February 14, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 351 EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AND MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UHITED KINGDOM During January 1911, 1912 and 1913. To January, 1913. January. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1911. 1912 1913. 1911. 1912. 1913. Russia 18,624 10,799 7,443 4,596 199,973 146,104 60,330 93,087 226,040 31,382 49,324 161,499 Sweden • 43,841 26,050 31,030 19,839 231,034 156,026 267,220 287,783 305,905 146,218 164,066 201,915 Norway 67,501 33,685 14,582 9,140 132,929 88,842 182,211 212,968 215,012 84,777 105,085 131,667 Denmark 56,502 33,122 53,746 32,387 149,216 99,562 251,087 255,151 259,464 130,735 131,970 165,071 Germany 239,888 125,057 210,171 111,900 218,347 137,052 559,930 576,394 668,406 271,453 276,905 374,009 Netherlands .. 91,702 53,836 39,046 24,030 71,674 47,943 178,328 158,162 202,422 88,329 79,397 125,809 Belgium 85,299 42,397 56,332 32,605 55,589 34,822 189,002 165,783 197,220 80,891 75,593 109,824 France 443,617 240,260 307,376 176,771 399,559 309,477 922,321 938,833 1,150,552 494,309 515,814 726,508 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 31,070 18,284 19,916 10,301 91,604 71,192 77,265 109,174 142,590 47,372 71,880 99,777 Spain and Canaries 29,187 20,565 l(i9,847 69,408 222,439 176,618 277,776 396,459 361,473 179,899 253,869 266,591 Italy 154,273 83,117 219,259 129,629 447,855 343,620 738,126 841,845 821,387 432,514 545,200 556,366 Austria-Hungary 20,307 10,881 21,522 12,929 95,726 70,330 73,662 73,490 137,555 38,330 37,494 94,149 Greece 6,362 5,231 9,691 5,004 24,778 18,749 59,624 63,040 40,831 33,584 36,986 28,984 Turkey — — — — 16,772 14,470 28,274 43,745 16,772 17,377 30,010 14,470 Egypt 12,507 8,421 66,208 38,886 235,705 179,900 224,820 306,916 314,420 140,099 203,220 227,207 Algeria 43,873 j 24,642 38,541 23,781 48,317 36,819 88,442 109,535 130,731 48,559 60,874 85,242 United States of America 1 — — — 746 448 776 1,254 746 713 778 448 Chile 938 1,205 — — 65,066 57,393 38,235 40,082 66,004 23,663 28,957 58,598 Brazil 1,155 914 274 221 138,482 121,322 96,781 131,829 139,911 75,198 105,159 122,457 Uruguay 7,596 5,279 — — 70,775 59,135 84,102 84,745 78,351 66,002 65,389 64,414 Argentine Republic 7,848 6,610 — — 311,561 249,421 292,038 279,907 319,409 219,975 210,687 256,031 Gibraltar 6,267 3,234 9,451 5,838 21,076 15,550 24,695 22,389 36,794 16,222 13,780 24,622 Malta 13,971 8,112 9,591 6,566 43,054 33,975 37,116 31,965 66,616 21,792 19,722 48,653 British South Africa 729 642 1,485 1,188 i 1,475 1,434 5,661 3,914 3,689 > 4,153 2,702 3,264 ,, India 401 301 —- — 4,372 3,097 32,105 3,563 4,773 21,993 2,156 3,398 Straits Settlements 556 861 — — — — 9,775 5,351 556 7,859 5,098 861 Ceylon Other countries — — — — 24,376 20,025 27,371 14,204 24,376 21,389 11,138 20,025 15,700 11,666 4,795 3,117 117,818 97,300 129,142 169,607 138,313 96,192 126,263 112,083 C Anthracite 135,240 97,808 — 163,068 146,889 236,439 241,924 298,308 180,877 191,612 244,697 I Steam 1,040,759 546,752 309,188 186,890 3,068,046 2,300,424 3,578,117 3,945,278 4,417,993 2,090,098 2,416,105 3,034,066 Totals Gas 56,745 29,511 761,031 432,283 83,588 60,617 792,734 827,198 901,364 395,398 411,668 522,411 Household 40,324 23,474 166 113 105,236 68,356 115,350 139,679 145,726 61,357 76,953 91,943 (_ Other sorts 126,646 77,626 159,921 98,850 20,360 14,340 233,575 267,096 306,927 113,249 133,178 190,816 Total 1,399,714 775,171 1,230,306 718,136 3,440,298 2,590,626 4,956,215 5,421,175 6,070,318 2,840,979 3,229,516 4,083,933 Total (January 1912) 1,228,898 554,770 1,117,589 561,451 3,074,688 2,113,295 — — — — — Total (January 1911) 1,108,623 494,765 957,262 471,048 2,890,330 1,875,166 — — — — — — Coke — — — — — 100,017 113,871 107,095 73,211 83,569 101,722 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 166,709 148,932 196,739 114,269 108,959 158,648 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — - — 5,222,941 5,683,978 6,374,152 3,028,459 3,422,044 4,344,308 further dividend of 4s. and Is. 4d. per share on the above shares respectively, lees income-tax, £8,16112s. 2d.; transfer to the reserve fund, .£7,500; leaving to be carried to next year's account, .£591 8s. 8d. With the addition the reserve fund will stand at <£152,500. Buchanan (James), and Son (Liverpool) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with an authorised capital of £100,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of engineers, founders, coppersmiths, structural steel builders, tec., and to acquire the business carried on at Brasenose- road, Birkdale, Lancs., by J. Buchanan, as James Buchanan and Son. First directors: J. Buchanan and C. C. Stamp. Qualification (except first directors), £200. Chillagoe Company Limited.