. fuel; Sables, 1,000, 7f fr.; Rouen, 1,150, 6s. 3d.; Honfleur, 950, 5s. 9d., free tax; 1,550, 5s. 9d.; Dieppe, 1,800, 5s. 6d., ppt. ; Civita Vecchia, 1,700, 12s. 6d., February 24; Alexandria, 2,400, 12s. 6d.; Valencia, 1,200, 10s. 9d., 300, free tax, ppt.; Barcelona, 2,200, Ils. 6d. Grangemouth to Rio de Janeiro, 17s. 9d , ppt. Forth to Abo, 400, 7s. 3d.; Hamburg, 1,900, 5s. Dunkirk to Buenos Ayres, sail, £4,000, pipes, ppt. Newport to Genoa, 5,300, Ils. 3d., February 27 ; Savona, 5,300, Ils. 3d, February 27 ; Leghorn, 5,300, Ils. 3d., February 27 ; Gibraltar, 1,750, 9s., ppt. ; Oporto, 1,300, 10s. 4|d., 250, spot; Huelva, 2,150, 7s. 9d., February 24; Brest, 1,000, 6s., February 22 ; Alexandria, 5,500, Ils. 7|d., February 24; Malta, 2,800, 10s., ppt. Port Talbot to Cagliari, 1,650, 12s. 6d., February 25; Calais, 1,600, 5s. 6d., ppt. Hartlepool to Barcelona, 1,700, Ils. 3d.; Venice, 4,200 13s., 500. Blyth to Bombay, 5,000, 14s.; 5,200, 14s. 3d., March; Helsingfors, 2,000, 6s. 6d., April; Wasa, 1,500, 7s., May; Plymouth, 950, 5s. 7|d.; Tonning, 1,400, 5s.; Memel, 800, 6s. 7£d.; Bandholm, 1,400, 6s. l|d. Wales to Talcahuano-Taltal range, sail, 25s. 6d., April; West Coast South America, sail, 23s. 6d.; 25s. 6d. Hull to Buenos Ayres, 6,000, 16s.; Reval, 2,500, 7s. 3d., ppt.; Bandholm, 1,600, 6s.. 72 hours, 300; 1,400, 6s., 300, ppt.; Kallundborg, 1,250, 6s., 60 hours, 300, ppt.; Genoa, 4 400,10s. 9d., March ; 2,400, 10s. 9d., March 10; Boulogne, 750,5s. 3d.; Nakskov, 1,400. 6s., 300, ppt. Grangemouth to Rio de Janeiro, 4,800, 17s. 9d.; Palermo, 2,500, Ils. Goole to Boulogne, 750, 5s. 3d. Glasgow to Bagnoli, Ils., February. Grimsby to London, 1,200, 3s. 10|d. Liverpool to Bahia Blanca, sail, 19s. Rotterdam to Bilbao, 5,000, 5s. 3d., February 25-26; Bordeaux, 1,500, 5s. 9d. coal, 6s. 6d. fuel, February 25; Algiers, Ilf fr.; Venice, 4,000, 13s. 6d. Antwerp to Buenos Ayres, sail, 25s.; Buenos Ayres, option Rio de Janeiro, sail, 25s., stiffening at Dunkirk, 23s.; Buenos Ayres, Boca or Rio de Janeiro, sail, 25s. Hamburg to Valparaiso, sail, 24s. coke, stiffening to nitrate port, 13s. and home 30s., season. Homeward charters;—Kustendje, 5,000, Antwerp or Rotterdam, 8s. 9d., 3d. less barley, ppt. ; 4,100, Mar- seilles, 12| fr., option Kustendje and Sulina loading 13 fr., ppt.; Kurrachee, 2,294 net, United Kingdom-Con- tinent, 19s. 6d. one port, 20s. two ports, less 2 per cent., March 7-31; 2,278 net, Genoa, 25s., iron, February ; 2,633 net, Marseilles, 18s., net terms, March 15 ; Port Pirie, 41s. 3d., Antwerp, March-April; Vladivostock, 6,000, United Kingdom-Continent, 37s., Copenhagen 37s. 6d., Stettin 38s., March; Bombay, 2,325 net, Hull and Antwerp, 24s. 6d. on d.w., February-March ; 5,850, west coast United Kingdom, 24s. one port, 24s. 6d. two ports on d.w., early March ; 6,000, 23s. 6d., United Kingdom-Continent; Buenos Ayres, 5.400, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 25s. 6d. p.p., no reduction direct, 6d. extra two ports east coast United Kingdom, 2s. extra North Spain, early March; 5,200, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 26s. o.c., less 6d., with options, ppt. ; 25s. 6d. one port United King- dom-Continent, 26s. 3d. two ports including Middlesbrough ; Bahia Blanca, 6,600, 10 per cent., United Kingdom- Continent, p.p., 26s. 6d., Hamburg 27s., early March; basis 24 s., London, grain ; La Calera, 3,500, Stockton, 8s. 9d., February; Bougie, 2,600, Dublin. 