90 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 10, 1913. COAL AND COKE EXPORTED FROM PORTS 'IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES During the month of December 1912, compared with the corresponding month of 1911.* Port. December 1912. December 1911. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrea^u. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons Newcastle 775,854 16,943 822,676 19,319 — 46,822 — 2,376 North Shields 147,344 500 94,505 ! 1,577 — 47,161 — 1,077 South Shields 193,841 703 89,402 1 1,504 4,439 — — 801 Sunderland 218,683 3,266 230,778 2,309 — 12,095 957 — West Hartlepool eH89,031 196 126,332 700 — 37,301 — 504 Goole 73,873 3,085 109,977 1,254 — 36,104 1,831 — Blyth 251,398 829 298,577 1,277 — 47,179 — 448 Newport 380,541 2,062 32,305 1,149 — 876 913 — Liverpool 31,429 1,496 368,736 1,140 11,805 — 356 — Methil 189,945 2,355 237,112 2,708 — 47,167 — 353 Glasgow 144,390 7,023 171,822 3,467 — 27,432 3,556 — Kirkcaldy 9,239 — 13,197 .£20 — 3,958 — 20 Burntisland 181,574 2,708 179,205 1,564 2,369 — 1,144 — Cardiff 1,658,818 5,127 1,600,861 6,718 57,975 — — 1,591 Borrowstoness 47,571 1,493 56,154 950 — 8,583 543 — Llanelly §12,118 — 10,824 — 1,294 — — — Middlesbrough r 1,205 1,624 834 4,113 371 — -— 2,489 Seaham 84,449 — 77,888 489 6,561 — — 489 Swansea 267,134 :v858 260,232 631 6,902 ! — 573 Granton .12,220 4,675 13,729 310 — 1,509 4,365 — Port Talbot 161,362 38 104,114 1,461 57,248 — — 1,423 Alloa 17,158 — 16,629 138 529 — — 138 Grangemouth 123,851 4,060 127,192 10,212 — 3,341 — 6,152 Neath 13,069 — 13,567 — — 498 | — — Hull 317,421 6,946 270,938 5,901 46,483 ! 1,045 — Amble 49,575 — ■ 48,753 — 822 1 — — Troon 10,664 — 8,003 — 2,661 — — — Grimsby 118,395 1,989 102,225 — 16,170 — 1,989 — Ayr 8,855 — 768 — 8,087 — — — Greenock — — — — — — — — Leith 140,727 — 123,608 123 17,119 — — 123 Ardrossan — — 9,087 — — 9,087 — — Stockton — — — — — — — COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE OHITED KINGDOM.* Port. December 1911. December 1912. Port. December 1911. December 1912. Coals. | Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. ; Coke. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 469,438 768 359,917 919 Ayr 75,491 250 55,179 — North Shields ... 14 — — Irvine 6,273 — 2,165 90 South Shields ... 2,140 — 440 — Alloa 1,575 — 1,426 Blyth 36,376 — 30,289 — Whitehaven 19,879 — 18,416 — Amble 8,785 — 5,086 — Liverpool 177,029 1,089 149,518 — Sunderland 130,469 — 133,285 — Grimsby 6,804 — 1,275 — Seaham 81,636 — j 90,383 — Granton 20,730 — 20,914 Hartlepool 44,073 — ' 30,690 — Borrowstoness .. 11,627 — 16;733 — Stockton — — — 20 Burntisland 45,645 37,140 Middlesbro’ — 120 2,202 20 Kirkcaldy 3,510 — 1,233 — Hull 86,387 500 94,181 — Methil 14,200 50 pf 22,668 — Goole 130,495 — 128,683 — Port Talbot 8,906 — 14,824 304 c 350 pf Swansea 20,513 34,166 456c720pf Glasgow 48,732 1,057 27,062 582 Cardiff 178,557 120 231,959 1,305 Grangemouth ... 15,595 13,604 Llanelly 6,065 — j 2,653 — Greenock 269 90 306 180 Newport 54,540 70 49,504 100 Neath 10,999 — 7,841 — Troon 24,000 — • 15,075 — Leith 6,942 3,840 10 Ardrossan 7,301 — 8,217 14 * From Browne's Export List. Mr. Robert White, M.Inst.C.E., consulting engineer to the company, 3, Victoria-street, Westminster, S.W. London, January 14.—Rails, $c.—For (1) rails and fishplates; (2) coach screws; (3) bearing plates, for H.ML Government (the Secretary of State for India in Council). Conditions of contract obtainable from Mr. H. J. W. Fry, Director-General of Stores, India Office, Whitehall, S.W. London, January 16.—Cast Iron Pillars.—For (1) cast iron pillars and bases for fencing; (2) fencing materials, for the Directors of H.H. the Nizam’s Guaranteed State Railways Company Limited. Mr. M. T. Walker, secretary, Winchester House, Old Broad-street, E.C. Melbourne (Australia), January 24.—Electrical Instru- ments.—Tenders are invited by the Melbourne Electric Supply Committee for electrical instruments, including ammeters, voltmeters, transformers, &c. Forms can be seen by British makers at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, London, E.C. Copies can be obtained from the office of the town clerk, Melbourne. It will be observed, states the Board of Trade Journal, that the time for the receipt of tenders is limited, and therefore these intimations will be of use only to firms having agents in Australia who can be instructed by cable. Preston (Lancs.), January 20.—Bridge Steelwork.—For steelwork, for the Corporation (Estates Committee). Thames (New Zealand), January 30.—Diesel Oil Engines.—Tenders will be received by the Town Clerk, Thames, New Zealand, for (1) the equipment of the power station with two vertical Diesel oil engines of 150 b.h.p., direct coupled to two shunt-wound dynamos of 100 kw. normal full load output, together with switchboard and engine-room traveller, &c.; and (2) overhead mains and street lighting equipment, for which the feeders and dis- tributors are to be of hard drawn stranded aluminium, and the lamps of the wire-drawn metal filament type. Forms can be seen by British manufacturers and contractors at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, London, E.C. Toowoomba (Australia).