106 The Colliery (Guardian and Journal of the . Coal and Iron Trades, July 11, 1913. CONTENTS OF VOLUME CV. Editorial. Accidents, Prevention of............. 757 Amateur ? What is an............ ....... ’.. 395 Bentley Colliery Case, The.............. 83 Coal Trade in 1912, The ................ 29 Coal Prices ............................ 30 Coal Resources of the World, The ............ 447 Dusts on the Inflammation of Gaseous Mixtures, The Influence of Incom- bustible .......................... 809 Eskmeals Testing Station .............. 967 Exports in 1912, Coal.................. 137 Explosions in Mines Committee, The Fourth Report of the................ 1341 Glasses, Safety Lamp ............187, 239, 291 Ignition or Explosion ................. 655 India, The Coal Industry of .........343, 395 Indian Coal Output, 1912...............1341 Incandescent Gas and Benzol ...........1071 Machinery, Mining ................... 1125 Malingering........................... 551 Memento Mori..........................1019 Mineral Rents......................... 915 Pyrites and Gob Fires.................1285 Regulations, The Draft General .......1397 Rescue Apparatus Problems............. 603 Royal Visit to the North Staffordshire Coalfield......................... 863 Safety Lamp, The Invention of the ..... 343 Stonedusting..........................1205 Winding Enginemen, Hours of Employ- ment of ............................ 707 <£100,000 per Annum................... 493 Articles, &c. Accidents, Colliery, 77, 293, 337, 450, 552, 649, 761, 969 Accidents in Mines during 1912, Fatal . 139 Adamson-Davies Tubular Extension for Boilers, The.......................1119 Ambulance Competition in Edinburgh..... 958 Ammonia Recovery, Advantages of the Direct Method of .................. 903 Baths for Miners.......................1006 Bayley Overwind Preventer, The ........ 955 Belting, Conveyor ..................... 178 Beresford Seam at the Snowdown Colliery, The ............................... 332 Birchenwood Colliery .................. 908 Book Notices, 145, 191, 348, 509, 659, 1027, 1073, 1138 Boreholes as a Means of Saving Life.... 642 Cables in Mines. Electric..........330, 399 Cables for the Transmission of Electrical Energy, with Special Reference to Mining Work, Insulated and Bare Copper and Aluminium ................1290 Cadeby Main Colliery Explosion: Home Office Report.................1057, 1118 Cadeby Colliery Explosions: Miners' Federation Report..................1076 Canada, Mine Rescue Work in............ 431 Cannock Chase Colliery, The Electrification of ............................... 847 Cannock Chase Colliery, Two Groups of Veterans at the ...................1117 Capel, An Improved..................... 696 Cargo Fleet Iron Company's Works, Ex- tensions to the Coking Plant at the ... 501 Catalogues and Price Lists Received, 148, 202, 819, 930, 1027, 1073, 1414 Census of Production .................. 128 China, Coalmining in .................. 957 Coal Trade of 1912, The.............11, 74 Coal and Coke Shipped for London and other Ports in the United Kingdom, 90, 352, 559, 766, 978, 1297 Coal and Coke Exported from Ports in England, Scotland and Wales, 90, 352, 559, 766, 978, 1297 Coal, Coke and Manufactured Fuel from the United Kingdom, Exports of, 91, 351, 560, 765, 976, 1296 Coal and Coke Coastwise and Foreign During 1911 and 1912, Shipments of ... 89 Coal and Dust, Small: Its Production, Prevention, Treatment and Utilisa- tion, with Special Reference to Dry Mines ................................. 747 Coaldust Explosions and Stonedust ..... 285 Coaldust in Mines, Combustion of Oxygen and ............................... 797 Coaldust and its Thermal Value, The Slow Combustion ot......................1214 Coaldust Explosions, Development of ...1326 Colliery Districts, with Special Reference to the Support of the Surface, Sugges- tions on the Development of New .. 536 Compressed Air Pit Locomotives...........1060 Compressed Air for Mines, The Generation and Use of...................... 225 Concrete in Mines, Reinforced..........1333 Conciliation and Arbitration........... 922 Conveying, Underground, 1113, 1221, 1291, 1401 Consumption of Coal, Industrial........ 490 Coke Ovens, Progress in By-Product Re co very at........................ 795 Doncaster, Further Developments near ... 293 Drill, A New Gasoline Rock ............ 389 Dusts, The Inflammability of Carbonaceous 696 Dusts on the Inflammation of Gaseous Mixtures, The Influence of Incombus- tible......................... 811, 848 Eccentric, An Adjustable .............. 700 Electricity for Colliery Managers ..... 231 Electrical Machinery, Standardisation of ...1126 Electrical Equipment of a New Durham Colliery .......................... 