January 10, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 89 SHIPMENTS OF COAL AND COKE COASTWISE AND FOREIGN DURING 1911 AND 1912 * Shipped from Total quantities of fuel sent to London and other ports in the United Kingdom from the undermentioned ports. Total exports of coal and coke to foreign ports from the undermentioned ports. 1911. 1912. 1911. 1912. Coals. Coke. ! Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. ■ Coals. Coke. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 5,109,568 10,678 4,191,623 7,427 9,709,802 284,712 9,626,179 221,314 North Shields 82 — 4,241 1,231.771 21,108 932,629 8,455 South Shields 28,843 — 57,731 1,477,-i 75 38,830 1,421,05? 23,509 Blyth 281,729 40 366,626 — 3,6-1,358 12,249 3,429.199 11,004 Amble 128,556 — 89,499 — 1 452,217 — 463,877 — Sunderland 1,713,566 10 1,341,119 — 2,851,826 34,579 2,714,670 44,096 Seaham 1,058,821 — 943,974 — 812,135 1,989 833,399 1,070 Hartlepool 43 .‘,265 660 475,974 37 1,389,446 12,281 1,282,720 12,023 Stockton — 40 20 20 1 616 13 — — . Middlesbrough 4,082 2,023 7,555 1,519 | 34,714 40,350 19,452 30,174 Hull 982,096 500 974,262 1,126 3,339,618 37,129 3,663,351 51.091 Goole 1,354,808 — 1,276,815 — 1.267,791 26,881 1,066,722 24,748 Swansea 272,331 3,305 322,558 4,186 2,930,662 7,108 2.995,372 10,093 Cardiff 2,644,520 1,015 2,832,007 7,698 16,167,471 65,369 17,254,014 57,440 Llanelly 59,374 61,351 156,214 143,669 — Newport 689,960 3,967 678,153 890 4,316,161 18,089 4,036,254 16,163 Troon 285,970 14 225,178 33 69,945 — 86,595 155 Ardrossan 76,441 — 126,613 14 43,872 2,536 66,283 Ayr 788,605 416 768,973 370 16,830 49,255 — Irvine 103,177 — ■74,319 120 — — 299 — Alloa 20,570 — 26,667 — 191,523 533 155,893 421 Whitehaven 224,530 — 237,502 — — — — — Liverpool 1,822.793 2,371 1,752,703 764 434.381 15,285 ‘ 368,681 12,985 Grimsby 80,126 — 62,448 — 1,395'197 4,621 1,231,900 4,688 Granton 177,737 970 188,065 — 117,531 28,889 95,411 22,028 Borrowstoness 158,167 11 159,355 554 591,704 14,354 572,270 12,936 Kirkcaldy 25,473 — 22,677 — 107,504 50 103,070 131 Burntisland 383,523 — 403,183 — 1,779,575 5,875 1,737,988 11,463 Methil .. 217,129 — 254,929 — 2,547,441 17,349 2,135,021 11,564 Glasgow 511,105 8,966 465,362 9,476 2,001,214 40,993 1,661,845 36,665 Grangemouth 198,539 2,042 198,645 2,360 1,434,684 76,1<0 1,446,871 92,763 Greenock 16,641 272 12,480 64.8 5, )0 2,556 18,339 30 Port Talbot 164,791 1,912 157,194 1,893 1,497,7 1 15,113 1,621,285 5,416 Neath 168,073 118,102 154,103 126,861 Leith 124,871 171 95,708 100 1,478,861 2,030 1,585,327 334 * From Browne9s Export List. telegram intimating that unless the defendants received the 300 tons of slack which he had offered, and which they accepted, within a week, the order would be cancelled. Without waiting for the expiry of that period the defendants cancelled the order. Plaintiff now stated that he had not been able to sell the slack before November, when he disposed of it at 2s. 3d. a ton. It was contended that it was plaintiff's duty, in view of the circumstances, to have put the undelivered slack on the market immediately after the order had been cancelled by the defendants. His Honour said that everything being dislocated, plaintiff could not bind himself to deliver at any particular time. He held that there