January 17, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 143 Sittingbourne.—Annular Condensers.—For one second- hand set of atmospheric annular condensers; also Livesey washer to pass 500,000 cubic feet per diem respectively, for the directors of the Sittingbourne Gas Company. Southeby (Norfolk), February 2.—Boilers, Sfc.—For two water-tube boilers and auxiliary plant, for the Feltwell New Fen Commissioners. West Ham, January 24.—Stores, Wattmeters, $c—For the supply of engine-room stores, chemicals, A.C. house service wattmeters, for the Corporation. COAL. IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. British Lion Engineering Company Limited. — This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in .£1 shares, to carry on the business indicated by the title. First directors to be appointed by signatories. Qualification, 100. shares. Registered office, 276, Fratton- road, Portsmouth. East Indian Coal Company Limited.—Presiding at the twenty-fifth ordinary meeting of the East Indian Coal Company on Wednesday, Mr. E. L. Evan-Thomas stated that the half-year ended October 31 last had turned out better than had been expected, and the current half-year would be considerably better still. There had lately been some agitation in India. They had had all the documents which the agitation had produced, and had given proxies in favour of the board to the number of 62,065 shares. In favour of Mr. Eardley Norton’s making a report proxies for 24,760 shares had been lodged, which, although all invalid for voting purposes, had been counted. The board had been advised by cablegram from Mr. Norton that proxies for a further 5,700 shares would arrive in about a fortnight. The majority in favour of the board was, however, so over- whelming that if those 5,700 shares were already lodged it would make no difference. As so large a majority had shown their confidence in the management of the directors, the agitation was at an end as far as the company and the board were concerned. A discussion followed, and the chairman, in reply, said that there was not the least founda- tion for the statement that Messrs. Jardine, Skinner and Co. were overpaid, while there was every foundation for his statement that no company had ever had agents to work for them better than that firm had worked for the company; the company had also been strongly supported by their agents. Speaking roughly—as he had to answer the ques- tion on the moment—the remuneration last year of Messrs. Jardine, Skinner and Co. was .£2,300, from which had to be deducted £900 for their loss on the purchase coal account, while their commission last year was only £250 on the company’s profit. Furness, Withy and Co. Limited.—-Interim dividend of 10 per cent, per annum (6d. per share), free of income-tax, on the ordinary shares for the quarter. Javal Patents Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of <£2,000 in Is. shares, to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in hydraulic, electric and steam machinery and appliances, engineers, founders, &c., and to adopt an agreement with E. Cremieu- Javal. Registered office, 44, Basinghall-street, E.C. New Rhondda Collieries Limited.—This company has been registered, with a capital of .£100,000 in .