172 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 24, 1913. W. 6, Allen & Sons Bradley Lane Works, Princes End, TIPTON. HAULAGE CLIP. 3 /-• TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS—"ALLENS, TIPTON.” TELEPHONE—No. 37, TIPTON. W G ftLLEN , & SONS J •O / BS A ■■■■A SB r WC.AlLEN&SdlNS, H0PPERw4K. A’-LK1NJ)! MiiSi E. DAVIS, Leeds, AND AT ' Bank Chambers, Scott Lane, Doncaster. MANUFACTURER OF MINING, SURVEYING, DRAWING, AND ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTS. PRESSURE GAUGES Of every Description made and Repaired on the Premises. Catalogue Free on Application. ■60 •30 270 300 'tipr.D' CB120 *90 Bourdon, Pressure Cm 150 180^0? j210rv F 240 STOCKS and SHARES. CHARLESWORTH & CO., Stock and Share Brokers, 55, Norfolk Street, SHEFFIELD, ------------ Specialise in- Coal, Iron & Kindred Tel. 2007.] Investments. [Tel.-“Stocks, Sheffield.” A I B Eft S n E © JOHN BAKER & SON, &a H W !F fc F ff1 IRON AND STEEL WORKERS, n ■ ■■ I El In W Thompson St., BILSTON. TUB CORNER PLATES BUCKETS ano BASKETS HAULAGES AND THREE-THROW PUMPS TO DRIVE BY Air, Steam or Electricity. BRIQUETTE MACHINERY. IRON & STEEL FORGINGS. HAMMERED SHAFTS IN STOCK up to 16 in. diameter. X ■ . S’* dC/ THE USKSIDE ENGINEERING _ co. LTD., Newport, Mon. SMOKELESS FUEL To Colliery Owners, Power Users, Municipalities, &c. THE ETICOAL SYNDICATE is now pre= pared to negotiate for the erection of plants for the production of smokeless fuel for domestic or industrial use, upon the basis of guaranteed results. Semi=coking coals, washery residues and numerous coals not usable under coke oven practice can be profitably carbonized. Under the process there is an available surplus of high power gases, while the benzol yields from both gases and tar, are unusually large. For full details and information address— THE MANAGING DIRECTOR. ETICOAL SYNDICATE LIMITED, 2, AUSTIN FRIARS HOUSE, LONDON, E.C.