February 7, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 299 No. 22. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE The following is a list of abbreviations used below :— Allg. Oesterr. Chem. Ztg. = Allgemeine Oesterreichische Chemikei - und Techniker-Zeitung. Am. Inst. Min. Engin. = American Ins itute of Mining Engineers Am. Soc. Meeh. Engin. = American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Ann Mines Belgique = Annales des Mines de Belgique. Berg- Huettenmaenn. Rdsch. = Berg- und Huettenmaen- nische Rundschau. Bull. Imp. Inst. = Bulletin of the Imperial Institute. Bull. Soc. Min. St. Etienne = Bulletin de la Societe de 1’Industrie Minerale de St. Etienne. Canada Geol. Survey = Geological Survey of Canada. Can. Dept. Min. Min. Branch Report for 1911-12 — Canada Department of Mines, Mines Branch, Report for 1911-12. Coal and Coke Op. = Coal and « oke Operator. Coal Tr. Bull. = Coal Trade Bulletin. Colliery Guard. = Colliery Guardian. Dokum. Fortschritts = Dokumente des Fortschritts. El. Kraftbetriebe = Elektrische Kraftbetriebe und Bahnen. El. Rev. (Lond.) = Electrical Review (London). Engin. Rev. = Engineering Review. JI. Inst. El. Engin. = Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. JI. West. Soc. Eng. — Journal of the Western Society of Engineers. Kohle Erz = Kohle und Erz. Lum. El. = Lumiere Electrique. Manchester Geol. Min. Soc. — Manchester Geological and Mining Society. Metallurg. Chem. Engin. = Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering. Midland Inst. Min. Eng. = Midland Institute of Mining Engineers. Min. Engin. Rev. (Austrl.) = Mining and Engineering Review (Australia). Min. Engin. World = Mining and Engineering World. Mines Minerals = Mines and Minerals. Min. Meth. - Mining Methods. Montan. Rdsch. = Montanistiche Rundschau. Montan-Ztg. = Montan-Zeitung. N. Staff Inst. Min. Eng. = North Staffordshire Institute of Mining Engineers. Oesterr. Z. Berg- Huettenwes. = Oesterreichische Zeit- schrift fur Berg- und Hiittenwesen. Organ d. Bohrtechniker - Organ des Vereins der Bohr- techniker. Proc. 8th Int. Congr. Appl. Chem. = Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Applied Chemistry. Queensland Geol. Survey — Queensland Geological Survey. Queensland Govt. Min. JI. = Queensland Government Mining Journal. S. Afric. Inst. Engin. = South African Institute of Engineers. S. Afric. Min. JI. = South African Mining Journal. Soc. Amicale de Douai = Societe Amicale de Douai. Soc. Chem. Ind. = Society of Chemical Industry. Stahl Eisen = Stahl und Eisen. Stein-Braunkohle = Stein und Braunkohle. Techn. Bl. — Technische Blaetter. Tiefbohrwes. = Tiefbohrwesen. Tijdschr. Nijverheid = Tijdschrift der Maatschappij van Nijverheid. Times Supp. Eng. = Times Engineering Supplement. U.S. Bur. Mines — United States Bureau of Mines. U.S. Geol. Survey = United States Geological Survey. Z. Oberschles. Berg- Huetten- Ver. = Zeitschrift der Oberschlesischen Berg- und Huettenmaennischen Vereins. Z. Schiesswes. = Zeitschrif d fur das Gesamte Schiess- und Sprengstoff wesen. *#* We shall be glad to obtain for readers, where possible, copies of the papers referred to at the prices named, which are inclusive o: postage. I.