£1 shares, to acquire the business and assets of the Whitworth Collieries Limited. The signatories are:—A. Ghirez, 9, Bishopsgate, E.C. ; J. L. Harff, 133, Upper Thames-street, E.C.; M. Eggert, Broad-street-avenue, E.C. ; J. R. Crellin, 74, Empress-avenue, Ilford; A. C. Hunter, 44. Bedford-row, W.C.; J. Johnstone, 17-18, Basinghall-street, E.C.; and A. J. Angier, 121, St. Mary’s-road, Ilford. Minimum cash subscription, 100 shares. Qualification of first directors, who are to be appointed, .£250. Remuneration, .£250 each per annum (chairman, £350). Registered office, 9, Bishops- gate, EC. Newton and Nicholson Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£15,000 in .£1 shares, to take over the business of a metallic packing manu- facturer, engineer and stamper, carried on by J. S. Nicholson at Tyne Dock Corrugated Metallic Packing Works, South Shields, as Newton and Nicholson. First directors, J. S. Nicholson and J. N. Nicholson. Qualifica- tion, £250. Rhymney Iron Company Limited.—The interim report for the half-year ended September 28, 1912, states that the output of coal for the half-year was 574,902 tons, against 543,437 tons for the half-year ended September 30, 1911— an increase of 31,465 tons. The quantity of coke made was 22,157 tons, against 23,965 tons in the corresponding half- year—a decrease of 1,808 tons. The coal strike had the effect of reducing the output to some extent, in addition to which 20 of the coke ovens were closed down for rebuilding in the course of the half-year. The Mardy pit on the company’s freehold is being sunk to the lower steam coal measures, which it is expected will prove over a considerable area; and as the whole of the power will be electrical, developed cheaply from the waste gases at the coke ovens, the cost of working should be moderate. The erection of the generating sets at the coke ovens is being rapidly proceeded with. The directors consider the results of the working for the half-year to September to be satisfactory, and the prospects for the second half of the year to be good; but in view of the large expenditure involved in deepening and equipping the pits to develop the lower steam coal seams, they deem it prudent to defer the consideration of the payment of a dividend until the close of the financial year. Mortgages and Charges. — The following have been registered in pursuance of the Companies Acts, 1907 :— Bolckow, Vaughan and Co. Limited (issue on December 19, 1912, of £1,700 debentures, part of a series) ; Cargo Fleet Iron Company Limited (satisfaction to the extent of £121,800 on November 30, 1912, of debentures dated October 3, 1905, securing £500,000) ; Dunvant Penlan Collieries Limited (issue on December 18, 1912, of £1,800 debentures, part of a series) ; Easington Coal Company Limited (issue on December 19, 1912, of £200 debentures, part of a series) ; Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited (issue on December 23, 1912, of £100 debentures, part of a series) ; Harton Coal Company Limited (issue on December 11, 1912, of £25,000 debentures, part of a series); Lincoln Wagon and Engineering Company Limited (issue on December 18, 1912, of £3,874 2s. 7d. debentures, part of a series) ; North Central Wagon Company Limited (issue on December 18 of £5,650 debentures, part of a series) ; Reading Iron Company Limited (satisfaction in full on December 21, 1912, of debentures dated August 2, 1907, securing £2,000) ; Swan Lane Collieries Limited (particulars of £10,000 debentures created