THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 3, 1913. THE Duplex IMPORTANT NEW DEVELOPMENT IN GAS ENGINE DESIGN THE ‘-DUPLEX" VALVELESS GAS ENGINE. The simplest and therefore the most reliable Engine on the market. (Patent) Valveless Gas Engine NO NO NO NO NO NO ADMISSION VALVES. EXHAUST VALVES. CAMS. SIDE SHAFTS. VALVE POCKETS. INTRICATE CASTINGS. Easy to Lubricate. Easy to Overhaul. Steady Running. The “ Duplex ” represents the highest standard of Gas Engine Construction. In Single Units from 200 H.P. up to 4,000 H.P. or larger if required. Write for Booklet. daflicrxPlatt,E MANCHESTER and LONDON. ■ ■i WELDED TUBES up to 36 in. diameter, for ------------- MINING, GAS AND WATER. ----------------------— EDWIN DEWIS & SONS, WOLVERHAMPTON. Telegrams—“Lewis, Wolverhampton.” London Address—143, Cannon Street, E.C. Telephone—No. 15 Wolverhampton, Liverpool Warehouse—58, South John Street. NO MORE PIT CAGE ACCIDENTS I Ascending and Descending Gages Safeguarded, No Interference with Winding. Starting in the Wrong Direction Prevented. # • Safety assured with ‘THE VISOR. The most Effective Machine on the Market. 160 at work. ZXX...JOHN WOOD & SONS Ltd. Telephone : 55 Wigan. Engineers, 'WTGrAIM Telegrams: "Haulagm, Wig in.”