—A circular has been issued to the shareholders convening meetings to consider the proposed reconstruction of the company. The directors state that the Queensland Government, after severe tests as to the quality and close examination as to the extent of the coal, obtained the sanction of Parliament late last year for a railway to connect the company's Chillagoe Railway with the Mount Mulligan coalfield, and the directors have been informed that the work of constructing the new railway will be commenced in March next and pushed to completion with as little delay as possible. It is necessary, therefore, immediately to prepare and equip the mines with suitable plant for the economical production of coal and the manu- facture of coke in the quantities likely to be required. It is expected that the railway will be through to the coal mines and ready to handle freights within a year. The company intends to place itself in a position to supply all local requirements, and it is believed that if suitable shipping facilities are provided at Cairns it should be possible to compete successfully with the New South Wales collieries for the great and growing trade of the Cloncurry fields. The amount of fresh capital which will be now asked for is £180,000, equal to 3s. per share. Cross (James) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £25,000 in £1 shares, to take over the business of a coal merchant formerly carried on by the late Jas. Cross at Bury, Rochdale, and elsewhere. First directors: J. Cross, Mrs. N. Grundy, Mrs. S. A. Watson, H. Cross and H. Ainsworth. Registered office, 21, Fleet-street, Bury, Lancashire. Fife Coal Company Limited.—The directors recommend a final dividend at the rate of 35 per cent., free of income tax, on the ordinary shares, making 271 per cent, for the past year. Garnant Anthracite Collieries Limited.—In the Companies Winding-up Court, the petition of the British Westing- house Electric and Manufacturing Company Limited for the compulsory winding-up of this company came before Mr. Justice S winfen Eady, on the 11th inst. Mr. Copping, for the respondent company, said the directors were in Paris, and they had hopes of resuscitating the company. The petition was dismissed, without costs. Gloucester Carriage and Wagon Company Limited.— The interim dividend for the half-year is at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum. Glover, W. T., and Co. Limited.—The directors have decided to recommend the payment of dividend for the year of 5 per cent, per annum on both the cumulative preference shares and the ordinary shares, and in addition a bonus of 21 per cent, on the ordinary shares. The directors also recommend the allocation of £6,500 to the debenture redemption fund and the transfer of £5,000 to the reserve fund, and the carrying forward of about £8,000. The first mortgage debenture redemption fund will then stand at £33,000, the second mortgage debenture redemption fund at £24,000, and the reserve fund at £20,000. Hadfields Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in steel and other castings, steel and metal fitters, engineers, &c. First directors: Sir Robert A. Hadfield, A. G. M. Jack, and W. H. Dixon. Qualification, one share. Registered office : Hecla Works, Sheffield. Henley’s (W. T.) Telegraph Works Company Limited.— A dividend on the ordinary shares of 15 per cent., free of income tax, including the interim dividend of 5 per cent, paid in August. Hill (Richard) and Co. (1899) Limited.—Interim dividend of 5 per cent. (6d. per share) per annum on the ordinary shares for the half-year. Knowles (Andrew) and Sons Limited.—The net profit for the year ended December 31 last amounted to £40,404. It is proposed to place to reserve fund £10,000, to pay a further dividend of 14s. per share, making 5 per cent, for the year, and to carry to next account £1,983. The directors report that following the special resolution passed on May 21, an order was made reducing the capital of the company, and effect has been given to this. It is proposed to divide the shares into shares of the nominal value of £1 with 16s. paid on each share; also to revise the articles of association, so as to bring them up to date. Extraordinary meetings will be called shortly to carry these proposals into effect. Lambourne, Woollard and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of ironfounders, engineers, manufacturers of agricultural implements and other machinery, &c. First directors: A. W. Lambourne and C. S. Woollard. Registered office : 3, New-street, Birmingham. Lanarkshire Steel Company Limited.