46 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 3, 1913. 29038. Rotary pumps, motors, or meters. F. W. O. Boeckem. 29039. Process and apparatus for refining benzine, petrol, or the like. H. Wade. 29051. Process for the manufacture of steel and apparatus therefor. Bombacher Hiittenwerke and J. I. Bronn. 29064. Apparatus for softening water applicable for use with steam generators and for other purposes. P. Herweg. 29077. Centrifugal compressors. W. J. Mellersh-Jackson. 29154. Steam generator or like furnaces. P. B. J. Nord- strom. 29182. Gas producers. A. von Kerpely. 29206. Engine, pump, or compressor. C. J. Montgomery. 29219. Governing of compressors when collecting gasas. E. C. Hopkins. 29243. Controlling device for preventing overspeeding and/or overwinding for use in connection with winding or hauling engines and the like. J. Kirkby. 29244. Secondary batteries or accumulators. G. C. Knight. 29429. Mechanical processes of making peat fuel. F. T. Warburton. Complete Specifications Accepted. To be published on January 9. 1911. 28177. Manufacture of explosives. Cocking and Kynoch Limited. 28178. Manufacture of explosives. Cocking and Kynoch Limited. 28184. Coating of steel or wrought iron with chilled cast iron. Davies. 28326. Centrifugal pumps. Taylor and Weil. 28625. Apparatus for indicating, measuring and recording minute changes in barometric pressure. Gibbs. 1912. 240. Rotary pumps. Pearson. 1666. Pipe couplings. Molien and British Mannesmann Tube Company. 4560. Couplings for colliery trams or corves. Hughes. 4578. Furnaces. Atherton. 4640. Steam superheating tubes for locomotive and other boilers and steam generators. Howell. 8245. Centrifugal compressors. British Thomson-Houston Company. 9986. Furnaces for the treatment of metalliferous ores, coking coal, and treating other bodies. Benjamin. 13084. Briquette machines. Liddle. Complete Specifications open to Public Inspection before Acceptance. 1912. 25858. Making high-grade pig iron. Heroult. 26806. Blast furnaces. Kunz. 27521. Apparatus for cleaning iron, steel and other surfaces. Macnicol. < 27762. Process of conglomerating finely-divided granular or friable materials. Kroll. 28553. Removal of clinker from furnaces. Zu Lowenstein. | 28765. Cylinder for engines adapted to work with super- heated steam. Schmidt. 28847. Air heater for heating the blast air for blast furnaces and other’purposes. Pregardien. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Handbook fob Investobs, 1913. 14th edition. 1912. London : F. C. Mathieson and Sons. Price 2s. 6d. net. Twbnty-Fibst Annual Refobt of the Bubeau of Mines, Canada, 1912. Vol. 31, Part 1. Toronto: L. K. Cameron. Mines and Quabbies : General Report, with Statistics for 1911. Part 2, Labour. By the Chief Inspector, Home Office. London : H.M. Stationery Office. Price Is. 3d. Richesses Minebales de Madagascar. By M. D. Levat. Paris : A. Dunod et E. Pinat. Price 15 fr. National Insubancb. By J. H. Watts. London : Stevens and Sons Limited. Price 12s. 6d. The South Wales Coal Annual, 1913. By Joseph Davies and C. P. Hailey. Cardiff: Business Statistics Company Limited. Price 7s. 6d. net. Potts’ Minins Registeb and Directory fob 1912. By W. J. Potts. Nineteenth edition. North Shields : W. J. Potts. Price 10s. 6d. “ Bulletin et Comptes Rendus Mensuels de la Soeiete de Flndustrie Minerale ” (tome 12, No. 12), Decembre; “ Zeitschrift fur das Berg- Hutten- u. Salinen Wesen” (Band 60,'2, statistiche Leiferung) ” “The Resources of Tennessee” (Vol. 2, No. 12), December; “ Cassier’s Maga- zine ” (Vol. 42, No. 6), December, price Is.; “ The Journal of the American Peat Society (Vol. 5, No. 4),October,1] dols.. “ Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers ’’ (No. 72); “ Revue Universelie des Mines de la Metal- lurgie” (tome 40, No. 2), Novembre; “Bulletin de la Soeiete d’Encouragement pour Flndustrie Nationale ” (tome 118, No. 3); “ Annales des Travaux Publics de Belgique” (tome 17, No. 6), Decembre; "Bulletin of the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts (No. 27, Engineering Experimental Station), * A Study of Iowa Population