had been a breach of the contract, and defendants must pay reasonable damages, and that the loss of 2s. 9d. per ton to the plaintiff must be the measure of those damages. THE FREIGHT MARKET. Outward chartering on the north-east coast is very limited in volume this week, there being still considerable conges- tion and dislocation of loading turns. Tne following are typical figures for Tyne loading (it will be noted that rates for near ports are very weak, but that the Mediterranean is increasingly firm):—London, 3s. 3d. to 3s. 4|d.; Calais, 4s.; Bayonne, 6s. 6d. ; Riga, 6s. 9d. to 7s.; and Genoa, Ils. At South Wales chartering has been brisk. Tonnage is offering freely, and rates are not quite so strong, merchants finding it difficult to arrange stems. The River Plate is easy. There is only a very limited demand for Bay and coasting tonnage. At the Clyde there is a small enquiry, and a moderate amount of business is being done. The Humber is dull. Homewards, chartering is hardly up to the average in volume. There is a fair enquiry for tonnage from the rice ports. Australia is quiet. The East Indies are steady. The Black Sea is dull. America is inactive for most classes of business. The River Plate is more brisk. The Mediter- ranean and ore trades are steady, as is also the Baltic. Tyne to Algiers, 1,500, 9s.; Antwerp, 1,800, 3s. *9d.; Boulogne, 1,050, 5s.; Bayonne, 2,500, 6s. 6d.; 1,500, 6s. 6d.; Barcelona, 1,000, 9s. 9d. ; Calais, 1,050, 4s.; Genoa, 3,100, Ils.; 2,500, Ils., reported ; Hamburg. 2,200, 4s.; 1,400, 4s.; Harburg, 3,000, 3s. 9d.; Jersey, 600, 5s. 6d.; London, 800, 4s. 9d.; 1,500, 3s. 4|d. ; 2,700, 3s. 3d.; Marseilles, 3200, 10s. 3d.; Malta, 1,600, 10s. 3d.; 3,000, 10s.; Naples, 3,800, Ils.; Oran, 1,800, 10s. 6d.; Porto Ferrajo, 4,200, Ils.; Port Said, 5,300, Ils. 6d.; 3,500, Ils. 6d., from Dunston; 3.700, Ils. 4|d., from Dunston; 12s., from Derwenthaugh; 4,400, Ils. 9d., from Derwenthaugh; Palermo, 3,100, Ils. 6d.; Rouen, 2,000, 4s. 6d.; Riga, 2,000, 7s. ; 1,200, 6s. 9d.; Rotterdam, 1,700, 3s. 3d.; Savona, 2,500, Ils.; Tonning, 1,200, 5s.; Trieste, 5,000, 12s. 9d ; 3,000, 13s. Cardiff to Algiers, 2,600, Ilf fr.; 2,500, 11| fr.; 2,600, 11 fr., 600, spot; 3,000, 11| fr., January 17; Alexandria, 5,600, Ils. 6d.; 4,000, Ils. 6d.; 5,200, Ils. 9d.,ppt.; Ancona, 4,500, 12s. 6d., short hours, January 13; Almeria, 2,700, 9s. 10|d., spot; Alicante, 1,100, 10s. 9d.; Barcelona, 2,200, 10s. 9d.; 1 600, 10s. 3d. ; Boulogne, 700, 6s. ; Buenos Ayres, 3,500 3,800, 18s. 3d., spot; Brindisi, 4,000, Ils. lid., ppt.; Charlestown, 360, 5s. 3d.; Copenhagen, 1,200, 6s. 3d,; Cape Verds, 3,000, 10s. 3d., ppt.; Colombo, 13s. 3d., ppt.; Colastine, 4,000, 19s. 6d., January ; Dieppe, 1,100, 5s.; Devonport, four steamers, 2s. 6d., Admiralty ; Ferrol, 800, 8s. 3d.; Genoa, 5,200. 