—The report for 1912 states that the profit for the year amounts to £51,448, and £2,720 was brought forward, making £54,168. Pre- ference dividends take £12,500, depreciation £23,963, directors' fees (free of income-tax) £1,500, and auditors' fee £78, leaving £16,126, which is carried forward. Lea Valley Engineering Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £20,000 in £1 shares (10,000 preferred), to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in machinery, founders, engineers, &c., and to adopt an agreement with R. G. Williams. First directors, R. G. Williams (permanent chairman, qualification 2,500 ordinary and 2,000 preferred shares) and A. H. Tyler. Registered office, Riverside Works, Lea-road, Waltham Abbey, Essex. Mather and Platt Limited.—The board report that the profit in 1912, after charging depreciation and directors’ remuneration and expenses, was £144,749. From this sum the directors have transferred to the works removal account £30,000, leaving £114,749. With the balance brought forward, £32,756, there is an available total of £147,505. The directors recommend a dividend for the year on the ordinary shares of 10 per cent, (less the interim dividend paid in September), and a bonus of 2 per cent., both free of tax; transfer to reserve account (bringing it up to £220,000) £20,000, and carry forward £35,505. The large extensions at the company's Park Works referred to in last year's report have been carried out during the year. The directors ; do not anticipate that any further allocation from profits will be necessary in respect of works removal. Merry and Cuninghame Limited.—The gross profit for the year to November 30 last was £80,114 10s. 5d. ; adding balance from last year of £31,342 17s. 6d. makes a total of £111,457 7s. lid. ; deducting £11,563 Is. 6d. for general expenses, mortgage interest, premium of insurance under Workmen's Compensation Acts, &c., there is a net revenue of £99,894 6s. 5d. Out of this sum there has been paid dividend of 7 per cent, on cumulative preference shares, £8,750 ; an interim dividend on ordinary shares, £12,500; placed to reserve fund, £10,000 ; placed to depreciation account, £10,000; and there has been paid a further dividend of 10 per cent, on the ordinary shares, £12,500; leaving to be carried forward a balance of £46,144 6s. 5d. National Gas Engine Company Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31 last, to be presented to the meeting at Ashton-under- Lyne on 17th inst., states that the net profit for the year is £91,238. An interim dividend for the six months to June 30, amounting to £28,500, being at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum on the preference shares and 7i per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares, was paid on July 31, 1912, leaving a balance of £62,737, which, added to £5,768 brought forward from last year, makes a total of £68,506 to be dealt with. The directors recommend the payment of a final dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum on the preference shares and 71 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares, both less income-tax, for the six months ended December 31, 1912. This will absorb £28,500 and leave £40,006, of which the directors propose to place £21,200 to the reserve fund (making it £30,000), to write off the formation expenses £8,867 and to carry forward £9,939. The directors have elected Mr. Kenneth S. Prescott to a seat on the board. North Central Wagon Co. Limited.—An interim dividend at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum, free of tax, is notified. Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company Limited.—The directors have decided to recommend a dividend for the half-year ending December 31 last at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares, also a bonus of 10 per cent, on the ordinary shares for the year, both free of tax, and at the rate of 6 per cent, on the preference shares for the half-year ending December 31 last. Pumpherston Oil Company Limited.—A separate general meeting of the preference shareholders will be held in Glasgow on the 18th inst., to consider resolutions dividing the existing 10,000 preference shares of £10 each into £1 shares, to be called first preference shares, and providing that the holders of such shares shall be entitled to attend and vote at the general meetings of the company, but only (1) if and so long as the preferential dividends thereon shall not be paid in full, and (2) if any question is to be submitted which directly affects any of the rights and privileges attaching to such shares, and in such case they are entitled to record one vote per share. Spencer (John) and Sons Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend on the ordinary shares for the half-year of 5 per cent, per annum. Watson (John) limited.—The profit for the year to December 31 last amounts to £120,996 Ils. 7d., which, with