— General. Coalmining in the Netherlands, with Special Reference to the State-owned Mines. (De Kolenmijnbouw in Nederland, in het bijzonder, het Staatsmijnbedrijf.) “ Tijdschr. Nijverheid,” 1912, 5, p. 225-38. Abstracts of Official Reports on Mining in Nord and Pas- de-Calais, France, in 1911. (Industrie Minerale dans le Nord et Pas-de-Calais en 1911.) “Soc. Amicale de Douaif’ Bull., October 10, p. 661-680; October 25, p. 700-712. The World’s Coal Production. (Die Kohlenproduktion der Welt.) “ Bergbau,” 1912, 26, p. 361-2. 2s. 18th Year Book of the Coal and Iron Mines of France. (Comite Central des Houilleres de France, Annuaire Tome 18.) Paris, 1912. Coalmining in 1911. (Der Kohlenbergbau im Jahre 1911. ) “ Bergbau,” 1912, 12, p. 162-3. 2s. Potts’ Mining Register and Directory for the Coal and Ironstone Mines of Great Britain and Ireland, 1912, 8vo. Simpkin. The Coal Problem. (Die Kohlenfrage.) “ Oesterr. Z. Berg.- Huettenwes.,” 1912, 9, p. 117-21. The Taking Over of Mines by the Government in France. (Die Bergwerksverstaatlichung in Frank- reich.) E. Basyl. “ Dokum. Fortschritts,” 1912, 10, p. 742-5. On Coalmines of Hungary Owned by the State. (Ueber die staatlichen Kohlenbergbaue in Ungarn.) “ Montan-Ztg.,” 1912, 10, p. 186-8. 2s. 6d. The Purchase of the Brown Coal Pit “ Zillingdorf ” by the Vienna Municipality. (Der Ankauf der Braun- kohlengewerkschaft Zillingdorf durch die Gemeinde Wien.) F. Backhaus. “Oesterr. Z. Berg-Huettenwes.,” 1912, 4, p. 43-5. The Coal Industry in Queensland. “ Queensland Govt. Min. JI.” 1912, p. 426. Report of the German Brown Coal Industry Union for the Year Ending March 31, 1912. (Bericht des deutschen Braunkohlen-Industrie-Vereins ueber das Gefchaeftsjahr vom 1 April, 1911, bis 31 Maerz, 1912.) “ Braunkohle,” vol. 11, 1912,15, p. 226-30; 16, p. 244-8; 17, p. 260-3; 18, p. 276-9. 2s. lOd. The Foreign Coal Trade of Austria-Hungary in 1911. (Der Kohlenaussenhandel Oesterreich - Ungarns.) Busch. “ Oesterr. Z. Berg- Huettenwes.,” October 12, p. 581-585. Report on the Administration of the Mines Union during 1911. (Bericht ueber die Verwaltung der Knappschaft- Berufsgenossenschaft im Jahre 1911.) “ Gliickauf,” 1912, 42, p. 1721-5. 2s. 9d. The Rhine-Westphalian Coal Syndicate. (Das Rheinisch- Westphaelische Kohlensyndikat.) K. Wiedenfeld. Bonn, 1912. 172 p.; atlas of 5 plates. Extract from the Report of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Board of the General Miners’ Union at Bochum, October 1912. (Aus dem Bericht ueber die ausser- ordentliche Sitzung des Vorstandes des allgemeinen Knappschaftsvereins zu Bochum am 31 Oktober 1912.) “ Bergbau,” 1912, 48, p. 671-4. 2s. The Influence of the Law for the Insurance of Employees on the Existing Old Age Provision Arrangements. (Den Einfluss des Angestelltenversicherungsgesetzes auf die bestehenden Altersfuersorgeeinrichtungen.) Beisert. “ Braunkohle,” vol. 11,1912,12, p. 183-6. 8d. Statistics of Mining and Metallurgic Production, Wages, Labour, &c., in Belgium, 1911. (Statistique des Industries Extractives et Metallurgiques en Belgique, 1911.) “ Ann. Mines Belgique,” vol. 17, No. 4, 1912, p. 989-1088. Comparison of Miners’ and General Daily Wage in Germany, Past and Present. (Ortsuebliche Tageloehne und Bergarbeiterloehne.) Herbig. “ Techn. BL,” 1912, p. 321 and 329; tabs. Is. 6d. People Employed in the Mining Industries. “ Min. Engin. World,” 1912, p. 749. (U.S. Census Returns.) Is. 3d. Value and Distribution of Coal in 1911. “Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2716, p. 126. (From Part III., General Report.) 