10s. 9d., ppt.; 5,000, Ils.; 3,100, Ils., January 14; 3 800, Ils., ppt.; Hong Kong, 17s 6d. coal, 18s. 3d. fuel; Havre, 1,900, 4s. 9d.; La Pallice, 3,300, 6| fr.; 4,000, 6J fr.; 2 200, 7 fr.; La Rochelle, 2,200, 7 fr.; Leghorn, 6 000, Ils., 500, ppt.; 3,000, 10s. 9d, 800, ppt.; Lisbon, 1,400, 8s.; 3,000,7s. 9d.; 2,800, 7s. 6d., 350, January 15; 2,200, 8s., 350 spot; London, 2,200, 3s. 9d., spot; Monte Video, 5,000, 16s., January 13; 4,800, 17s, January 20; Malta, 3,500-4,000, 10s.; 2,500, 10s.; 3,600, 9s.; 3,000,10s., ppt.; 3,500,8s., Admiralty ; 3,700, 9s., Admiralty; 3,500, 8s. 9d., January 11; Marseilles, 2,900, 13 fr. coal, 14 fr. fuel, ppt.; 2,800, 12 40 fr.; Messina, 2,200, Ils. 3d.; Marans, 900, 9| fr.; Nantes, 1,200, 7| fr.; 2,800, 6f fr.; Nice, 1,800, lls.'9d.; Naples, 5,200, 10s. 9d.; 6,000, Ils., 500, ppt.; Oran, 2,500, 12fr., 400, ppt.; Port Said, 11s. 3d., January; 4,000, 12s. spot; 5,000, Ils. 10|d., ppt.; 5,000, 12s , ppt.; Ils. 6d., January 18; 7,000, 11s. 6d.; River Plate (lower ports), 5,000, 17s, 9d., January 15; Rio de Janeiro, 19s. 6d., fuel; 5,000, 16s. 9d., ppt.; 5,000, 17s., January 13 ; 5,000, 18s., January 14; 19s., January ; Rio Grande do Sul, 32s. 6d„ January ; River Plate, 5,500,18s.; 5,000,18s., Is. 3d. discharge, January 15; 4,700, 17s. 9d., ppt.; 5,000, 16s. 9d.; Rochefort, 2,100, 7| fr., ppt.; Rosario, 3,500-3,800, 18s. 9d., spot; Shanghai, 5,500,19s. 9d., ppt.; St. Nazaire, 3,300,6| fr.; 1.800, 7fr.; St. Malo, 1,300, 4s. 9d.; Sante Fe, 3,500-3,800, 19s. 9d., spot; St. Vincent (Cape Verds), 10s. 3d., ppt.; Sebastopol, 2,600, 12s., ppt.; Seville, 1,100, 9s. 6d.; Sicily, 2,200, Ils. 3d, ppt.; Trieste, 5,200, 12s. 3d., ppt.; Venice, 4.800, 13s. 6d ; 2,000, 13s.; 4,500, 12s. 6d., short hours, January 13 ; Valencia, 1,100, 10s. 9d.; Vigo, 1,800, 7s. 9d., ppt. Newport to Bahia Blanca, 17s. 9d., January; Oran, 2,400, 12 fr.; Marseilles, 1,300, 12| fr. Wear to Catania, 10s. 3d., 600; St. Nazaire, 2,700, 5s. 3d.; Genoa, 3,600, Ils.; Colberg, 1,300, 6s. Port Talbot to Malaga, 1,000, 10s. 6d.; St. Nazaire, 2,000, 7 fr., ppt.; Alexandria, 5,600, Ils. 6d., 500. Swansea to Marseilles, 3 000, 13 fr., ppt.; La Rochelle* 1.800, 7|fr.; Charente, 1,500, 8|fr,; Brest, 1,000, 5s. 6d.; Malaga, 10s. 6d.; Bordeaux, 1,700, 8|fr., ppt.; St. Nazaire, 2,200, 7f fr.; Cherbourg, 850, 6s. 3d ; St. Servan, 1,050, 5s. 7|d.; Caen, 1,180, 5s. 9d.; Stettin, 2,300,7s. 6d.; 500, January 13; Stockholm, 1,600, 6s. 6d.; Nice, 2 300,12s., 300; Alicante, 1,000, 4s. 10d., ppt.; Rouen, 1,100, 6s.; Dieppe, 950, 5s. 3d.; Naples, 6,000, Ils. 6d.; Leghorn, 6,000, 11s. 6d.; Malta, 3,700, 9s., Admiralty. Barry to Rio de Janeiro, 18s. Hull to Genoa, 3,500, 10s.; 3,200, 10s. 9d.; 3,000, 10s. 6d.; Reval, 2,900, 6s. 9d.; Libau, 800, 6s. 6d.; Rio de Janeiro, 18s. 6d., January ; Hamburg, 1,600, 4s.; Rotterdam, 2,500, 3s. 3d.; 1,600, 4s.; Oporto, 1,400, 10s. Blyth to Plymouth, 900, 6s. 6d.; 600, 5s. 9d.; Cherbourg, 900, 6s.4|d.; Rotterdam. 1,800, 3s. 3d. Grimsby to Reval, 2,400, 6s. 9d. ; South Sweden, 900, 5s. 3.1. Rotterdam to Genoa, 3,200, 10s. 91., ppt.; Bombay, 14s. 6d., ppt.; Bordeaux, 1,500,8s. 9d.; Buenos Ayres, 3,500, 18s., with Is. 3d., January ; La Rochelle, 2,300, 5s. 9d., mid- January ; Rochefort, 2,300, 5s. 10d£., mid-January; Pauillac, 2,200, 8s. 3d. coke, ppt.; Barcelona, 2,200, 10s. 4|d., 500 tons coke same freight, ppt.; Port Said, 4,600, 10s. 9d.. January 15 ; Marseilles, 4,800, 11| fr. with 600 or ll|fr, with 900, ppt. Thames to Santos, sail, 27s. 3d. Hartlepool to Genoa, 5.000, Ils. Forth to Riga, 2,300, 7s. Hamburg to Norfolk or Charleston, 4,500, Ils., January. Glasgow to Buenos Ayres, 19s. 3d., coal, January; La Plata, 19s. 3d., coal, January. Burntisland to Libau. 