346 Emlyn Haulage Engine, The..............1212 Examinations, Mine Managers' 180, 285, 715, 1289,1410 PAGE Examinations in Coalmining, The Board of Education.......................... 487 Exhibition, the Forthcoming Mining Machinery......................959, 1063 Exhibition in London, Mining Machinery 1126,1185 Experimental Station at Derne, The Westphalian........................ 697 Explosions in Mines Committee, The Third Report of the ..................... 905 Explosions in Mines Committee, the Fourth Report of the.....*................1326 Explosives, Storage of Mixed........... 177 Explosives, The Testing of Safety ..... 711 Explosives in Coalmines : New Permitted List .............................. 801 Fans, The Testing of................... 803 Fires, Mine.........................37, 73 Fires, Underground .................... 803 Fire Extinction, The Use of Gases for . 279 Firedamp in Mines.................... 596 Formation of Coal, The ................ 802 Fuse for Blasting, A New Type of Electric 432 Gas Problems, Notes on Mine ........... 433 Gases, The Flameless or Convergent Com- bustion of ...........:............. 69 Goaves, The Hydraulic Stowing of....... 127 Hull Coal Trade ...................195, 814 Humphrey Pump, The..................... 594 Ignitions and Explosions............... 644 Imperial College of Science and Tech- nology, The ....................... 922 India, The Coal Industry of.........330,386 India, Past, Present and Future Coal- mining in ......................... 333 Indian Railways and the Ownership of Coal Property ..................... 596 Institution of Mining and Metallurgy .. 403 Institution of Mechanical Engineers.... 764 Institution of Mining Engineers.'......1017 Iron and Steel in 1912, Exports and Imports of......................... 141 Kent Coalfield, The East............... 295 Kinetic Theory of Gases, On the 953, 1011, 1075, 1129, 1383 Koppers Coke Ovens, Two Large German Installations of .................. 179 Lamps, Approved Miners' Safety 139, 543, 1023, 1065, 1129 Lamps, The Testing of Safety.......344, 387 Lamps, The Lighting Efficiency of Safety... 800 Lamp Gauzes in Fiery Atmospheres, The Heating of Safety ................. 535 London Chamber of Commerce: Report of Coal Section....................... 960 Lothringen Colliery Explosion, Official Report on the ..................... 646 Manager Up-to-date, The Colliery.......1211 Mather and Platt Limited, The New Works of Messrs.................... 484 Measurement of Air in Mines ...........1330 Mediterranean Coal Trade: New Charter... 969 Mego Meter Insulation Testing Set, The... 1222 Metal Works at Greenwich, New........... 36 Methil Dock, The Opening of the New.... 280 Mines Act, The New..................... 244 Mining Association of Great Britain : The New Chairman....................... 855 Mineral Owners' Association of Great Britain ........................... 921 Minimum Wage Act, The ................. 195 Motors, Explosion-Proof................ 487 Motor Working at Constant Pressure, and with Constant Current, The Series wound Electric ....................1064 Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature, 299, 507, 662, 869, 1136, 1408 National Physical Laboratory...........1335 Nelson's Patent Longwall Coal Conveyor... 1013 New Zealand, Coalmining in.............1013 North-East Coalfield, Mechanical Power in the ............................ 435 Norton Colliery with Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus after an Explo- sion, The Reopening of.............1214 Nystagmus, Miners' ....................1215 Obituary, 32, 87, 139, 189, 244, 285, 347, 502, 553, 751, 856, 917, 959, 1021, 1212, 1292 Origin of Coal and Carboniferous Flora ... 451 Output and Value of Coal in 1911 ....... 71 Output of Minerals under the Coal Mines Acts during 1912................... 762 Panama Canal and the Coal Trade, The ... 956 Peebles Turbo Alternators..............1010 Pembrokeshire Coalfield, Fossil Flora of the ............................... 969 Pitch Cancer : Home Office Enquiry ...552, 597 Pudmore Hall Collieries, Rearer Workings at ................................ 699 “P.P." Safety Shot-Firing Appliances, The ............................... 540 Price of Coal..........................1123 Props and Beams in Mines............ 695 Propping, A New System of Pit .........1385 Pumps, S">me New Types of Centrifugal and Turbine......................... 33 Pumping Installations in Mines, Some Novel Devices in Connection with Electrical ........................ 223 “ Pyro" Boiler-Cleaning Apparatus, The 536 Railway Coal Consumption .............. 