February 14, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 353 “SENTINEL” PATENT STOP VALVES V.l 559. f I "5HE careful designing of these valves at once ■ enhances the appearance and makes them B considerably stronger than ordinary valves. The metal flows in easy curves throughout, avoiding the risk of crystallisation and fracture which is inseparable from the usual sharp bends. The internal valve cannot chatter or rock on its seat, as it receives the pressure of the spindle below its working face ; while the seating ring is screwed and not merely forced into position, and therefore cannot work loose. The spindle is of large dimensions and is made of nickel steel, having three times the strength of bronze. The threads are cleanly cut by automatic machinery, and the hand-wheel is attached by a key of special design which cannot work out of the key-way. The stuffing box is deep and seldom requires re-pack- ing, which can be carried out, when necessary, under steam. It is provided with a fool-proof gland, which cannot bind under any circumstances, however care- lessly screwed up. These are only a few of the features (many of them exclusive) of the “Sentinel” Patent Stop Valves. They and our other specialities for steam and water users are more completely described and illustrated in our Catalogue 25 S, which will be sent to engineers and others on application. Always useand specify “SENTINEL” PATENT VALVES Alley & MacLellan, Ltd Sentinel Works, Polmadie Telegrams I f I C\ Q /V "lAf Telephone ALLEY, GLASGOW V—* X ** ¥ ’ W QUEEN’S PARK Messrs. Alley & MacLellan, Ltd., Polmadie, Glasgow Please send (X) a copy of your list 25 S. N ame ________________________________________________________________ Address___________i______________________ Ref Cn.