376 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 21, 1913. BRAKES AND CLUTCHES ARE BEST WHEN LINED WITH Irararammsii FRICTION SURFACE ^Ull1 I Hill ■!! IIIIIIMI III linir’r'iniHMHMMaWMMmMEMH creates sparks, smokes, burns, and is thus a constant danger for everybody. Wood wears quickly and you WUUU cannot depend on its brake power, because oil, water, grease, or any other liquid affects its co-efficient of friction noticeably. In most cases you have to use reverse steam. METHS creates sparks and gives a very spasmodic brake action. Spoils your brake path and gives an unreliable IVIE I Ala brake-power. QBBSEH fabric is absolutely spark-proof, it doubles your brake-power, no need to use reverse steam. It lasts many times longer than wood or metal. Ferodo fabric is cheaper in the end. Your men have confidence in your brake, wind faster and you get more coal every hour of the day. Ferodo fabrics engage sweetly, they save ropes and machinery. They give instant power and keep the drum path always smooth and unworn. WHICH IS BEST ? We will gladly send samples, illustrated list and copies of testimonials to any inquirer. POST BRAKE. THE HERBERT FROOD CO. LTD Sovereign Mills, Chapel-en-le-Frith. 39/41, UPPER RATHBONE PLACE, LONDON. NO MORE PIT CAGE ACCIDENTS I Ascending and Descending Gages Safeguarded. No Interference with Winding. Starting in the Wrong Direction Prevented. Safety assured with ‘THE VISOR.’ The most Effective Machine or the Market. 160 at work JOHN WOOD & SONS Ltd. Telephone; 55 Wigan. Engineers, WIGAN. Telegrams: “Haulage, Wigan?