as Related to Industrial Conditions,’ ” by J. E. Brindley; “Journal of the Western Society of Engineers” (Vol. 17, No. 9), November, price 50 cents; “University of Illinois (Bulletin No. 9, Engineering Experimental Station): ‘ An Extension of the Dewey Decimal System of Classification Applied to the Engi- neering Industries,’” by L. P. Breckenridge and G. A. Goodenough ; “ Mining Highest and Lowest Prices, Dividends, &c., for Past Six Years,” issued by Messrs. Fred. C. Mathieson and Sons, price Is.; “ Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers ” (Vol. 43, Part 7); “ Institution of Mechanical Engineers ” (General Index to Proceedings, 1901-10) ; Ditto (Proceedings 1912, Parts 1 and 2) ; “ Mining and Metallurgy Abstracts ” (September 1912) ; “ Publications de 1’Association des Ingenieurs de 1’Ecole des Mines de Mons ” (Quatrieme Series, tome 6) ; “ Province of Quebec, Canada, Mines Branch : Geology and Natural Resources of the Basins of Harricanau and Nottaway Rivers.” GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Census of Scotland, 1911, Co. of Lanark [6097 xxiii.], 2s. Id.; Co. of Perth [6097 xxviii.], Is. 0£d. Friendly Societies : Form A. R. 7 ; ditto, Form A. R. 8 > ditto, Form A. R. 6, 3|d. each. MINES AND QUARRIES : Form 15d, Metalliferous Mines, Special Rules, &c., 2s. 6d.; Form 23, 1 Jd. Workmen’s Compensation, Form A. R. 23, 3Jd. Light Railways Act, 1912, l)d. Trade Reports : France, Dunkirk, 5Jd. MINES FORMS, Nos. 25 and 24, Id. each; No. 27, lOJd. Scotch Education Circular (363), lid. Notes on Map Reading Amendments, l|d. Trade Union Acts : Form A. R. 21, 3|d. Merchandise Marks Bill (No. 2), (344), l|d. Housing of the Working Classes : Scotland, Regulations, December 9, lid. National Health Insurance: Explanatory Statement as to Medical Benefit [Cd. 6542), lid. Census of Production: Final Report, United Kingdom (1907), [Cd. 6320], 8s. In the discussion on “Notes on the Discovery of Fossiliferous Old Red Sandstone in a Boring at Southall, near Ealing,” by Ernest Proctor (communicated by Prof. W. W. Watts), read before the Geological Society, Dr. Strahan commented on the difficulty of the search for fossils, which had been brought to so successful an issue by the author. Dr. J. W. Evans congratulated the author on the excellent use that he had made of the opportunity afforded by the boring, which he only heard of by a happy chance. He suggested that the law should require that full information with regard to bores should be given to the Geological Survey. He also alluded to the serious loss geologists would suffer from the substitution of the chisel drill for the diamond drill, which appeared probable in borings for water and other purposes. Dr. H. Lapworth said the suggestion of the previous speaker, that records of all British borings should be lodged at the Geological Survey office, was a good one ; but it would be necessary to carry the matter a good deal further than this, if the records were to be depended upon. The journals of borings were kept by men who were often more or less uneducated and possessed little or no knowledge of geology. In his own experience he had found that such records were not satisfactory. A Government control of boring records could only be efficiently maintained if the Geological Survey were notified before every boring was begun, in order that the journal should be made under geological supervision. The occasional use of the chisel in the process of boring was to be regretted by geologists; but the borer himself was concerned solely with the cost, and in cases where cores are not demanded, the chisel, being cheaper in many materials than the rotary processes, was often largely employed. NEWTON, CHAMBERS $ & Co. Ltd., THORNCL1FFE IRONWORKS, ESTABLISHED 1793. Telegrams—“ NEWTON, SHEFFIELD.” ________ MANUFACTURERS OF near SHEFFIELD. Telephone—No. 2200 (Two Lines). . I • / PIPES & FITTINGS For Gas, Water & Steam. STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Girders, Roofs, Bridges. TANKS In Iron or Steel. HIGH-CLASS CASTINGS For Machinery and Engine Cylinders. WHEELS BAR WEIGHTS PUMPS