January 3, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 47 WOOTTON BROS. LD COAL SCREENING & CONVEYING Works: COALVILLE. 5jjoo«o<' Haulage & Shaft Pulleys. Friction Clutches. Turntables. Tanks. STEAM and ELECTRIC DRIVEN HAULING and PUMPING PLANTS. STRUCTURAL IRONWORK General Castings and Smiths’ Work. PIT HEAD GEAR Pit-Head Pulleys, Cages, TIPPLERS, ENGINES, For Winding, Hauling, &c STEAM & HYDRAULIC LIFTS. CLAY PLANT. Brick Machinery. Grinding Pans. CHAIN & ROPE STEAM and Brick & Tile HAULAGE. HAND Presses. Sanitary Ridge Tile & Pipe Making Machines. GIRDERS. COLUMNS. ROOFS. BUILDINGS. LONDON OFFICE S, Masons Avenue, Basinghall Street 1 British Insulated & Belshy Cables Ld., ELECTRICAL CABLE MAKERS & ENGINEERS. READ. TRADE MARK. Works: Prescot, Helsby & Liverpool. SEE LARGE ADVERTISEMENT EVERY FOURTH WEEK. Fourth Edition. Price £2 2s. MacSWINNEY on mines The Law Relating to Mines, Minerals, & Quarries. By B. F. MacSWINNEY, assisted by P. LLOYD-GREAME, Barristers-at-Law. “ This book is a monument of exhaustive labour, incisive power of sifting evidence, and expressing the facts and decisions of the courts in corci.se language.”- Colliery Manager. Reprinted from above Booh. Price 5s. COAL MINES ACT, 1911, And other Acts affecting' the Regulation of Mines and Quarries. WiitFi a, Commentary R. F. MacSWINNEY and P. LLOYD-GREAME, Barristers-at-Law. Mr. MacSwinnev has added a useful commentary to the Sections of the Act explaining difficult points, and has furnished it with an index making any desired point easy of access. The book also includes, and comments on, the Metalliferous Mines Regulation Act and other Acts relating to Mines and Quarries. SWEET & MAXWELL Ld., 3, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. SOKE OVENS with continuous OR WITHOUT RECUPERATORS (SEMET-SOLYAY SYSTEM), AND LATEST BY-PRODUCTS PLANT WHICH REQUIRES NO STEAM FOR DISTILLATION, OR COOLING WATER, AND MAKES NO EFFLUENT. THE COKE OVEN CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., HS,”a.“r SHEFFIELD. ECONOMY AT THE COAL FACE This LONGWALL CONVEYOR is filling Thousands of Tons at the working face of scores of Collieries. IT IS NOT A MERE EXPERIMENT, BUT A PROVED SUCCESS. Diamond Coal Cutter Co. Wakefield. The Improved Coal Mining Co., SACRISTON, near DURHAM. X X GENERAL WARSTIISTG. XXX NOTICE is hereby given, that m an action for Infringement of Blackett’s Patent No. 14,953, of 1904, raised in the Court of Session, Edinburgh, at the instance of the Patentee, William Cuthbert Blackett, Mining Engineer, of Acorn Close, Sacriston, in the County of Durham, Complainer, against Dickson & Mann Limited, Engineers and Steel Founders, incorporated under the Companies’ Acts, and having their registered office at Bathville Steel Works, Armadale, in the County of Linlithgow, Respondents, the Lord Ordinary (Lord Guthrie) by his Interlocutor or Order dated 17th November, 1908 (inter alia) certified the validity of the said Patent, in terms of section 35 of the Patents and Designs Act, 1907. The Patentee hereby WARNS the trade and the public generally against making, selling, buying, dealing in or using Conveyors made in infringement of the said patent, which it is his intention to support and vindicate by all necessary means including legal proceedings. And further CAUTIONS infringers that they render themselves liable to an Injunction or Interdict with costs or expenses as well as to damages and delivery up of all infringing apparatus. Dated this 25th day of January, 1909. Complete Slack Washery in process of erection. Erected for SHEYD COLLIERIES LTD., BURSLEM, STAFFS. PRIMUS Coal Washers. BUILT IN UNITS OF 10/15 TONS EACH PER HOUR. Recent Orders (from one to four Units each). Over 800 in use. LOW PRICE. •TINSLEY PARK COLLIERY CO. LTD., Tinsley Park, nr. Sheffield. *JAS. GRIFFITHS & SON, Glenburn Colliery, Skelmersdale. ♦HOLLYBANK COLLIERY CO. LTD., Essington. nr. Wolverhampton. ♦ABERCRAVE COLLIERIES CO. LTD., Abercrave, South Wales. ♦YNISARWED COLLIERIES CO., Rosolven, nr. Neath, South Wales. ♦CROWN COKE CO. LTD., Consett, Durham. (* Recent Repeat Orders.) PRIMUS PATENTS GO. FALCON IRON WORKS, Falcon Street, OLDHAM.