1.700, 6s. 9d. Methil to Fredrikshaven, 700, 6s. 6d. Clyde to River Plate and home to United Kingdom- Continent, 5s. 9|d. Homeward charters:—Nicolaieff and Theodosia, 3,400, Bergen and Va'iekal, 17s., ppt.; Sulina, 2,600, West Italy, 15 fr. one port, 15| fr. two ports, January ; 3,400, Antwerp, Ils. 9d., ppt.; 3,150, Rotterdam, Ils. 6d., with 3d. less barley, ppt.; 2,400, London or Antwerp Ils. 9d., Hamburg 12s. 3d., with 3d. less barley, ppt.; 5,000, Antwerp or Rotterdam, Ils., ppt.; Buenos Ayres or La Plata, 4,800, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 22s. o.c., less 6d., March 20-April 30; 4,800 max., 22s. 6d. o.c, less 6d., 2,000 tons seed Is. extra, January 15-31; 5,300, 10 per cent., 22s. 9d. o.c., less 6d., March 5-April 5 ; San Lorenzo, 3,700, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 24s. 6d. o c., less 6d., Colastine Is. extra, half seed 6d. extra, with Baltic options, January 15-31; 3,500, 10 per cent., 25s. o.c., Iess6d., option Spain Is. 3d. extra one port, Is 9d. extra two ports, February-March ; 4,100, 10 per cent., 24s. 9d. o c., less 6d., March 15-April 15; 5,600, 10 per cent., 23». 9d. o c., less 6d., seed Is. extra, with options, January 5-July 5; 4,500, 10 per cent., 24s. 6d. o.c , less 6d., January 25-February 25; 4,000, 10 per cent, 24s. 9d. o.c., less 6d., January 15 ; 3,500, 10 per cent., 24?. 9d. o.c., less 6d., February ; 5,300, 10 per cent., 24s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., option below bar 2s. less, days, January 15; 3,300, 10 per cent., 24?. 9d. o.c., less 6d., Colastine Is. extra, days, February 20; 6,000, 10 per cent., 24s. 6d. o.c., less 6d , February-March ; 5,800, 10 per cent., 24s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., March; 5,500, 10 per cent., 25s. o.c., less 6d., seed Is. extra, France Is. extra, no options, February 10-March 10; Bahia Blanca, 5,400, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 24s. 6d. o.c., less 6d„ option Buenos lAyres or La Plata, 2s. 6d. less, days, January 8 ; 2,851 net, 24s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., February ; 6,500, 10 per cent., 25s. o.c., less 6d. spot; Alexandria, 2,161 net, London, 9s. 6d., option 2,000 tons general, ppt. ; Bilbao, 1,500, Middlesbrough, 6s. 2d., ppt. ; 3,200, 5.l 7|d., ppt. ; 3,000, 6s. 3d., ppt. ; 2,300, Rotterdam, 5s. 9d., ppt. ; 3,100, 5s. 9d., ppt. ; Sydney, N.S.W., sail, 37s, United Kingdom-Con- tinent, spot ; 36s., spot ; Mejillones, sail, 18s., Honolulu, March-April; time charter, Brazil and River Plate trade, about 5s. 9d., one round trip, delivery United Kingdom, rcj-delivery United Kingdom-Continent ; Halifax, 55s., West Britain or East Ireland, with 200 to 250 stds., hardwood, March ; Burmab, 29s., Trieste, February ; 32s. 6d. o.c., United Kingdom-Continent, 32s., Holland, February-March ; River Plate, 22s., United Kingdom-Continent, o.c.. no reduc- tion direct; Theodosia, 2,700, Huelva and Seville, 13s. 6d., ppt. ; Sulina and Kustendje, 6.800, Marseilles, 15 fr., ppt. ; Phillippines, 3,018 net, Marseilles or United Kingdom-Con- tinent, about 47s. 6d., February ; Bombay, 2,786 net, Japan, 15s. one port, 15s. 6d. two ports, January 20-27 ; 22a. on d.w., Genoa or Marseilles ; Kurrachee, 2,899 net, United Kingdom-Continent, p.p., 18s. 10|d., spot; Philadelphia, 