January 10, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 107 ’'X< ' a * ji Marcus Screen. Capacity, 90 tons per hour. Mk L«» Marcus Screens. Each, 100 tons per hour into 4 grades. INFRINGEMENT M.» p.Tms All Who Are Considering The Adoption of Horizontal Screens are earnestly requested to compare “MARCUS” PATENT N® 14432/1900 and to JUDGE for themselves how far the Adoption of Propulsion Screens other than those manufactured by HEAD, WRIGHTSOH & CO. ltd., will render THE USER LIABLE TO LEGAL ACTION. Head, Wrightson & Co. Ltd., Stockton-on-Tees, will be pleased to forward copy of the MARGOS PATENT on application. Marcus Screen. Capacity, 75 tons per hour. Marcus Coke Screens. Each, 30 tons per hour capacity.