February 7, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 315 SAFETY LAMPS FOR THE WORKING HINER with Electric Ignition, Lead Plug, or Magnetic Locks. SAFETY LAMPS FOR THE OFFICIAL. Mr. Stokes’ Gas-Testing Lamp. Davis’s Gas-Testing Lamp, with Sir H. Cunynghame and Prof. Cadman’s device. Davis’s Gas Testing Lamp, with Briggs’ Loop. Hepplewhite Gray Gas Testing Lamp. Dr. Clowes’ Hydrogen Lamp. Beard Mackie Testing Lamp. LAMP CLEANING MACHINES. IMPROVED RIVET MOULDS. LAMP STANDS, Ac. Write for Pamphlet No. 41 M JOHN DAVIS & SON (Derby) LTD ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY; ■ | & 17, Victoria St., Westminster, S.W. EDWIN LEWIS & SONS, WOLVERHAMPTON ORIGINAL MAKERS. Telegrams— “ Lewis, Wolverhampton.’ Telephone— No. 15 Wolverhampton. Liverpool Warehouse— 58, South John Street. London Office— U3. CANNON STREET, E.C. HARDY DRILL STEEL SPECIAL TOUCH. In Use Throughout HARDY HIGH SPEED WORLD. AND CAST STEEL ALL SECTIONS and for ALL PURPOSES. CANNOT BE EXGELLED. The Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Sheffield, England. TUBES For Compressed Air, Water or Steam, or any Description of COLLIERY WORK. Write for Illus- trated Price List. Specialities: EATHES & SATOT BENCHES. First class at competitive prices. ROWLAND C. FOOT & Co. 11, Queen Victoria St., London E.C. By Appoint- ment t. H.M. The KiM. FIRE ENGINE MAKERS. MERRYWEATHERS’ Largest Makers of High-eta* HOSE PIPES in tike World. Dob-Sob Canvas Dob-Sub Canvas for Fire Duty* Mmiralty Leather for Flushing. Armoured Rubber for Mines. Wife, foe “ Riats How,” and quetatiME MERRYWEATHER & 80N8, Firn Engine and Hote Work*, GREENWICH, LONDON, S.E. COTTON ROPE PULLEYS FROM 1 ft. to 20 ft. DIAMETER. For any size or number of Ropes. Also Worn Parts can easily be renewed. IMPROVED MILD STEEL ROLLERS AND PULLEYS WIRE ROPE. INCLINE FOR Lighter and more durable than Cast Steel. THOMPSON & SOUTHWICK Engineers, TAMWORTH, Staffs Nat. Tel. No. 4. Tel. Address—“ Pulleys, Tamworth.” LTD