January 17, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 145 “SENTINEL” STOP VALVES THEIR strength of design and material makes them proof against rough or hard usage, and the stuffing-box gland is so designed that it cannot bind on the spindle, no matter how carelessly or unevenly it is screwed down. V.I568. 3 y A' * ? ’ 7 V,"' OVER and above these advantages, the shape of the internal valve and its method of connection to the spindle entirely eliminate erosion, chattering and water-hammer. THE seat is screwed and not merely forced into position, and the rotation of the valve, each time it is opened, keeps the faces level. THE ample size of the stuffing-box makes re- packing seldom necessary, and the operation can be carried out, when required, under a full head of steam. WHILE strength and efficiency are always the points of first importance in “ Sentinel ” Valves, the large scale on which they are manufactured makes it possible to sell them at prices competitive with ordinary valves, to which they are in every way superior. ALL these and many other interesting and valuable features of “Sentinel ” Valves are more fully described and illustrated in List 25 S, sent free to responsible engineers and others on application. ALWAYS USE AND SPECIFY "SENTINEL” PATENT VALVES Alley & MacLellan Limited “Sentinel” Works telegrams “Alley, Glasgow” Polmadie, Glasgow telephone. 173 Queen’s Park MESSRS. ALLEY & MACLELLAN, LTD., POLMADIE, GLASGOW Please send (X) a copy of your list 25 S. Name________________________________________ Ref. Gn.