609 Railway Demurrage Regulations, New..... 181 References Under the Coal Mines Act..... 192 Regulations, New Draft General, 124, 175, 744, 864, 1063, 1344, 1387 Regulations, Mines Act, Conference on Draft General.......................1116 Rescue Appliances. Internal Pressures in... 591 Rescue Brigades, The Training of ...... 336 Rescue Van for South Staffordshire, Mine... 1279 Rotoplunge Pump, The .................. 742 Rufford Colliery Accident, Report to the Miners' Federation ................ 970 PAGE Sampling and Analysis, Coal.........854, 907 Scottish Collieries, New Mining Plant at... 438 Shipments in November, Coastwise......... 37 Shipments in December, Coastwise ....... 283 Shipments in January, Coastwise......... 552 Shipments in February, Coastwise........ 715 Shipments in March, Coastwise .......... 971 Shipments in April, Coastwise...........1287 Specifications and Conditions of Contract for the Purchase of Coal, Model.... 709 Squibs for Shot Firing, The Use of...... 750 Staffordshire Coalfield, A Boring for Coal at Claverley near Bridgnorth and its Bearing on the Extension Westwards of the South.......................... 383 Steam Raising in Tar Distilleries and Chemical Works................. ....1223 Stonedusting for the Prevention of Colliery Explosions, A Record of the Origin of the Principle of ................... 124 Survey Marks .......................... 817 Taxation of Mines in Various Countries, The ................................ 230 Temperature in Mines in Great Britain, The Effect of.......................1286 Thermoscope, The CO2 ...................1223 Tin-plate Trade: Some Recent Develop- Trade Unions, Funds of ................. 907 Valuation of Mineral Properties, The ... 542 Ventilation, Standard of ............... 657 Ventilation of the Bentley Colliery, The ... 73 Water in Coal, The Determination of, 178, 277, 326, 399, 437, 489, 557,1115 Watering Device for Mine Galleries, Automatic........................... 438 Warwickshire Coalfield, The Geology and Palseontology of the ...........639, 714 Winding Engines, The Braking of High Speed .............................. 121 Winding Enginemen, Hours of Employ- ment of ............................ 643 World's Coal Production and Consump- tion, The .......................... 281 Yorkshire Coal and Coke Trades.......... 192 Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire, The Concealed Coalfields of ..1276, 1317, 1385 Supplement. Colliery Guardian Coalfields Map for 1913, January 3 Meetings. Association of Mining Electrical Engineers 439 Geological Society of London............. 607 Institution of Mining Engineers, The ....1273 Indian Mining and Geological Club, The... 1278 Iron and Steel Institute ............803, 960 Manchester Geological and Mining Society 127, 333, 596, 747, 957, 1332 Midland Counties Institution of Engi- neers.............................. 541 Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers ............227, 591 Mining Institute of Scotland ..335, 803, 1335 Mining Association of Great Britain, The 807 National Association of Colliery Managers 1214 North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers........231, 699, 1286 North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers........333, 797, 1341 South Wales Institute of Engineers, 228, 641, 960, 1117 South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers, 383, 536, 852, 1333 Law Cases. Atkinson v. Imrie .................... 185 Baldwin, W., v. Glamorgan Coal Co. Limited ..........................1211 Barry Railway Co. v. The Marquis of Bute 244 Beaufort, Duke of, v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue, and Marquess of Anglesey v. the Same .............. 972 Davies and Another v. Glamorgan Coal Co. Limited .........................1403 Eight Hours Act: Emergencies .......... 554 Evans v. Gwendraeth Anthracite Colliery Co............................... 861 Fraserburgh Harbour Commissioners w. W. Will ......................... 917 Glamo gan Coal Co. v. Amos........... 605 Harter v. Harter, Loftus and Arkwright... 917 H.M. Commissioners of Inland Revenue v. Joicey .......................453, 1025 Hughes v. Pilkington .................. 553 Hunloke v. Spooner .................... 972 Hunting v. Worcester Corporation.....1402 Kuhlirz v. Lambert Brothers Limited ... 649 Lindsay, Gracie and Co. w. John J. Jacobs and Co............................1403 Lochgelly Iron and Coal Co. Limited v. W. Crawford ......................... 816 Lochgelly Iron and Coal Co. v. North British Railway ..................1024 London Traders Shipping Co. Limited v. General Mercantile Co. Limited ..1402 McKinnon v. North's Navigation Collieries (1889) Limited ..................1403 Mitchell v. Mosley................... 453 Morpeth Rural District Councils. Bullocks Hall Colliery Co. Limited ......... 453 Pint us and Sommerfield Limited v. S. Higginbottom Limited............. 