November 28, 1912, present issue £5,500) ; Worcester Coal and Iron Company Limited (debentures dated December 14, 1912, to secure £1,000) ; Avonside Engine Company Limited (memorandum of deposit on December 17, 1912, to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to the Metropolitan Bank (of England and Wales) Limited, Bennett’s-hill, Birming- ham, stamped to cover £12.000); Canadian Coal Consolidated Limited (particulars of £120,000 debentures created May 6, and secured by trust deed dated October 18, 1911, present issue £44,700—registered December 20, 1912, pursuant to order of court) ; Cymric Rhondda Colliery Company Limited (particulars of £5.000 debentures created December 9,1912, present issue £1,000); Hanley Collieries Limited (particu- lars of £5,000 debentures created December 23, 1912, whole amount now issued) ; John Bowes and Partners Limited (issue on December 20,1912, of £7.500 debentures, part of a series) ; Newport Abercarn Black Vein Steam Coal Company Limited (mortgage dated January 1,1913, to secure £8,000) ; Park Tin Plate Company Limited (satisfaction in full on July 30,1912, of debentures dated October 25, 1907, securing £5,000) ; Sherwood Colliery Company Limited (satisfaction in full on December 18, 1912, of first mortgage debentures dated April 20, 1906, securing £20,000); West Lancashire Wagon Company Limited (particulars of £100,000 deben- tures created by resolutions of June 22,1900, and Decem- ber 27, 1912, present issue £10,000); Whitehead Iron and Steel Company Limited (satisfaction to the extent of £3,500 on December 24, 1912, of third mortgage debentures dated December 6, 1909, securing £10,000. Burntisland to Genoa, Ils. 4|d.; Savona, 11s. 4£d.; Spezzia, Ils. 4|d.; Aalborg, 1,750, 5s. 9d. Thames to Bahia (sail), 20s. 9d. Hull to Rotterdam, 1,500, 3s.; 2,600, 3s.; Venice, 4,600, 12s.; 4,600, 12s. 3d.; Civita Vecchia, 3,900, Ils. Antwerp to Buenos Ayres, sail, p.t. Immingham to Rotterdam, 2,600, 3s. Wear to Venice, 3,800, 12s. 91. ; Genoa, 3,500,10s. 6d. Emden to Naples, 4,500, 10s.; Oran, 1,900, 13 fr. Leith to Kiel, 2,000, 6s. l|d. Glasgow to Buenos Ayres, 17s. 9d., 250, ppt.; about 20s. 6d., d.w. guaranteed, coals and general; Venice, 4,000,12s. 7|d.; Barcelona, 1,200, 10s. 6d. Partington to Brindisi, 4,700, Ils. 3d.; Leghorn, 4,200, 10s. 9d. Port Talbot to Valencia, 1,500, 10s. 3d., free tax, one peseta fuel, ppt.; Bayonne, 2,000, 7 fr., ppt.; Algiers, ll^fr., 600, January 15. Llanelly to Dieppe, 580, 5s. 4|d.; Hamburg, 1,400, 6s. Immingham to Las Palmas, 9s. 6d.; Tenenffe, 9s. 6d. Fife port to Genoa, 2,100, Ils. fid.; Savona, 2,100, Ils. 6d.; Leghorn, 2,100, Ils. 6d. Rotterdam to Barcelona, 4,800, Ils.; Bordeaux, 1,500, 8s. 9d., coke, ppt.; Buenos Ayres, 3,500, 18s., with Is. 3d., January 25; La Rochelle, 2,600, 5s. 4|d., end January; Rocheforte, 2,600, 5s. 6d., end January ; La Pallice, 3,200, 5s. 4|d., January 10-20; Porto Vecchio di Piombino, 3,300, 12s. 6d., ppt.; Pauillac, 2,000, 8s 6d., Trignac terms, January 23-24; Livorno, 5,000, Ils. 3d. coal, 12s. fuel, 13s. 3d. coke, January 25 ; Piraeus, 4,500, 12s. 4|d., January 20. Grangemouth to Bahia Blanca, 3,000, 18s. Homeward charters :—Nicolaieff or Odessa, 6,800, London or Rotterdam, 12s. 6d., Hull, Antwerp, Emden or Weser 12s. 9d., Hamburg 13s., with 3d. less barley up to half cargo, ppt.; 5,000, Rotterdam 12s. 6d, Weser 12s. 9d., Hamburg 