February 7. 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 269 OUR STATEMENTS ARE BASED ON ACTUAL USERS’ TESTIMONY. THE SAFEST RESCUE APPARATUS IS THE “PROTO” WHICH HAS NTO INJECTOR AND IS THEREFORE ALWAYS UNDER POSITIVE PRESSURE. About 1,500 men in England alone are using the “Proto,” which has been called upon to do far more serious work than all of the injector types combined. At HULTON COLLIERY, 150 wearers of the “Proto” did splendid work, and Mr. Gerrard, H.M. Inspector of Mines, in his report, saysEVERYTHING WENT OFF WITHOUT A HITCH. THERE WERE NO CASUALTIES AMONG THE MEN, ALTHOUGH THEY WERE CONTINUALLY PLUNGING INTO DANGER, and their work was most arduous owing to the numerous falls and tremendous damage everywhere.” At MAYPOLE they did equally good work. KI ' J IF !'■■■■ One of the Rescue Teams of the Lancashire and Cheshire Coalowners’ Association (Charles Pilkington, Esq., President), trained at the Central Rescue Station, Howe Bridge, near Atherton, Lancs. (Serjeant-Major W. H. Hill, Superintendent, on right). FIFTEEN MEN trained at the NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE COALOWNERS’ RESCUE STATION, STOKE-ON- TRENT, WORKED 100 CONSECUTIVE DAYS IN TWO-HOUR SHIFTS AT THE HARDEST WORK POSSIBLE IN AN IRRESPIRABLE ATMOSPHERE. 72 men have worked 2-hour shifts for a period of a week recovering a pit after an explosion, and other men have worked 2-hour shifts for several days at two other collieries. All the work has been heavy, and there has not been the slightest hitch or mishap with any of the men or apparatus, nor has there been a single complaint. OUR BULLETIN, which will be sent free on request, GIVES NUMEROUS OTHER CASES. Notwithstanding these extremely severe tests, not a single accident during serious work or training has occurred. On the other hand, ALL THE FATALITIES in this country, in America and on the Continent have occurred where the INJECTOR TYPE HAS BEEN USED. SIEBE, GORMAN and CO. LTD “ Neptune” Works, & 187, Westminster Bridge Rd., London, S.E. Telegrams—“ Siebe, London.” Telephone No.—251 Hop.