7s. 7|d., February; Huelva, 4,300, Rotterdam, 7s. 10jd., f.d., end February; Seville or San Juan, 2,609, Rotterdam, 7s. 6d., ppt.; Castro Urdiales, 1,900, Newport, 6s., option Castro Alen loading 5s. 10id., February ; San Lorenzo, 4,000,10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, about 25s. 9d. o.c., less 6d.; nitrate ports, sail, 30s., United Kingdom-Continent, less 9d., new season; ditto, March; 30s., new season; 29s. 6d., October- November; 28s. 9d., November-December; 29s., August- September ; 27s. 6d., Hamburg, May-June; South Australia, sail, 31s., Cape; time charter, 7s., one trip New York to South Africa ; Limiona, 7s., Glasgow or Barrow ; Baltimore, 3s. l|d., Avonmouth ; Agua Amarga, 6s. 9d., Ayr; 6,800, Rotterdam, 7s. 6d., f.t., ppt.; Eupatoria and Odessa or Theodosia, 3,500, Rotterdam, 9s., February-March; New- castle (N.S.W.), 15s., Penang, March; Akyab, Bassein or Rangoon, 4,500 - 5,000, Fiume 31s., Danube 32s. 6d., March 10-31; New York or Philadelphia, 190,000 cases, Australia, four ports, 35 c., March; Baltimore, 28,000 qrs., 10 per cent., Rotterdam, 3s.. March 10; Buenos Ayres, 6,000, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 27s. o.c., less 6d., option Marseilles or Barcelona 2s. extra, ppt.; Aguilas, 3,900, Rotterdam, 6s., early March; Carthagena, „ r__ ___ 3,000, Middlesbrough, 6s. 6d., ppt.; Huelva, 5,000, Northern ! current year. The directors announce that the purchase, States, Ils., f.d., early February; time charter, Trans- jointly with Messrs. Furness, Withy and Co. Limited, of atlantic trade, £2,850, one round trip, delivery and redelivery ; the bulk of the share capital of Messrs. John Lancaster United Kingdom-Continent ; 2,850. £950. two months,' and Co. Limited, was duly completed on July 11 last.— delivery Grangemouth, redelivery United Kingdom-Conti- [ Notice is given that an extraordinary general meeting will nent; Aden, 6,500. Chittagong, Rs. 7, salt, March-April; ■ be held at Cymric-buildings, West Bute-street, Cardiff, on free lighterage ; Philadelphia or Baltimore, 27,000 qrs., i Thursday, February 27, in the afternoon, for the purpose 10 per cent., Avonmouth or Rotterdam, 3s., March ; Norfolk,' of considering and passing resolutions affecting the 2,344 net, Rio de Janeiro, 20s., with 300, March ; 2,148 net, appointment of directors. ditto; Sagunto, 2,000, Ardrossan, 6s. 9d., ppt ; Porman or a 4- » Carthagena, 4,100, Maryport, 7s. 6d., ppt ; Cadiz, 5 000, Duffryn Rhondda. Colliery Company Limited.-At a Boca, 183., salt, March ; St. Nazaire, 1,700, Rotterdam, > Dewmber 17 last the directors were 4s. 3d., ppt.; nitrate ports, sail, 30s„ United Kingdom-; a"*hor‘ted to cr.0*te.a“d lsfu? furth®r debentures of Continent" October-Novemter; Gulf ports, sail, 21gdols„ {®25 “thJ w^^n^ktoaTt^ Santos; Melbourne, sail, 35s., United Kingdom-Continent; 6 8®eur® 7,a' P, nf j>konon first Mobile, sail, 19}dole , Rosario; time charter, Baltic trade, . 0o““pa°y’su,b„X W ***™taJ 1.400, £550, eight mouths ; 1,200, £450 nine months; 1900, debentures, (2) to £120,000 second debentures, and (3) to Rotterdamm9:thpntSU5^Rott"^^ ^loVT^ " ' “th-eh “Ln7dl“^^^^ 9s„ February 25?March^6? Sulina,“i,700, Rotterdam^o? th® third debeatur®3 for subscription to the existing share- Antwerp, 9s. 3d., with 3d. less barley, March 1-10; Madras Coast, 25s. 6d., Hamburg, March-April; Australia,2,635net, United Kingdom-Continent, 38s. 3d., less 6d. direct, March 1-20; Burmah, 3,806 net, Holland, 30s., clean rice, March; Akyab, 2,026 net, Tuticorin, 