13s., no reduction, cancelling January 31; Sulina, 4,100, Hamburg, 12s. 6d., with 3d. less barley, ppt. ; 4,100, Marseilles, 15| fr., ppt. ; 4,600, Antwerp or Rotterdam Ils. 9d., Hamburg 12s. 3d, cancelling January 15; 3,700, 13s. n.c. or any, 13s. 6d. Hamburg, January; 3,600, West Italy, 15| fr. one port, 15| fr. two ports, 16 fr. three, January ; Fremantle, 6,800 max, United Kingdom-Con- tinent, 41s. 3d., option Lisbon, 43s., January-February ; Calcutta, 2,849 net, Northern States, about 8 dots., January ; Natal, 8,500, Bombay, 93., January ; New York, 20,000 qrs., 10 per cent., Avonmouth, Manchester, Glasgow, Hull, or Rotterdam 3s. 4|d., Sharpness 3s. 7£d., January; Bahia Blanca, 5,000, 10 per cent, United Kingdom-Continent, 24s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., January 13-20; 5,700, 26s., p.p., no reduction, direct oats, January 30-February 10 ; Baltimore, 35s., Fremantle and Port Augusta, rails ; 1,943 net, Rotter- dam 3s. 6d., Avonmouth, Glasgow, or London, 3s. 7£d., Copenhagen, 3s. 10£d., January ; 27,000 qrs., 10 per cent, Avonmouth or Rotterdam 3s. 6d., Copenhagen 3s. 10|d., January ; Buenos Ayres, 6,400, 10 per cent., United King- dom-Continent, 22s. 6d. o c , less 6d , option Mediterranean 2s. extra, January 20-February 20 ; 3,300, 10 per cent., 22s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., option Fiume2s. 6d. extra January 20; San Lorenzo, 4,000, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Cont., 24s. 6d. o.c., no reduction, ppt. ; 5,300, 10 per cent., 24s. o.c., less 6d., option Bahia Blanca, loading same rates, February 10-March 10 ; 4,500, 10 per cent., 24s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., Feb- ruary 15-March 15 ; 3,000, 10 per cent., Oporto, 25s. 9d., February ; Limiona, 4,800, Ardrossan, 8s., ppt. ; 3,300, Barrow, 8s. 6d., ppt. ; Porman, 2,300, Maryport, 7s. 6d., ppt. ; 5,500, Rotterdam, 7s. 6d , f.t., January ; 4,200, 5s. 9d., f.t., 1,OJO-1,COO, ppt. ; Bilbao, 2 800, Middlesbrough, 6s. 3d., ppt. ; 3,800, 6s., ppt. ; 2,500, Rotterdam, 5s. 9d, January ; 3,400, 5s. 7|d, ppt. ; Barreiro, 2,300, Rotterdam, 7s. 6d., January 15 ; 2,600, 7s. 6d., January ; West Italy, two places, 2,100, London, lump sum equal to 10s. 3d. on d.w., end January ; Adelaide, sail, 37s. 9d., United Kingdom- Continant, spot; 36s., February 15 cancelling, arriving in cargo, charters paying extra insurance ; Caleta Calosa, sail, 4,000, United Kingdom-Continent, 25s. 6d., February- March; South Australia, sail, 36s. 6d., United Kingdom- Continent, France Is. extra; 36s. 6d., January-February; 38s , option Adelaide loading 37s. 6d.: Rio de Janeiro, sail, 20 fr., Genoa, scrap iron; Wallaroo, sail, 36s., United Kingdom-Continent, option Spencer’s Gulf loading 36s. 6d.; Saigon, 25s., Reunion, clean rice; Odessa, Novorossisk or Theodosia, 5,200, London or Rotterdam Ils. 9d., Hamburg 12s. 3d., with 3d. less barley upto half cargo, ppt.; Rangoon, 2,750 net, Hamburg, 32s. 3d., clean rice, March ; Sfax, 2,600, Lmdon, 8s. 9d., ppt. ; Port Breira, 3,300, Middlesbrough, 6s. 9d., ppt.; Huelva, 4,000, Hamburg, 7s. 9d., f.d., January; San Juan, 2,200, Rotterdam, 7s., January; Melbourne, sail, 36s., United Kingdom-Continent, ppt.; 3,300,38s., February- March ; 36s., charterers paying extra insurance; South Australia, Melbourne or Geelong, sail, 37s. 9d., United Kingdom - Continent, January - February ; time charter, Transatlantic trade, 5s. 10|d., one round trip, delivery Rotterdam, re-delivery U.K.