6d. Output and Value of Coal in 1911. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2715, p. 71. (From Part III., General Report.) 6d. The Coal Trade of 1912. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2714, p. 10; 2715, p. 74. Is. Mining Labour in 1911. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 104, 2713, p. 1305. (From Part II., General Report.) 6d. Mining Accidents m 1911. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 104, 2713, p. 1294. (From Part II., General Report.) 6d. The Mining Industry of Japan. K. Nishio. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 104, 2713. p. 1292 ; 2 figs. (Abst. paper read before Am. Inst. Min. Engin.) 6d. II.—Education. Mine Managers’ Examinations. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2717, p. 180. (Papers set at last examina- tion.) 6d. III.—Geology. The Mineral Fuels of Bulgaria. (Die mineralischen Brennstoffe Bulgariens.) L. de Launay and S. Bontschew. “Allg. Oesterr. Chem - Ztg.,” 1912, p. 145. Is. lOd. The Origin of Coal. (Ueber die Entstehung der Steinkohle.) H. Potonie. “ Organ d. Bohrtechniker,” 1912, p. 221. On the Formation of Pit Coal. (Ueber die Entstehung der Steinkohle.) “ Tiefbohrwes.,” 1912, 21, p. 93-4. 2s. Geology, Mining and Preparation of Anthracite. H. H. Stoek. “ JI. West Soc. Eng.,” October 1912, p. 705-735. The Probable Life of the Anthracite Coalfield. W. M. Griffith and E. T. Conner. “ Black Diamond,” November 2, p. 17. (Read at International Congress of Applied Chemistry.) Advances in Geological Science Effected by Borings. (Die Foerderung der Geologie durch Tiefbohrungen.) O. Schneider. “ Organ d. Bohrtechniker,” 1912, p. 245. (Read to the Twenty-sixth Convention, 1912.) What is Pit Coal ? (Was ist Steinkohle ?) Ed. Donath. “ Oesterr. Z. Berg- Huettenwes.,” 1912, 6. p. 71-3; 7, p. 91-3. 5s. Geology of Blairmore Map Area, Alberta. W. W. Leach. “ Canada Geol. Survey ” Rep. for 1911, p. 192-201. (Coal, iron and cement.) Reconnaissance on the Upper Skeena River between Hazelton and the Groundhog Coalfield, B.C. C. S. Malloch. “ Canada Geol. Survey ” Rep. for 1911, p. 72-90. Joggins Carboniferous Section, Nova Scotia. W. A Bell. “ Canada Geol. Survey ” Rep. for 1911-1912, p. 328-34. Coal Near Dalby. W. E. Cameron. “ Queensland Geol. Survey.” Publ. No. 235, p. 7-13. Coal Near Chinchilla. E. O. Marks. “Queensland Geol. Survey.” Publ. No. 235, p. 14-17. Coal with Glossopteris Flora Near Hughenden. E. O. Marks. “ Queensland Geol. Survey.” Publ. No. 235, p. 18-20. The Coal Resources of the British Crown Colonies and Protectorates—I.: W. Indies, Trinidad, Southern Nigeria, Nyasaland, E. Africa. “ Bull. Imp. Inst.,” October 1912, p. 434-453. Coal on the North Ipswich Coal and Coke Company’s Property. W. E. Cameron. “ Queensland Geol. Survey.” Publ. No. 235, p. 3-6. The Glendive Lignite Field, Dawson County, Mont. J. H. Hance. “ U.S. Geol. Survey.” Bull. 471 D, 1912, p. 89-102. The Terry Lignite Field, Custer County, Mont. F. A. Herald. “ U.S. Geol. Survey.” Bull. 471 D, 1912, p. 45-89. The Coalfields of Oyon, Peru, Delgado. “ Peru To-day,” 1912, September, p. 314.