13£ annas per bag rice, ppt.; Parazuelos, 4,300, Rotterdam, 7s. 6d, f.d, ppt.; Bilbao, 3,000, Rotterdam, 5s. 3d., ppt.; 3,000, Middlesbrough, > 5s. 7^d., ppt.; Rangoon or Bassein, 5,000, Hamburg, 31s. 6d., I March. holders in the company at par. A circular dated the 12th inst. has now been sent out by the secretary to the shareholders, in which it is stated that the response of the shareholders to the invitation for subscriptions to the proposed issue of 8 per cent, third debentures has been so disappointingly inadequate that an allotment is not considered justifiable. . The directors make a final appeal to the shareholders, and, j to show their confidence in the ultimate success of the undertaking, repeat their willingness to subscribe £18,750, provided the shareholders take up the balance of the I £50,000. Lord Joicey, at the half-yearly meeting of the North-' Dunlop (James) and Co. Limited.—The net profits for Eastern Railway last week, stated that the mineral receipts 1912 were £68,062, and £9,157 was brought forward. It is had increased by £146 000 I proposed to write off £24,000 for depreciation, pay a divi- Partnerships Dissolyed.-The London Gazette announces I de“da^ °0nt’ °“ the Ordi“ry shareB’ the dissoiution of following partnerships :-G. Clifford ' Eng,lah Tubeg ftnd Flttingg Expopt Company Limited.- and G. i. Clifford, C. L. Clifford, and E. L. Clifford, farmers This private has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 in and coal merchants, carrying on business at Idbury, under i £1 shares, to carry on the business of merchants and the name of George Clifford and Sons, and also at Milton- factors of iron and steel tube fittings and accessories, &c. under-Wychwood and Watermans Lodge Farm, Westcote, J ™ T and Shipton-under-Wychwood, all in the county of Oxford, and at Notgrove and B our ton-on-the-Water, in the county of Gloucester; A. W. Wilde, M. S. Wilde, and J. L. H. cii x i i • iTOX (BSLUmeiJ &HUL uu» VJsum vuviut^uu Slater, carrying on business as boilermakers and engineers 1 oj. jq8 per ,£20 share. at Newton Moor, Hyde, under the style of James Wilde and I t et 1-4.4. j t t tt , . ! Gloucester Railway Carriage (and Wagon Company Co.; J. H. JUitton ana J. J. Hargreaves, carrying on busi- I Limited.—The directors announce an interim dividend at ness as general engineers at New Cross-road, under the' the rate of 5 per cent, per annum (3s. 6d. per A share and style of the Flitton Engineering Company; E. Barker and G. H. Willson, carrying on business as machine tool makers at Forest Mills, O venden, Halifax, under the style of Smith, Barker, and Willson; A. Parkinson (administatrix of H. Parkinson, deceased), S. E. Mil net, C. Moore, C. Parkinson, S. Parkinson, G. Spencer, D. Spencer, and S. E. Rush worth, carrying on business as clay mine owners at Ambler Thorn, near Halifax, in the county of York, under the style of Henry Spencer and Co. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. Argentine Iron and Steel Company (Pedro Vasena e’ Hijos) Limited—The board have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum (less income- tax) on the preference shares, calculated from the due dates of the respective instalments to August 31, 1912, payable March 14 next. Astley and Tyldesley Collieries Limited.