18,000 qrs., lOper cent., Avonmouth, 3s. 3d., January ; Sfax, 2,850, Dublin, 8s. 3d., January ; Hornillo Bay, 4,400, Rotter- dam, 5s. 6d., ppt.; Sagunto or Agua Amarga, 7,300, Phila- delphia, 9s., f.t., January; Gulf timber port, sail, 17| dels., Buenos Ayres or La Plata, March-April; Novorossisk, 3,400, 12s. n.c. or any, 12s. 6d. Hamburg, ppt.; Skyros, 3,500, Rotterdam, 7s., ppt.; nitrate ports, sail, 27s. 3d., United Kingdom-Continent, May-June; Bassein, 2,669 net, United Kingdom-Continent, o.c., 33s., 6d. less Holland, 6d. less if Rangoon loading, end February ; Northern Range, 21,000 qrs., 10 per cent.. Sharpness, 3s. 4£d.; Philadelphia or Baltimore, 2,663 net, Avonmouth, 3s. 3d., ppt.; Baltimore, 20,000 qrs., 10 per cent., Avonmouth 3s. 3d., Rotterdam 3s. 4|d., January; Galveston, 2,327 net, United Kingdom- Continent, p.p., 18s., net form, end January ; Buenos Ayres, 5,300, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 22s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., January 15-25; Porman, 2,399 net, Rotterdam, 5s. 9d., January; Adelaide, sail, 36s. 3d., United Kingdom-Continent, spot; Gulf port, sail, 17| dole., Buenos Ayres; Newcastle, N.S.W., sail, 21s., direct nitrate port, May-June; Bridgewater, U.S., sail, 13 dols., River Plate; time charter, 8s. 6d., one trip. Norfolk to River Plate; Melbourne, sail, 37s., United Kingdom-Continent, spot; 38s, spot. ORTRAGTS OPER FOR GOAL AHO COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late tor inclusion in this column, see Lbadbr and Last Whitb pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Chorley, Jauuary 15.—For 1,000 tons gas-making fuel, for the Corporation. Leeds, January 14.—For coal, for the Property Com- mittee. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ab. Bispham (Lancs), January 18.—Oil or Gas Engine.— For one oil or gas engine direct-coupled to a 100 kw. dynamo, for the Bispham-with-Norbreak Urban District Council. Bombay (India), February 18.—Steel Main.—For about 19 miles of 50 in. diameter steel main, for the Corporation (Tansa Main). Edinburgh, January 15.—Motor Fire Engine Accessories. —For the following accessories for petrol motor fire engines, for the Corporation:—Lamps, two lighting sets, including dynamos, batteries and lamps; speedometers, horns, &c.; tires, two sets solid rubber, band and twin tires; a gear- driven pump of 50 gallons per minute capacity against a minimum head of 300 ft. Glasgow, January 21.—Turbo-alternators —For the following plant, for the Corporation: (1) Two turbo- alternators of at least 6,000 kw. capacity, 1,500 revolutions per minute, together with the necessary condensing plant and accessories; (2) large water-tube boilers of not less than 6,000 square feet heating surface. Gothenburg (Sweden), January 29.—Sewage Pumping Plant.—Tenders are invited by the Gothenburg Board of Works for a new sewage centrifugal, electrically-driven pumping plant for that town. A copy of the conditions of tender (in Swedish) can be seen by British makers at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, London, E.C. Lincoln, January 22. — Turbo-alternator. — For one 750 kw. turbo-alternator with surface condenser and rotary converter, for the Corporation. Lincoln, February 12.—Water-tube Boiler,