January 17, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 117 TREBLE RAM PUMPS TRADE Telegrams:— “ Evans, Wolverhampton."' National Telephone, No. 39. For HIGH GIFTS in MINES, COLLIERIES, &c. TRADE MARK. LONDON OFFICE:— SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON WALL, E.C. Sinking Pumps, Direct Acting Steam Pumps (Simple and Compound), Duplex Pumps (Simple and Compound), High Lift Power Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, AND Steam Pumps of every description. HORIZONTAL ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN TREBLE RAM PUMP. 1,200 feet Pattern. Electrically Driven Pumps, Centrifugal Pumps, Wire Rope Driven Pumps, Horse Pumps, Hand Syphon Pumps for Colliery Work, AND Hand Pumps of every description. JOSEPH EVANS & SONS l=-l Culwell Works, WOLVERHAMPTON. BHP GAS ENGINE AT WORK. SAVING MONEY. .... ...1K _ a* 'V ' ’ AU '/ U I * aiii'M i -X- ...... . .. ill 'W •-W U -U '■ 'ill A'' ' 'I ” ** - F ----------------------... < FROM 400 BHe TO 7,000. BRITISH H.P. POWER CAS ENGINE CO. LTD., and FRASER & CHALMERS LTD., 3, London Wall Building’s, London, E.C.