—The half- yearly report recommends 7£ per cent, actual dividend, after placing £5,000 to reserve and carrying forward £7,950. Th© preceding half-year's dividend was 10 per cent, actual. Bolckow, Vaughan and Co. Limited. — The directors have decided to pay on March 5 next to the ordinary share- holders an interim* dividend for the half - year ended December 31 last at the rate of^ 5 per cent, per annum, free of income-tax. Cardiff Collieries Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31 last states that the profit for the year was .£32,907 13s. lid., which, with the balance of .£37,88114s. 5d. brought forward from 1911, amounts to .£70,789 8s. 4d., out of which the directors have placed to depreciation account £10,000, and to the suspense account for contingencies £5,000, leaving a balance of £55,789 8s. 4d. The directors recommend that this should be disposed of as follows:— Payment of 10 per cent, dividend on the preference shares for 1912 (less income tax), £9,530; ditto on ordinary shares, £10,000; directors' fees, £1,200; and that the balance of £35,059 8s. 4d. be carried forward. Clifford (Charles) and Son Limited.—The net profit for the year was £10,126, out of which it is proposed to pay a dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, to transfer £5,000 to reserve fund, and to carry forward £3,302. Crossley Brothers Limited.—The report shows, after including £30,100 brought forward, a credit balance of £56,300. The directors recommend payment of a final dividend on the preference shares, carrying forward £36,150. Davis (D.) and Sons Limited.—The directors' report for the year ended December 31, 1912, states that the net profits, after deducting the interest paid on January 1 last in respect of debentures, amount to £152,209 18s. 5d., to which should be added the balance brought forward from the preceding year—viz., £102,110 6s. 10d., making, less the amount appropriated in part payment of bonus (£25,000), a total of £229,320 5s. 3d., of which sum the dividend upon the preference shares and the interim dividend upon the ordinary shares for the half-year ended June 30 last, absorbed £31,497 4s. 5d. The directors now recommend that provision for depreciation of the company's property, amounting to £32,510 Os. 6d., be written off profit and loss, and that £110,000 be added to the company's reserve account. The directors also propose that the following dividends be paid—viz.: A dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum upon the preference shares for the six months ended December 31 last, absorbing £3,000; and a dividend for the same period at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum upon the ordinary share capital, as on December 31 last (making a total distribution of 10 per cent, for the whole year), absorbing £35,156 5s.; and that the balance of profits—viz , £17,156 15s. 4d., be carried forward to the First directors, R. A. Pinsent and J. C. Lacey. Everett (J. G.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£500 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of coal merchants, &o. Fox (Samuel) and Co. Limited.—Usual interim dividend Is. 9d. per B share), less income-tax, for the half-year. Great Western Colliery Company Limited. — The directors recommend a dividend of 5s. per share on fully- paid ordinary shares of class B, less income-tax, making 10 per cent, for the year 1912. Griff-Stocal Syndicate Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £5,250 (5,000 pre- ferred ordinary shares of £1 each and 5,000 deferred shares of Is. each), to carry on business as engineers, founders, metal workers, boilermakers, &c. Signatories: R. A.