—Pumping Plant— Tenders are invited by the Toowoomba City Council for (1) the supply and erection of a complete pumping plant capable of delivering at least 25,000 gallons of water per hour from a depth of 136 ft. to a reservoir discharge level of 272 ft. above surface level; (2) the supply and delivery of 920 cast iron 10 in. spigot and faucet water pipes in 9 ft. lengths (about 221 tons), exclusive of sockets; and (3) special pipe castings, sluice valves, valve covers, &c. Copies of the specifications can be seen by British manufacturers at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall- street, London, E.C. Warrington, January 21.—Condenser, $c.—For (a) water-cooled condenser, (6) tar still and (c) gas-pressure raiser, for the Corporation. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. Brettell and Shaw Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £3,000 in £1 shares, to take over the business of sheet iron workers, galvanisers, &c., carried on by W. A. Brettell and T. H. Shaw, at Rhodesia Works, West-street, Quarry bank, Stafford, as Brettell, Shaw and Co. First directors, W. A. Brettell (chairman) and T. H. Shaw. Qualification, £300. Bolton Moor Foundry Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £5,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of general ironfounders, kitchen range and stove grate makers, engineers, &c., to acquire certain premises in Emblem-street, Bolton, and to adopt an agreement with J. Crumblehulme. Bullcroft Main Collieries Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £600,000 in £1 shares (100,000 preference), to carry on the business of iron and coal masters, iron and steel manufacturers, colliery proprietors, coke manufacturers, miners, smelters, &c. The subscribers are : Sir Arthur B. Markham, Bart., M.P., 48, Portland-place, W. ; W. B. M. Bird, Earlham, Chichester, Sussex, solicitor. The number of directors is not to be fewer than two nor more than seven ; the subscribers are to appoint the first. Qualification, £2,000. Remuneration (except managing directors), £1,000 per annum, divisible. Solicitors, Bird and Bird, Gray’s Inn, W.C. Registered office, Bullcroft Main Colliery, near Doncaster. Canmore Navigation Coal Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £50,000 in £1 shares, to acquire and turn to account mines, &c., in Canada and elsewhere. First directors to be appointed by signatories. Cefngoleu Colliery Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £5,000 in £10 shares, to carry on the business of colliery proprietors. Qualification of first directors (who are not named), 10 shares. Registered office, Berthlwyd, Gower ton, Glam. Dalmeny Oil Company Limited.—The directors’ report for the year ending October 31, 1912, states that at the close of last year’s account there was a sum of £837 15s lid. at the debit of profit and loss account The result of the working during the past year had been a loss of £524 Is. Id. This, with the debit balance at the end of last year, made a debit amount of £1,361 17s. at the close of the year now ended. During the year the operations were continued for opening up the extended mineral area now leased from the Earl of Rosebery. The opening up was proving satis- factory. The expenditure of capital in the opening up during last year amounted to £10,135 13s. 5d. In the previous year £3,000 was written off depreciation. The directors defer further consideration of depreciation until after the opening up’is completed. Dykehead Coal Company Limited.—This private company has been registered in Edinburgh, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business of the Dykehead Coal Company Limited, Udston, near Hamilton. First directors: T. Steer (vice-chairman), J. K. Dyet, J. Skillin (chairman) and W. E. Smith. Registered office, 3, Brandon-street, The Cross, Motherwell. East Indian Coal Company Limited.—The report for the half-year ended October 31, 1912, states that, after making the usual allowance for the depreciation of buildings, plant and machinery, the half-year has resulted in a profit of £3,731. The sum of £882 brought forward is to be added to the above profit, and there is, therefore, an amount of £4,613 for disposal. The directors recommend a dividend at the rate of 2| per cent., free of income-tax, for the half- year, carrying forward £1,613. The output was 218,788 tons during the half-year, as compared with an output of 219,640 tons for the half-year ended October 31, 1911. Loss of coal during half-year to October 31, 1912, by fire and exhaustion of working, 118,887 tons. Additional coal won during same period, 118,035 tons. Net loss of output, 852 tons. The two inclines, Nos. 2tand 4, at Bararee, are still burning. During the half-year incline No. 3 has been recovered, and the output there is now nearly equal to what it was before the fire. The three pits at Kendwadih are still closed. One attempt to reopen them has failed; another will be made as soon as it can safely be done. About I, 000,000 tons are likely to be lost by the Bararee fire, and another 