January 10, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 67 INDUCED DRAFT FAN IS A GOOD INVESTMENT PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield. Speciality - COAL SCREENING & CONVEYING. THE cost of a “ Sirocco ” » Induced Draft Plant is about 30 to 40 °/„ of that of a chimney of equal capacity. TpHE power to drive the F-'an * varies from 3/4ths to 2 °/0 of the total power generated, while the saving frequently amounts to from 15 to 20 °/0. INCREASES the steaming capacity of existing boilers and thereby increases the Works production. Send for Catalogue 19 H. PERMITS the use of the waste heat in the flue gases by means of economisers, superheaters, &c. REDUCES the Coal Bill be- cause cheaper coal can be used than with natural draft. SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER, IT- '' list* fc, Mr . i Ha b CONSIDERABLY OVER 100 PLANTS Estimates and Designs on application. Agent for South Wales: A. LEIGHTON STEVENS, 15, Fields Road, Newport, Mon, WORK IN BRITAIN COLONIES. • Ma s’ PNEUMATIC ASH TANK COATED WITH WAILES, DOVE & Co/s — PATENT — “BITUMASTIC” Solution & Enamels. The “World’s Record” Anti-Corrosives. Write for Descriptive Booklet to Original Patentees — WAILES, DOVE & Co. Ld., Newcastle=on=Tyne. Also at London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff Birmingham, Leeds, Hull, &c. every office on the telephone. Telegrams‘ ‘ BITUMASTIC.” •, , ■ .... .. ; .. SAMSONITE Official figures for 1911 show SAMSONITE MOST USED. MONOBEL- the most popular coal getter. . NOBEL GLASGOW. SMOKELESS FUEL To Colliery Owners, Power Users, Municipalities, &c. THE ETICOAL SYNDICATE is now pre- pared to negotiate for the erection of plants for the production of smokeless fuel for domestic or industrial use, upon the basis of guaranteed results. Semi=coking coals, washery residues and numerous coals not usable under coke oven practice can be profitably carbonized. Under the process there is an available surplus of high power gases, while the benzol yields from both gases and tar, are unusually large. For full details and information address— THE MANAGING DIRECTOR. ETICOAL SYNDICATE LIMITED, 2, AUSTIN FRIARS HOUSE, LONDON, E.C.