56 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN January 3, 1913 MACHINERY. Gillott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley ” Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See illustrated Adver- tlaement fortnightly. Sole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT A SON, Barnsley. Eor Sale, New Steel Lancashire Boilers, ready for immediate deliveryOther sizes in progress. 30 ft. long by 8 ft. diameter, for 100 lb. working pressure. 30 ft. ,, 8 ft. „ 1601b. „ „ 30 ft. ,, 8 ft. 6 in. 1201b. ., ,, SPURR, INMAN & CO. LTD. Calder Vale Boiler Works, Wakefield. Locomotives of every description, Col- * liery or main lines; COAL-CUTTER MACHINES to ■undercut up to 6 ft.-YORKSHIRE ENGINE CO. LTD., Meadow Hall Works, Sheffield. Boilers and Machinery (good Second- hand) for sale; if you are requiring Boilers, Engines, or other plant, please send us particulars as we shall probably have something suitable to Offer you.—JOHN STRINGER A SON, Dept. 11, Blackbum. T ocomotives, two 10in., 4-wheel coupled, A -J by Pecketts, suitable for sidings; 200 tons specially good relayable Steel Flange Bails, 56 lb. per yard, and quantity of Bull Beads, 24 and30ft., suitable for sidings, with Points and Crossings, Chairs, second-hand or new Sleepers, Crossings, Timbers, and Turntables; one 13 in. Locomotive, almost equal to new; twenty 24in. gauge Tip Wagons and Portable Railway for sale, cheap to clear.—B. M. RENTON St, CO., Midland Works, Sheffield. For Sale, 200 ten-ton Spring-buffer WAGONS in first'class condition ; will be split up to suit requirements. — Full particulars, apply BRITISH WAGON CO., Botherham. For Sale at low price, one 250-kw. ELECTRIC GENERATING SET, 210 volts, one 175-kw. do., 250 volts, and one 52-kw. do., 210 volts; in excellent order.—Particulars on application to Box 5016, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Fumival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. For Sale, three 750-kw. Willans Parsons Triple Expansion Turbo GENERATOR SETS, 440 volts, alternating current three-phase; each set complete with Surface Condenser, Exciter, &c. ; will sell sets together or separate ; have done very little work; immediate delivery and very low price-Apply, HARRY H. GARDAM A CO. LTD., Staines. KfA ten-ton, 25 eight-ton Railway Coal WAGONS for disposal; sale or hire; in smaller quantities if required; commission paid for introducing customers.—Write “C. M. O.,” care of Gould’s, 54, New Oxford-street, W.C. Wanted, one 2-Flued Lancashire Boiler, 7 ft. diameter by 30 ft. long, to re-imure for 1001b. per square inch working pressure; to be inspected.—Box 5057, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 A 31, Fumival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. EH. Longbotham & Co. Ltd., Wake- • field,who buy and sell extensively Machinery of every description, will esteem it a privilege to tender for the purchase and dismantlement of Plant. Telegrams; “Engineer, Wakefield.” Telephone: 44 Wakefield. Catalogue on application. For Sale, 8 large Sinkers’ Huts; can be seen any time.nr-Apply, YORKSHIRE MAIN COLLIERY CO. Doncaster. 117 anted for a large Colliery, a “ Sirocco ” ¥ w type FAN, 20,000 to 25,000 cubic feet capacity, for electric drive.— Price and full particulars to Box 5061, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 &31, Fumival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. IT or Sale, two pairs Edwards Air or JD W VACUUM PUMPS, 30 in., driven direct by Cross Compound Engines, 10 in. and 15 in., as new ; bargains.—THOMAS JOHNSON, Prescott-street, Wigan. Tjpor Sale, Alternating Current Motor, with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to sell BRATTICE CLOTH on good commission only.—Address, FAIRCLOUGH A SONS, Bank-lane, Clayton, near Manchester. TENDERS. Tenders Wanted for 30,000 tons Dry SLACK, delivered by rails and boat at Wilmington, Hull, and by boat at Barton-on-Humber; calorific value 7,400, ash 7 per cent.; 150 tons a week at Barton-on-Humber, and the remainder in equal weekly quantities at Wilmington over 1913-Apply, G. & T. EARLE (1912) LTD., Wilming- ton, Hull. PROPERTIES For Sale, excellent South Yorkshire COLLIERY drawing 15.00C tons weekly, showing big profit; up-to- date plant with electrical installation ; good house, gas, and steam coals; full particulars and price to bona fide enquirers—Box 5064, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Fumival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. NOW READY Demy Octavo, 176 pages, Cloth. Price 6s. 3d. 45 Original Photographs and Diagrams. (post free). Miners' Nystagmus Its Causes and Prevention, By T. LISTER LLEWELLYN, M.L, B.S. (Loud.), &c. WITH A PREFACE BY Professor J. S. HALDANE, F.R.S., M.D., AND A LEGAL APPENDIX BY DOUGLAS KNOCKER, MB., Barrister-at-Law. CONTENTS. Description of the Eye—Anatomy : Physiology—(1) General Description of the Disease—(2) Frequency and Resulting Incapacity—(3) Historical Account of the Disease and Theories of its Causation—(4), (5) and (6) Conditions Determining the Occurrence of Nystagmus—(7) Diagnosis and Prognosis—(8) The Etiology of Nystagmus—(9) Pre- ventive Measures and Treatment—(10) Summary and Conclusions — With Appendices: Legal Information — Glossary—References and Bibliography—The Effects of Deficiency of Oxygen on the Light of a Safety Lamp— Test of Ceag Lamp. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN COMPANY LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. •«* For later Advertisements and Scale of Charges, see Page 28 (Leader Page). Printed and Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 A 81. Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Friday, January 3, 1913.