1,000,000 tons are at present locked up in the pits affected by the Kendwadih fire. Therefore, the new sinkings at Bulliari (four pits in all) should be treated as replace- ments, and not as new works. Until they can be written off Messrs. Jardine Skinner and Co. have, at the request of the board, agreed to lend the company up to £50,000 for this special purpose, interest to be 1 per cent, above Bank rate, with a minimum of 6 per cent, and a maximum of 8 per cent. They have the right to call for a charge upon the company’s assets, but so far they have abstained from doing so. The pits have to be placed in the wettest part of a wet district, and the cost entailed by water troubles is expected to be large. The total amount spent upon the collieries in 19| years is £256,107; of this £108,274 has been written off. Nearly the whole of this latter sum has entirely disappeared in value of coal sold, development work now dead, surrender of land, depreciation and scrapping of plant. The managing agents were instructed in September last to sell part of the company’s holding in the Sutikdih Coal Company Limited, and a sale was effected of 1,408 shares at Rs. 12 per share. Eckstein, Heap and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £50,000 in £ 1 shares, to take over the business of an electrical engineer and manufacturer of electrical apparatus carried on by A. Eckstein at Caroline-street, Broughton-lane, Salford, and 5, Chapel-walks, Manchester, as Eckstein, Heap and Co. First directors: A. Eckstein (chairman and governing director), Brant wood, Oak Drive, Fallowfield, Manchester ; J. Hamer, Low Croft, Bowacre-lane, Gee Cros*. Cheshire; P. B. Hall, Nesfield, Marple-grove, Prestwich, Manchester; and D. B. Meilis, 4, Burlington-road, Altrincham, Cheshire. Qualification of J. Hamer £3,000 shares, of other directors £1,000 shares. Fernhill Collieries Limited.—An offer has been made for sale by the owneis of 70,000 £1 7 per cent, cumulative preference shares (part of an issue of 100,000 shares) of the Fernhill Collieries Limited at the price of £1 Is. 3d. per share. The shares rank for a full half-year’s dividend, as though they were fully paid, as from January 1,1913. The directors of the company are as follow ;—Messrs. D. A. Thomas (chairman), J. W. Bey non, L. F. Bey non, Leonard W. Llewelyn, and Captain J. Charters Kirk, the Win- natts, Cheltenham. The company was incorporated in 1910 for the purpose of acquiring and developing the Fernhill and Blaenrhondda Collieries, situate near Treherbert, Glamorgan. The collieries were previously the property of Messrs. Geo. Watkinson and Sons Limited, and during the twelve years from 1898 to 1909 the average profits were more than sufficient to pay the interest on the present debentures, and the dividend on the 100,000 preference shares, on an average yearly output of about 280,000 tons. Since the acquisition of the properties by the company an important scheme of development has been proceeding with marked success, and a sum of over £60,000 has been expended on new development, plant and equipment. The present output is at the rate of over 600,000 tons per annum. The present issued capital and debentures of the company stand as follow :—100,000 ordinary shares of £1 each, £100,000 ; 30,0007 percent. £1 cumulative preference shares, £30,000 ; 5 per cent, first mortgage debentures, £164,000—total, £294,000. The 70,000 preference shares herein offered represent the balance of the issue of 100,000 shares, and is made by the parties to whom or to whose nominees the company has agreed to allot the shares. The shares were issued by the company in order to pay off an amount already expended in developing the property, and about £14,000 will be utilised in reduction of deben- tures. For each of the years ended June 30, 1911 and 1912 respectively, dividends of 16 per cent, have been paid on the ordinary shares. The area of the company’s property exceeds 2,400 acres, and the leases are for 60 years from 1910. The estimated quantity of unworked coal was on May 9, 1910, over 55,000,000 tons. Gerald and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to take over the business of coal merchants, &c, carried on as Gerald and Co. First directors : J. H. Beattie and C. J. H. McRea. Qualification, £12. Remuneration, £200 and £100 per annum respectively. Registered office, 1, Pancras-road, N.W. Marling and Todd Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £20,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of iron and brass founders, mechanical and electrical engineers, &c. First directors : R. Harling, H. Harling, J. H. Grey and W. Harling. Registered office, Rosegrove Ironworks, Burnley. Harrington Coke Oyens Company Limited.—This com- pany has declared an interim dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 30 per cent, per annum. Improved Casting Syndicate Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £3,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of engineers, machinists, founders, &c. Signatories: F. Sidney and F. Barnet, both of Broad-street House, New Broad-street, E.C. Table A mainly applies.