972 Richards v. The Wrexham and Acton Collieries Co. Limited .......... 245 PAGE Roberts v. Geo. Watkinson and Sons Limited and Collins ........... 816 Sidney v. Waddilove.... 453 Summerlee Iron Co. Limited, &c. v. W. Thomson ......................... 40 Williams Brothers and E T. Agius Limited in re An Arbitration Between ....T.1025 Letters to the Editor. Amateur Chemists....................... 441 Barometer and the Mines Act ............ 37 Beresford Seam, Analyses of the........ 401 Certificates, Surveyors' and Manager s'..233, 284 Coasting Charter, Proposed New .........814 Compressed Air, The Use of ............ 606 Engineering Staff Association, Proposed British General ................. 1399 Examinations, Colliery Managers'....76, 606 Exhibition, Mining....................1349 Explosives in Coalmines............... 855 Explosions in Coalmines............... 922 Explosions, The Prevention of......... 401 Home Office Colliery Management....... 130 Insurance Act Controversy: Proposed Special Commissio n ..............1292 Jherria Coalfield: A Correction .•.... 402 Lamps, Use of Electric................ 759 Land Duty, Undeveloped ................. 556 Life-saving in Mines.................. 971 London Coal Exchange.................. 814 Nystagmus, Miners' ...............1349, 1399 Oxygen Poisoning ....................... 284 Ponies and Blinkers, Pit ......... 701, 814 Policy of “ Don't Know," The ......... 131 Practice and Theory................... 441 Rescue Apparatus of the Injector and Non-injector Types, Comparison of, 77, 131, 191, 233, 284, 337, 701 Review of “Coal and the Prevention of Explosions and Fires in Mines" ...491, 556 Ruff ord Colliery Accident, The.......... 814 Safety of Mines, The...................... 37 Shaft Disasters .......................... 492 Stonedust in Collieries, Use of........... 284 Surveyors, Status of Colliery 191, 233,401,441, 492, 556 Surveyors, The Proposed Institution of Mine ........................233, 284, 337, 1215 To Correspondents : Durham Gas Coal..... 131 Trivial Quibblers ................... 647 Winding Engines, Controlling Gear on 77, 131, 191 Parliamentary. Baths, Miners'...................... 610 Barnsley Main Fatality, A............. 610 Coal Mines Act, The................... 297 Eight Hours Act: Emergencies............ 196 Enginemen's Hours, Colliery............ 77 Experience at the Face .................1215 First-Aid Certificates............. 759, 864 Firedamp, The Presence of...............1215 Pensions, Aged Miners' ............... 701 Ponies, Pit ........................140, 610 Ponies, Inspectors of Pit ......77, 196, 241 Railways (No. 2) Bill ..............352, 389 Railway Rates.............................: 647 Rescue Work ........................ 610 Rescue Work in Scotland .............. 389 Rhenish-Westphalia, Miners’ Wages in ... 971 Shafts, Electric Lighting of ......... 389 Shooting off the Solid ............... 759 Trade Unions (No. 2) Bill .........389, 553 Income Tax, Collieries and............ 864 Inspectors, The Duties of .............. 971 Inspectors' Dependants, Mines ........1215 Lamps, The Numbering of Safety ....... 140 Lamp Testing Fees, Safety .............. 701 Matches, Inspectors and Search for ... 140 Minimuni Wage, The.................140, 864 Mineral Rights Duty.........77, 297, 971, 1215 Workmen's Compensation Act Appeals ... 241 Workmen's Compensation Act: Contrac- ting Out.......................... 864 Workmen’s Compensation. Arising out of, &c................... 440 Assault by a Bystander .............. 647 Assistance, Fell Dead through Running for..............................1021 Costs of Compensation Cases, The..... 336 Dataller, Injury to a................ 181 Drawing an Inference ............... 440 Drink, L aving Work to get...........1021 Drylie's Case, The Sequel to......... 646 Employment, Scope of................. 813 Illegitimate Children and Parents of Deceased, Conflicting Claim by ..1021 Insurance Act and the Compensation Act, The ............................. 813 Imprisonment, Can Compensation be Paid during a Period of............... 813 Medical Examination, Miner against .. 813 Minimum Wage, Compensation and the ... 181 Mutual Schemes....................... 646 Notice < f Accident..................1021 Notice of Accident, Duty to Give .... 336 Novel Point, A ...................... 440 Parliament, A Futile Question in .... 440 Pneumonia held to be an Accident..... 646 Proof, Onus of.......................1021 Reduction after Award was Signed, Claim for.............................. 336 Riding on Train for His Own Convenience 181 Rules, A Breach of Colliery ......... 440 Strike, An Echo of the Coal.......... 440 Suicide An Accident................... 44