-Cont.; Kustendje, 6,800, Rotterdam Ils., Antwerp Ils. 3d., Hamburg Ils. 6d., spot; Novorossisk, 3,800, Rotterdam 12s., Weser 12s. 3d., with 3d. less barley up to half cargo, January ; Sydney, N.S.W., 6 200, United Kingdom-Continent, 42s. 6d., February; sail, 3,500, 38s., March ; Baltimore, 30,000 qrs., 10 per cent., Rotterdam, 3s. 4|d., option part flax seed 3s. 9d., January; 21,000 qrs., 10 per cent., Avonmouth or Rotterdam, 3s. 3d. to 3s. 4d., January; 26,000 qrs., 10 per cent., Hamburg, 3s. 6d, January ; Gulf timber port, 700 stds., 10 per cent., London and Dundee, 125s., March ; Buenos Ayres, 5,000, 10 per cent., Lisbon, 22s. 9d., ppt.; Bahia Blanca, 2,476 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 24s. 6d. o c., less 6d., ppt.; Hornillo Bay, 6,800, Rotterdam. 5s. 6d., January; Port Vendres, 3,800, Rotterdam, 6s. 3d., ppt.; Port Pirie, sail. 3,000, United Kingdom-Continent, 37s., February; nitrate ports, 36s., United Kingdom-Continent or United States, March 5 cancelling; Rangoon or Bassein, 33s., United Kingdom-Continent; Kherson, 4,500, 14s. 6d. n.c. or any, 15s. Hamburg, if 18,000 qrs , 3d. less if 19,000 qrs., in case of ice to complete at Nicolaieff or Odessa 6d. less, January; Newcastle, N.S.W., 3,113 net, Tandjong Priok, 16s., January; Burmah, 2,476 net, Hamburg. 32s., with 6d. less clean rice, February-March; Pensacola, 2,591 net, Holland or Hamburg and London, 127s. 6d., January; Alexandria, 220,000 cs., Hull 9s., London or Hamburg 9s. 6d., with 2,000 tons general, January; Sydney, N.S.W., sail, 38s., United Kingdom-Continent, March ; Gulf Port, sail, 18 dols., Monte Video or Buenos Ayres; time charter, South African trade, 6s., one round trip, delivery East Coast United Kingdom; time charter, West Indies fruit trade, £850, 12 months, delivery Jamaica, March, THE FREIGHT MARKET. The prevalence of exceedingly stormy weather has militated considerably against activity in the outward freight market this week. On the north-east coast, coasting rates, at the time of writing, have advanced to 5s. 6d., Tyne to London. Rates in other directions are as follow:—Tyne to Hamburg, up to about 5s. 9d.; Genoa, Ils.; and Norr- koping, 6s. 3d. At South Wales, rates are fairly steady. There is a good enquiry for forward loading, for which figures are firmer. South America is steady. The Bay and coasting trades are improving. At the Humber, figures are nominally steady, with a rather better demand for Mediterranean tonnage. At the Clyde, business is very quiet at late rates. Homewards, a good volume of charters is recorded. New York advices report a steadily improving demand for tonnage, with rates in all trades fully firm. Grain charters are scarce, but shippers offer fully recent rates. Timber orders are numerous, but tonnage is more plentiful, and rates favour charterers. Time - charter tonnage is in moderate demand at unaltered figures. The Eastern and Australian demand is improving, and rates are on the up-grade. The Black Sea, Azof and Danube are more active and firmer. The Mediterranean and ore ports are firm. The Baltic is quiet. The River Plate is well maintained. Tyne to Algiers, 2,700, 9s.; 2,000, 9s. 6d.; Carthagena, 1,600, Ils., 500; Escombrera, 1,500, 12s. coal, 14s. 6d. coke; Genoa, 4,400, Ils.; 3,600, Ils.; Hamburg, 1,300, 4s.; London, 1.800, 4s.; 2,000, 4s. 9d.; 1,800, 4s. 6d.; 1,700, 3s. 6d.; 1,300, 3s. 6d. ; Leghorn, 2,500, Ils.; Norrkoping, 1,600, 6s. 3d. ; Naples, 4,500, 11s.; 3,000, 10s. 9d.; 10s. 9d., 700; Port Said, 4.800, 10s. 6d.; Rouen, 2,600, 5s.; Savona, 5,100, 10s. 9d. ; Trieste, 3,000, 12s. 101d.; Torre Annunziata, 10s. 9d., 700; Venice, 5,800, 12s. 3d.; 6,500, 12s.; 3,500, 12s. 3d. Cardiff to Alexandria, 4,200, Ils. 6d., January; 5,000, Ils. 6d., ppt.; 5,000, Ils.; 3,900, Ils. 3d., ppt.; Alicante, 2,300, 9s. 6d.; 2,200, 9s. 6d., January 18; Algiers, 2,800, 11 fr., ppt.; Almeria, 1,200, 10s.; Bahia Blanca, 5,000-6,000, 17s.; Brindisi, 2,800, Ils. 3d., 500; Bordeaux, 2,200, 6f fr., ppt.; Brest, 1,300, 4s. 9d., Buenos Ayres, 17s. 9d., 250, ppt.; Bona, 2,600, 13£ fr., fuel; Campana, 17s.; Colombo, 13s. 6d., January; Cherbourg, 850, 5s. 9d.; Civita Vecchia, 3,800, Ils.; Caen, 1,100, 5s. 6d.. spot; Cape Verde, 2,900,10s. 3d., end January; Dieppe, 1,000, 5s. 4|d.; Dakar, 2,000, 8s. 3d., 500, ppt.; Genoa, 3,100,10s. 6d.; 4.300,10s. 6d.; 2,600,10s 6d. ; 2.100,10s. 6d.; 5,500,10s. 3d.; 4,800,10s. 3d., ppt.; Hamburg, 950, 5s. 3d.; Helvoetsluis, 1,350, 5s. 9d., January 21; Islands, 4,800, 9s. 6d., January ; Invergordon, 800,4s. 9d., Admiralty ; Kurrachee and Marmagoa, 14s., net terms; Leghorn, 5.300, Ils. 3d. if 500, 10s. 6d. if 700, ppt.; Lisbon, 3,200, 7s.; 3,300, 7s. 3d., 400, spot; La Pallice, 3,500, 6 fr., January 20; London, 1,400, 4s. 6d.; Monte Video, 3,000,16s., January 18; Marseilles, 4,800, 12 fr., ppt.; 4,000, 12 fr., January 20; 4.500, 12 fr., January 18; Manaos, 3,500-4,000, 20s. 6d., February 3; Malta, 4,400, 10s., January 20; 5,500, 10s., January 20; 4,000, 8s 6d., f.d.; Naples, 5,300, Ils. 3d. if 500, 10s. 6d. if 700, ppt.; Nantes, 3,200, 6 fr.; Oran, 1,200, 12 fr. 350; Perim, 12s. 10£d., end January; Philippeville, 2,100, 12f fr.; Pola, 5,000, 12s. 6d.; Port Sudan, 6 400, 14s., January; Port Said, 4,400, Ils.; 6 300. Ils., January 29; 5.500, Ils., January 24; 5,000, Ils , January 18; 4,800, 10s. 9d., January 21; Porto Ferrajo, 3,200,10s. 6d.; Passages, 1,600, 6s. 9d.; Queenstown, 300, 5s. 9d.; Rosario, 17s. 6d.; 17s. 3d., end January ; 17s.; 17s. 9d., January ; River Plate, 4.400, 17s., January; 5,500, 16s. 6d., January 20 ; 5,300, 16s. 9d.; 4,200, 16s. 9d., January 23; Rio de Janeiro, 4,000, 17s. 3d.; 6,000, 17s.; 17s. 3d., 300, January; Savona, 3,100, 10s. 6d.; 4,300, 10s. 6d.; St. Nazaire, 2,800, 6| fr., ppt.; Torre Annunziata, 3,800, Ils.; Trouville, 1,050. 5s. 7|d., January 20; Villa Constitucion, 17s.; Venice, 3,000,12s. 6d., 400, ppt. Forth to Buenos Ayres, 17s. 9d., 250, ppt.; Rouen, 1,500, 5s. 9d.; 1,200, 5s. 10|d.; Kiel, 2,300, 6s. 3d. ; Genoa, 2,700, Ils. 6d.; Horsens, 1,350, 6s. Hamburg to Callao, sail, 28s. 6d., 80, 29s., 70, coke, April- May ; 31s. 6d., February-March. Newport, Clyde and Birkenhead to Bombay, 21s. Newport to Reggio, 1,600, 11s. 6d., ppt.; Aguilas, 1,500, Ils, end January; Genoa, 4 800, 10s. 3d., ppt.; 4,500, 10s. 6d.; Vigo, 1,100, 8s.; Seville, 1,600, 9s. 3d., steamer pays due, 200; Manaos, 3,700, 20s. 6d., February 3; Alexandria, 5,500, Ils., 700, January 27 ; Almeria, 1,200,10s. Swansea to Caen, 780, 5s. 9d.; Stettin, 1,300, 7s.; Roche- fort, 1,900, 8fr.; Guernsey, 450, 6s. 6d.; Lisbon, 1,000, 10s., 300; Rouen, 900, 6s., spot; 1,500, 6s, ppt.; Barcelona, 1,000,10s. 9d.; Chantenay, 3,000, 6|fr.